Location- Based Advertising Katherine, Mary, Greg and Jeppe.

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1. Location-Based Advertising Katherine, Mary, Greg and Jeppe. 2. LBA: Location-Based Advertising LBA is generally defined as: ... marketer-controlled information specially tailored for the place where users access an advertising medium Hyper-personalized marketing the right time at the right place. Tracking, utilizing various triangulation methods: GPS, cell-id, RFID, sensors and Bluetooth. Applications: Geofencing LBA on social media hyper-personalized data 3. Ecosystem 4. Challenge #1 Position in Ecosystem: Fierce Competition along the Value Chain Positioning DifficultySolution: Technology mapping - What-to-sell continuum (3 main points) Have a value proposition with a resonating focus 5. Challenge #2 Privacy Issues: Privacy sphere Forecasted behaviorSolution: Legislation Algorithms/Online behavior 6. Technology Skills Development - Mamalode Challenges: Hard copy and local ads Scarce resources manpower, time, financial resourcesSolutions: Go from hard copy to solely web based Step into the web 3.0 domain Increase engagement on website 7. Google Analytics -a decision making tool Free is the bees knees Current audience What they are looking at Where they are from Acquisition channels What social platform refers the most people How many are referred Monthly Reports 8. Audience Overview 9. Acquisition