Living Out Christ in a Secular World 2

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Bible study on the Book of James by Randall Cook, presented at Grace Church in Cape Coral, FL (Spring 2014) www.egracechurch.com

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LESSON 1- “STEPS TO MATURITY”Step #1- Have a Clear Sense of Who You Are!

(James 1:1)

A) Practice Obedience (John 14:15, 21, 24; 15:10:

Romans 7:15-20; 8:5-9)

B) Show Humility (Romans 14:7-8; I Cor. 6:19-20: Philippians 2:5-10; Jeremiah 9:23-24)

-John Wesley- “I the chief of sinners I am, but Jesus died for me.”

C) Devotion to the Master-

Live out your Love for God and Others - (Mark 12:28-31)

- God First, You Second, then Others!

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Step #2-Discover Joy in the Struggles! (James 1:2-4)

A) James is talking about a choice in our ATTITUDES!!

B) “trials”- “an external adversity which provides a testing towards an end”

C) Word for a young bird “testing” his wings

D) Most people’s ideas of joy and happiness involves ease, comfort, security, and avoiding difficulties.

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E) James has a different idea about happiness because he holds a different theory about the meaning and purpose of life- and that purpose? To achieve a Christ-like character

F) Therefore, the Christian can be joyful when he undergoes various trials, because he knows their purpose.

G) Romans 5:3-5

1) Not rejoicing that we are suffering- not martyrdom, not masochism!

2) But, rejoicing that our God is BIGGER than any problems!!

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3) Romans 8:28- “To those who love God, who are called according to His plan, EVERYTHING that happens fits into a pattern for good.” (Phillips)

4) “Suffering”- “thilipsis”- pressure

a) Think of ALL the pressures that have occurred in your life.

b) These pressures (these sufferings) are to produce this perseverance in you.

5) “Hupomone”- not just endurance, or patience, but overcoming patience and endurance

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a) It isn’t enough to just endure

b) This word means to face and overcome and conquer the struggles and problems of life.

c) ATTITUDE!! We decide how we will be effected by those pressures by how we perceive our God!!

d) Do we see Him as John did? “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.”

e) J. B. Phillips’ Your God is Too Small

6) “Perseverance produces CHARACTER

a) “Dokime”- used of metal which has passed through the fire so that everything unworthy is purged out of it.

b) Daniel 3:1-18

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James 1:13-15

Fact #1- It is inevitable!!

Fact #2- It is never directed by God! (v. 13)

Fact #3- It is an individual matter (v. 14)

a) You can’t blame anyone else

b) I John 4:4

c) Choice

d) I Corinthians 10:12-13

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Fact #4- Temptation always follows the same steps

(Genesis 39:1-4, 6-12)

1st- The Bait is Dropped

2nd- Inner desire is attracted to the bait

3rd- Sin occurs when we yield

4th- Tragic consequences always follows

“You cannot play with the animal in you without becoming

wholly animal. You cannot play with falsehood without

forfeiting your right to truth…He who wants to keep his

garden tidy doesn’t reserve a plot of weeds.”

-Dag Hammarskjold (Second UN Secretary General)

-I Corinthians 10:12-13

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1st- The Need for Spiritual Growth- God allows because it is through trials that we grow in Him! (James 1:3;Hebrews 12:1-2; Isaiah 43:2;Matthew 5:48:Philippians 3:12, 14-15; Romans 8:28)

2nd- It is a Part of Being Committed to Christ in a Secular Society (John 15:18-22)

3rd- A spiritually mysterious trial- no rational or logical reason!-

Job’s response:

”Though He slay me; yet will I trust Him!

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Step #4- Discover How to Think God’s Way

James 1:5-8 Meaning of Wisdom?

1) Not a wisdom based on factual knowledge

2) Neither is it a knowledge based on life experience

3) A wisdom tied to vv. 2-4; I John 4:16 How to Think God’s Way?

