example of my life picture

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Oral presentation



Hello my name is Carles Mas Bacardit and I'm 15 years old. I have one brother, Eduard. He's 19 years old and he likes singing and being a monitor. My parents are Isidre and Anna. My father is 50 years old and he is a doctor. He likes doing sport and training very hard. He's very healthy! My mum's 47 and she works in a school. She likes travelling and going to walk around the lake.


I like all sports, but my favorite sport is football. I am playing in Girona Football Club in the Cadet B category.

I like computer games. This week Im playing a game called Call of Duty 4th.

I like all kinds of music, but I prefer rock. I recommend you to listen to Marea. It is a very good rock group.

I enjoy myself a lot when my friends and I go to music parties and when we meet and talk.

I like watching films with my friends. If the film is a horror film, much better! You must watch Rec.


First, I usually get up at eight oclock. Then, I have a shower and I prepare the school bag. After that, I go to school by bicycle and I start the classes. When I finish school I go back home and I have some milk with biscuits. Later, I do my homework and then I go to Girona with my football team. Then I go back to Banyoles and I have dinner. In the evening I usually watch TV programmes.


On Saturday mornings I usually go to play a football match.

On Saturday afternoons I always do homework and study very hard for exams.

On Sunday afternoons I usually meet my friends and we often go to our local.

On Saturday nights I usually take a DVD and watch it at home.

On Saturday nights I sometimes go out until midnight.

On Sunday mornings I hardly ever go running around the lake.I stay in bed instead. In the afternoon I go to the cinema


Last Saturday it was a very good day. In the morning I played a football match against Sant Feliu de Guxols. After that, I had lunch at home with my family. Then I met Cesc and Albert and we went to La Draga. At night I had dinner with Albert and Xavi in my house. Then we met Jordi, Tiri and Cesc and we went to a party in Porqueras. We went to bed very late

Last Sunday it was a very boring day. I got up at eleven oclock and I went running around the lake. Then I had a shower and I had lunch. I did my homework and studied very hard for the final exams in the afternoon.


Last summer my family and I travelled to Roma.

We visited a lot of monuments: the Coliseum, Saint Peters Basilica, the Vatican, the gods temples, some cathedrals I liked this journey a lot and I had a very good time. In the future, Ill visit this city again.


Next summer Jordi, Cesc and I are going to travel to Dublin, Ireland. We are going to live with a family for three weeks. We are going to take English classes three hours every day. The goal of the journey is to learn English, to have a good time and to make a lot of friends.