Facebook and Linkedin for Business Presented by Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0 December 2, 2010

Facebook and linkedin for business

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Presentation to business owners on using Facebook and Linkedin for businesses. Covers Facebook Pages, Groups, Places, Deals, and Linkedin Answers, Company Profiles, optimizing profiles, and Groups.

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Facebook and Linkedin for Business

Presented by Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0

December 2, 2010

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About the presenter

Experience: Former executive director, business consultant & more

Bring strategy into social media: Social Strategy Director, Chief Conversation Officer

BA, Emory UniversityMBA, Bar Ilan University

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Social media moves business goals

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Social media influences action

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The potential of social media marketing


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Rise of brand affiliation within a social network

Wave 5 study by Universal McCann: http://www.umww.com/global/knowledge/view?Id=128

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Wave 5 study by Universal McCann: http://www.umww.com/global/knowledge/view?Id=128

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The social media funnel

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Nov 2010:500 MILLION users

Facebook facts

US visitors spend an average of 7 hours a month on Facebook


10% of all internet trafficMuch of FB search is internal to


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It is not a question of

why, but WHEN

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@messages, events, video tagging, photo tagging, custom tabs, private groups, open groups, games and apps, causes, calls to action, community, insights, Places, Deals, events

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Facebook – personal profiles


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Only a personal page?

It is more personal: • Updates are targeted to lists, and are from YOU• You can join groups, Pages cannot• You can participate in groups, Pages cannot• You can talk more about yourself

It’s less work than two: personal and professionalBut:5,000 friend limit, no customization

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Personal page best practices

Collect friends => springboard to PageCreate Lists of friends: post by listSet privacy settings!

Collect relevant pages and groups – be active Mix the personal and professional, professionallyCultivate your professional image through your tabs: photos, video, info, notes, causes, etc.

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Personal promotional page examples

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How Would Wonder Woman Use Facebook for Personal


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Personal Page

Collect a lot of friends!Make sure everyone who needs her can find her via the info tab – semi-private settings-Get involved in a lot of crime-fighting groups -Cross-listings to website, blog, DC comics, Facebook Page, etc- value: my perspective on being a female crime fighter-Value: resources for fighting crime, or becoming a wonder woman-- post my magazine covers, photo shoots, youtube video of TV show, etc- Video: hot self-defense moves!

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Personal profile strategy

Why you need itWhat makes you a thought leader?What do people always want to stop and talk with you about?Topic areas of discussionWhich tabs you will populate?Who you will target?How will you measure success?

Questions for consideration

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Personal page resourcesPrivacy settings:http://www.allfacebook.com/2009/12/facebook-privacy-new/ (set to highest privacy settings)

Keep in mind:“Everyone” really means “everyone who can search online” You can customize every Facebook update, exclude lists of peopleBe careful about who you allow to tag you and add photos and videos

Creating Friend Lists:http://mashable.com/2009/08/14/facebook-networking/

Keep in mind: People can belong to more than one list, sort updates and info by lists

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Creating a professional Facebook personal profile:http://webworkerdaily.com/2009/12/15/create-a-business-friendly-facebook-profile/

Personal page resources

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Facebook – professional pages


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Do you need a professional page?

It is about the discussion, less personal: • Customize tabs, design to the brand/cause• Create special offers, promotions• Create a community of discussion and fans• It’s the new website - your extended website• Great for search and SEO• Fans are loyal and inclined to act!

But…you cannot personally message fans…yet

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Professional page best practices

Collect friends => springboard to PageCreate a custom landing/welcome tab

Create a community and discussionCrowdsource questions – involve your fans (Dr. Phill does!)

Q: How can you use Facebook to offer unique value?

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Professional page best practices

Fan other pages and cross-promote them

Create the wall posts that will address questions

Focus on one or two areas of emphasisCreate shareable content

Facebook Insights!! – also can track custom tabs

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Facebook Insights

Key metrics:• engagement on the Page (or with you)• sharing and mentions• translation into business goals!

Other metrics of interest:• demographics• unique visitors, referral sources• impressions

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Facebook PLACES and DEALS

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How Would Wonder Woman Use Facebook Pages?

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Professional Page

Landing Tab: report inequality crime here-Lasso of Truth Cause: why women aren’t equal -Cross-listings to website, blog, DC comics, Facebook Page, etc- Conversation: women’s equality-Value: resources for women fighting inequality in the home and environment- petition: sign petition for…-post my magazine covers, photo shoots, youtube video of TV show, etc-Create a map of inequality: users upload “hot spots” to the map,- Check in to Facebook Places!

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Questions for consideration

What is the conversation about? What is the central message? Is there a higher purpose?

What is the added value of FB to your fans?

What do you want your fans to do?

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Creating your page strategy

What is the central message of your page?

What will the conversation be about?Where will you find your fans? What is the added value that you will offer FB fans?What do you want them to do? What is success, how will you measure it?

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Professional page resources

Creating a Page in less than 5 minutes:http://blip.tv/file/2341364

Tips and Best Practices:http://johnhaydon.com/2010/03/five-facebook-tips-from-randi-zuckerberg/http://www.diosacommunications.com/facebookbestpractices.htm

Understanding Facebook Insights:http://www.allfacebook.com/2009/09/how-to-monitor-your-facebook-page-insights-to-improve-content/http://www.hyperarts.com/blog/new-facebook-wall-insights-calculate-your-reach/

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Professional page resources

Examples of custom landing tabs:http://fblandingtabs.wikispaces.com/

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70 million users worldwide

One million company profiles

Fabulous for B2B, hiring, creating and deepening connections, showing expertise

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Personal profile, recommendations, apps, company profile, groups, answers (Questions), search, LI pro, job search and listings, saved search; Events, and now company Deals and Products featured

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Using Linkedin effectively

1. Optimize your profile2. Build a relevant network3. Participate in relevant groups4. Use your network to build your business

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5 things you can do to optimize your profile right now

• Complete profile• Keyword optimization• Minimum 50 connections, better >100• At least five recommendations• Use search features to optimize profile

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Primary ways to reach someone

Degrees of connection (introduction)Groups (allow all to connect with you)

- what groups are others members of?Inmail (cold calls)

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Show your expertise

Profile • supporting apps• status updates• recommendations• recommending others (good karma!)

To find applications, go to: http://www.linkedin.com/static?key=application_directory&trk=hb_side_apps

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Show your expertise

Within Groups• ask good questions (but don’t do it to show off) • be super helpful without promoting yourself• offer added value with answers• post interesting content

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Show your expertise

Start a Group• ask good questions (but don’t do it to show off) • be super helpful without promoting yourself• make sure it’s about the content area, not your business• don’t hog the group• Invite in your competition

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Show your expertise

Answer Questions• set up RSS feed subscriptions for your area• be super helpful without promoting yourself• try to add additional resources/links/experts• Don’t answer if you don’t know the answer(!)• Become an “expert” with “Best Answers in” designation

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Find/add events

Linkedin Events are great for publicizing your event• add your Event• invite others to the Event

Find Events – great resource

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Company Profiles

1. Add company2. Set up your company page3. Follow your own company4. Highlight products/services via Products/Services

page5. Offer a deal through Company Profiles

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How Would Wonder Woman Use Linkedin?

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Company profile: follow company-Optimize profile: list of all the criminals she’s put behind bars- Get a lot of recommendations!-Find and follow other crime-fighters- start a Female crime-fighter’s LI Group- Conversation: crime-fighting-Value: frequent status updates, follow her progress- Have a “best answers” rating in crime fighting answers category!

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Thank You!

[email protected] Twitter: @askdebra


Note: this presentation created for the Center for Women and Enterprise