#1- Trust God (Matt. 6:25-34; 7:7-11; Jeremiah 9:23-24;; 17:5-8; I John 1:6-7; John 8:29-36)

#2- Submissive to God’s Will (Jer. 29:13-11;

I John 5:14; John 14:15-17

#3- Consistency, not double-mindedness

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#3- Consistency, not Double-Mindedness

-lit. “a man with two souls or two minds inside him”

(Matt. 6:24; Mark 8:34; Proverbs 3:5-8; Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 12:1-2)

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Now, vv. 17-18 is connected here to vv. 13-15. Note what James is saying-that sin is deceptive.

Satan is ALWAYS deceptive. I Peter 5:8 TWO truths for us here:

1st- The source of ALL evil is Satan!

2nd- The source of all good is God!!

- John 8:12

- Romans 8:28

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And, because God is the Creator, then all of creation is GOOD! (John 1:3)

And, God’s creation has a purpose!

-Colossians 1:15-17 v. 17- “…who does not change like shifting

shadows..”-James is contrasting the fickleness of

our humanity with the stability, the certainty of God.

- The universe may change, we may change, but God does not!!

-Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:8

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v. 18- God chooses to save us!!!

a) The means? “the word of truth”

b) John 1:14

c) John 15:16

d) What is amazing is that God chooses us!

e) He is the Chooser; I am the Choosee!

f) “We are not numbers to Him; we are persons intimately known..He comes to

us, each one, saying, ‘Follow Me, and you will find your real self.’”- Albert Edward Day

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V. 19- Listen MORE; Talk LESS! The reality is that we talk too much, and listen

too little. God is our role model here. He REALLY does listen

to us! And, our listening is to start with listening to


-John 10:4-5; Psalms 66:16-20 Then, God calls us to listen to others, and that

involves focusing on the other!!

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And, be slow to speak (James 3:3-12)

1) Words can lift up; words can destroy.

2) I Corinthians 13:5-7; Proverbs 10:19

3) Christians do not enjoy gossip, do not believe in tearing down the lives of others, EVEN when they HAVE done wrong!!

4) We don’t speak before thinking, or that is what we aren’t suppose to do..

5) The Great Commandment AGAIN

(Mark 12:28-31)- Love our neighbors AS WHAT?

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vv. 19-20-”slow to anger…does not bring about the righteous life that God desires..”

1) Anger (wrath, desire for revenge, indignation)2) Human emotions such as anger, the desire to get even, will cripple you

spiritually.3) I Cor. 13:5

V. 21- “Therefore, get rid of all moral filth…”1) Notice what he is saying—If you are controlled by your negative

emotions, it shows you are not God’s. 2) “filth”- from the Greek ruparia

3) Galations 5:19-21 4) “rupa”- ear wax-“word planted in you”-two meanings for “planted:1st- inborn or innate- Prevenient grace (Wesleyan)2nd- Planted in you as seed you have heard in the past.

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It is HERE that James begins to be very practical in his teaching!!

Spiritual stagnation is what happens when we come to church, hear the Word preached, or read it for ourselves, and then don’t translate it into appropriate action!!

James 4:17 James 3:10-11

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Vv. 23-24 -Looking into a mirror and comparing oneself to oneself

- When I look into a theology which is established by my standards, I ALWAYS look ok!!!

- So, I am deceived to thinking I am ok!

- The danger of trusting your conscience.

V. 25- Living out God’s perfect law brings true freedom!

- John 8:32, 34-36

- Gives real happiness!!

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-“Religious” (outward traditions; ritual; liturgy)

- All the religious stuff we do means nothing if our lives are not lived true to the Word’s teachings!!

-James is, again, warning against living lives that are not real in God’s eyes, that are not lived with integrity.

- Our estimation of ourselves as to who we are can be so off!!!!

- Our goal is to become Christlike, and that is a life-long journey

- Eph. 4:13-14

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Vv.26-27- What it IS!!

