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Shooting schedule

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Shooting Schedule

Shot Type Day/Night Ext/Int Scene Action Cast/Mise En Scene

Establishing Shot

Day Ext We see the area that Susan has ran off too.

The sun is shining

through the trees and

we see the wind


No cast but we do see

were setting to were the next scene will take



Day Ext We get to see the are were the

scene will take place

The camera pans quickly

across to show the open area

No cast but we see the open space

were the characters will enter

Tracking pan Day Ext Susann runs in and

meets Brown in

the woods

Susan runs in and meets

Brown in the woods

Susan wore Black dress,

leggings, cigarette, fur

coat, make up, red lips,


Medium Shot Day Ext Susan and Brown are

talking about what she did and says that he is going to help her

Brown tells Susan that he knows

what happened

and that he will cover it up for her

so that he is that one

that gets in trouble and she is safe

Susan wore Black dress,

leggings, cigarette, fur

coat, make up, red lips,

heelsBrown wore

shirt trousers shows


Pan Day Ext Susan runs off and brown

Susan and brown run

off in

Susan wore Black dress,


Page 2: Shooting schedule

walks towards were the body is

opposite directions,

brown goes to were the body is to

try and cover it up, and Susan runs away

to hide

cigarette, fur coat, make up, red lips,

heelsBrown wore

shirt trousers shows
