MY CD DIGIPAK Chelsea Wilkie 5184

CD digipack process

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MY CD DIGIPAKChelsea Wilkie 5184

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Front cover

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Throughout my digipak the theme has been who you are and I came up with a theme of who you are being your identity. And so an eye is what makes you, you.

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I then wanted to change the pupil to purple because this is the colour scheme I have chosen and it also gives the sense of being different. So what I did was I went onto the tool bar and clicked on shapes chose a circle and changed the colour to purple and but it over the pupil.

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I then wanted to change the filter on the purple circle so you could still see the pupil and work out what it was so I went on to the filter drop down menu and picked lighten. This is what happened.

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Then because I didn't like how orange the photo looked I thought black and white might look nice and plain so I went onto the tool bar at the top and clicked on enhance then on convert to black and white.

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This was my final picture which I saved as a JPEG ready to paste into my front cover.

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Then I had to add the text on top so that people knew what the album was and who it was buy. I did this by clicking on the text tool.

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I then wanted the text to bend around the eye so I went onto the icon at the top in the text bar and this aloud me to change the warp of the text so I could make it arc.

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Then the final thing I had to do was add a parental advisory icon because some of the lyrics have explicit content not suitable for small children.

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Back cover

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Today I started work on my CD digipak. What I did first was I entered the track titles onto the back cover. I entered them all as separate layers so I could create the shape that is shown so they are not all in a straight line. I then decided I wanted them purple so I changed the colour and font to get the effect I have.

I then added to the spine the title of the album and the serial number along with the record companys logo.I also created a barcode for my CD digipak to make it unique because its personalised with my name and candidate number.

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1.I started of with this hand print which I did myself by getting purple paint on my hand and printing it onto paper.

2.I then opened this image through browse with bridge into photoshop.

3.I then had to use the lasso tool and the magnetic lasso to cut my hand print out form the background which I didn't want.

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4.I then had to rotate my image because I wanted it the other way round so I went on to image in the task bar, rotate and 90* right.

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5.I then had to get rid of excess background that wasn't cut off with the lasso tool.

6.So I used the rubber tool to get closer to the edge of the hand print and rub out the background.

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7.Then I wanted t make it a brighter and darker purple so I went onto enhance in the task bar then adjust colour then adjust hue/saturation.

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8.So in this panel I changed the saturation to +65 which made the purple brighter.

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9.I then wanted to change the purple to make it darker so I went onto enhance again in the task bar then to adjust lighting and brightness/contrast.

10.I wanted to make the handprint brighter and darker so that it will stand out more on the white background and really catch peoples eye.

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11.So I changed the brightness to -20 and the contrast to +97 this is what makes it stand out.

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This is the finished product which will be added into my CD digipack. The reason behind using a hand print is that with in a hand print is finger prints and behind finger prints I DNA which determines who you are which is one of the songs of the album which I am doing.

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I then inserted my hand print that I had cut out and altered using Photoshop into my CD digipack. This ment that the image was completely my own and free from copyright.

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The next part I did was the text at the bottom which I partly from the official album of Jessie.J’s. It basically says prohibited to copy or perform without artist permission. I also added the artists name on the spine and took away the record labels logo because I'm going to have them on the bottom instead.

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This is my almost finished back cover as you can see I have inserted the record labels company and the other logos which are important at the bottom and all the text and pictures are aligned to where I want them.

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This is the final version of my front and back cover.

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Inside Cover

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I started of by typing in the lyrics of my chosen song I chose ‘who you are’ lyrics because that is the song I'm using for my music video so I thought it would be relevant.

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Then I got my artist Stephanie Smith and took a picture of her posing like this. First of all I had to flip the photo because I wanted it the other way round like so.

Then what I did was I opened it with Photoshop and used the lasso tool and the magnetic lasso to cut out Steph from the background. When I took away the background I also feathered Steph so that it made her blend in with the white background she was going on.

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I then put the picture into my inside cover with the lyrics on. But I decided I wanted it a bit brighter and lighter.

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So what I did was I went onto my tool bar then onto image and then hue and saturation and lightened it so it looks really white and bright.

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As you can see there was a bit of blue carpet still in the picture which I didn't want so I used the rubber tool to go around it and rub out the excess bits I didn't want.

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This is the final product with the picture lightened and the background taken out.

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Plastic tray cover

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I then wanted some text to be underneath the CD tray. I chose to put the artists name and I might put an image of something as well. To do this I went onto the insert text tool. Then I wanted it to be purple so I changed the colour.

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Then I decided on having it on a slant so I went onto warp text where I chose to have rise as the style.

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Then I placed it where I wanted it on the page.

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I later decided that I didn't like this idea of having the artists name under the CD tray so I then decided to come up with another idea.

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I decided I liked the image I used on my front cover so what I did was put the picture in and changed the opacity of the picture so it went lighter so it wasn't as bright and didn't stand out as much.

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I then thought of my song and decided to pick the most powerful lyric out of that song that I thought and added it to the page. This would mean that when the CD was taken out you would reveal the hidden lyrics.

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Then because it didn't look right in the middle I chose to move it to the left hand side and it looked much better and was more visible.

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This is my completed inside cover for my CD digipak.