1st- A ministry of responding to the needs of others with the love of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit! (“to look after orphans and widows in their distress”)

- GCC does not relieve me from my personal responsibility!!

- I John 3:16-18

2nd- A religion that exhibits a personal purity (“..keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”)

- I John 2:15; John 17:15

- Matthew 5:8

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Eph. 2:8-9 Paul says, “We are justified by faith” James is correcting teaching that was developing

in the Church about what Paul was saying. Christians in Paul’s day were practicing what

Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace.” We will be known as Christians not simply because

we have faith in Christ, but HOW that faith effects our lifestyles.

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In 2:1-7 James confronts the issue of those who are tempted to think they are better than others, whatever the reason.

Here James uses the issue of rich v. poor, and how we treat them differently.

But, that is just one example. What James is attacking here is any sense of snobbishness or

contempt or discrimination we might feel for someone who does not meet our expectations.

The faith which is based in Christ does not allow for any discrimination based on birth, race, ethnic background, economic status, or sex.

“Jesus loves the little children….they are precious in his sight.” Galatians 3:26-29 Look at v. 10-13; Romans 3:23- This is as strong as it can be

said!!!!! We are ALL sinners saved by grace!!!!

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James 2:8- The key to a happy life!!!! We cannot do this kind of love in our own

strength. That is WHY we must have Christ live IN us

through the Holy Spirit!!!!! I John 4:7-12 Romans 5:8; 8:35-39; 13:8-10 John 13:34-35

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Galatians 5:22-23- One FRUIT of the Spirit-

LOVE John 21:15-17 Greek words for love (Storge’, eros, phileo, Agape)

Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness FaithfulnessGentlenessSelf-Control

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We can ONLY be free emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through Christ, and specifically through the mercy of Christ.

John 8:32 And, what is really amazing about it is that this freedom to

be me, for you be you and authentic you, is rooted in God’s mercy, where his mercy triumphs over His judgment of us.

I deserve judgment because of sin, but His mercy, His love, triumphs over all of that.

And, that is why I have NO problem extending mercy to that one that has wronged me.

Remember, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

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Here James defines faith in 4 ways: 1st- A real faith MUST include deeds (v. 14)

-V. 17-a “useless” faith 2nd- Faith without action (deeds) is DEAD

(Vv. 17, 26) 3rd- Faith cannot just be mere mental

assent or intellectual belief (V. 19)

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4th- Biblical faith is best defined as active obedience- two examples (Vv. 23-24)

The ONE common denominator of every person in Scripture who honored God by their faith is that they actively obeyed Him!!

Talking is easy; it is living the talk that matters.

Jesus, quoting Isaiah, “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”

(Isaiah 29:13; Matt 15:8) Mark 8:34; Matt. 5:16

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Asking with Right Motives-Vv. 1-3

1) Here James confronts our humanity and what I call our “wanting.” We want this; we want that.

2) And, that leads to conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

3) Healthy living begin with connecting with the life-giver, and that involves prayer.

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4:4-5- God First; All Other Loyalties Second

1) There can be NO divided loyalties in our relationship with God.

2) God wants us for Himself!!

3) Mt. 6:24a- “No one can serve two masters.”

4) Demas-Colossians 4:14; Philemon 24;

II Tim. 4:10 4:7-9- Keys to Spiritual Victory-

1) Starts with Submitting (V.7)- Luke 9:23

2) Jesus in the Wilderness- Matthew 4

3) Satan CANNOT defeat us!!- I John 4:4

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4) If we are being defeated by Satan, then there can only be two reasons:

1st- We are trying to live in our own strength and power, and not

depending on God.

2nd- We don’t want to resist Satan, and want to do that thing that is not God’s will for us.

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So, how do we defeat Satan, and keep the victory?

