An Innovating Perspective for eHealth Solutions

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  • 1. Start An Innovating Perspective for eHealth Solutions

2. Mission and Vision 15 YEARS PIONEERING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES EARLY MARKET LEADERS NETWORKED INNOVATORS DEVOTED TO OPEN SOURCE LONG LIFE PARTNERS Our core strategy is based on innovationas a dynamic capability leading to the creation of a continous and differential value 3. Mission and Vision Improve citizens quality of life Using Information & Comunication Technologies Innovation on citizens services provider relationship model 4. Market Sectors Governance Health & Well-being Green ICT Tourism & Cultural Heritage 5. Time to Market Strategy Open Innovation Ecosystem Involved Value Chain Win Win Strategy Interoperability Open Standards End Users Involvement 6. That's All NDAGO INGENIERA C/Alcalde Angel Arroyo, n 10. Planta 2 28904 Getafe Madrid NDAGO LABS Kanala Bidea, Edif. 103, 1 Izda. Parque Tecnolgico de Bizkaia 48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia NDAGO INTERAMERICAS Edificio 223- of. 3A Ciudad del Saber Ciudad de Panam, Panam Jos Manrique Lpez de la Fuente Health & Well-being Innovation Lab Manager [email_address] [email_address]