1) “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.” (v. 8); Rev. 3:20

a) Do we have a fear of getting close to God?

b) We are as close to God as we want to be.

c) For some of us, getting close to another brought pain, but God is not them. He

won’t hurt you, or let you down!!

c) Charles Sheldon’s In His Steps

2) “Wash your hands, you sinners.”

a) Our outward lifestyle

b) Conduct that is holy

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3) “Purify your hearts, you double-minded”a) Matt. 5:8b) a reference to motivesc) Motives are what God looks at first.d) Soren Kierkegaard- “Purity of heart is

to will one thing- the will of God.”e) “Double-minded”- spiritual

schizophrenia; wanting it both ways; to be a Christian, and to do what one wants to do; God says no way to that!!


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4) “Grieve, mourn, and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.” (V. 9)

a) He means God wants true repentance.

b) “Repent” (metanoia)

c) What James means is that God wants true sorrow for one’s sins; not

sorrow one was caught, but true sorrow for the sin.

d) God is not condemning being a joyful happy person; he is challenging the

shallow laughter of those who find that in sin.

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5) True Humility Begins the Life of Victory (V. 10)

a) “I the chief of sinners am, but Jesus died for me.” Wesley

b) We discover our worth, our meaning in life, by emptying ourselves of all self, of all sin.

c) Then He begins the process of filling you with Himself through the Holy Spirit.

d) John 14:16-17

e) Acts 2:38

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James gives us very practical advice about planning for your future God’s way.

And he begins with specifying three sins which can prevent us from planning for the future according to God’s will:

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#1- The Sin of Presumption (4:13-15)

a. an arrogant display of pride

b. Analogy of the businessman

c. Proverbs 27:1

d. James is telling us to not only be presumptuous about our plans, but also about our lives.

e. V. 14- “morning fog” (Living Bible)

f. Luke 12:15-21

g. Prioritizing our relationship with God

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#2- The Sin of Boasting (V. 16)

a. Based upon the erroneous belief that we are able to control our own destiny, that we have the power to determine our own lives

b. “Boast”- poneros (Greek)- word for used for “evil” in the Lord’s Prayer

c. Here is a question: Is self-confidence dangerous for the Christian?

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#3- The Sin of Omission (V. 17)

a. Without a doubt, one of the most difficult forms of sin with which to deal.

b. “Sin”- “hamartia” (missing the mark)

c. Not only missing the mark by not just doing what is wrong, but by failing

to do what is right.

d. Matt. 25:14-30

e. Again, James is warning us to be “doers.”

f. God gives a command; our response is to be obedience.

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V. 15- “God willing” should become the motto of our lives: What does that mean?

- Living with utter dependence upon the sovereign will of God

-This is not to be a cause for fear or for inaction, but a reason for acknowledging our total dependence upon Him

-Our plans may not be His plans, but He does have a plan for YOU!!

-Jeremiah 29:10-13

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Be Patient: God is ALWAYS on Time (vv.7-9)-Isaiah 26:3- II Peter 3:8-9

God’s never gives up on us, but His patience is not forever.

Be Patient, even during times of suffering, knowing that whatever God allows in our lives will not last forever.

Job 42:10-16

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(5:13-18) This is not an “if” word when James refers to

praying for healing Notice the one word James uses over and over and

over- PRAY!! Prayer is God’s release mechanism for His power in

our lives. What is a greater miracle? A temporary physical

healing OR a spiritual healing of a person lost in sin? V. 16 blows me away!! John 14:12

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Truth? John 14:6- Jesus is the truth We are our brother’s keeper. So, I am to take the initiative to reach out to that

brother. John 13:35 We will save such a one from death (Romans 6:23) “Multitude of sins?”- Psalms 103:11-12; Judas

Iscariot; Luke 15:10

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William Barclay’s The Letters of James and John

Lloyd Ogilvie’s The Communicator’s Commentary

The Interpreter’s Bible Commentaries

Willard Taylor’s God, Man, and Salvation

Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament

H. Ray Dunning’s Grace, Faith, and Holiness

Karl Barth’s Epistle To the Romans

Martin Luther’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans

John Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament