The Living Christ an Easter Countdown

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  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    g{x _||z V{|An Easter Countdown

    The Lord Jesus Christ b y Heinric h Hofm ann

    Eac h day is based on a portion o f

    The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

    With da ily d evotiona ls, d isc ussion q uestions, songs, and sc riptures

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    The Living ChristThe Testimony of the Apostles

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsAs we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ

    two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of

    His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His greatatoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an

    influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon

    the earth.

    He was the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament,

    the Messiah of the New. Under the direction of His

    Father, He was the creator of the earth. All things were

    made by him; and without him was not any thing made

    that was made (John 1:3). Though sinless, He was

    baptized to fulfill all righteousness. He went about

    doing good (Acts 10:38), yet was despised for it. His

    gospel was a message of peace and goodwill. He

    entreated all to follow His example. He walked the roads

    of Palestine, healing the sick, causing the blind to see, and

    raising the dead. He taught the truths of eternity, the

    reality of our premortal existence, the purpose of our life

    on earth, and the potential for the sons and daughters of

    God in the life to come.

    He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His

    great atoning sacrifice. He was arrested and condemned

    on spurious charges, convicted to satisfy a mob, and

    sentenced to die on Calvarys cross. He gave His life to

    atone for the sins of all mankind. His was a great

    vicarious gift in behalf of all who would ever live upon

    the earth.

    We solemnly testify that His life, which is

    central to all human history, neither began in Bethlehem

    nor concluded on Calvary. He was the Firstborn of theFather, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer

    of the world.

    He rose from the grave to become the firstfruits

    of them that slept (1 Corinthians 15:20). As Risen Lord,

    He visited among those He had loved in life. He also

    ministered among His other sheep (John 10:16) in

    ancient America. In the modern world, He and His Father

    appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, ushering in the long-

    promised dispensation of the fulness of times

    (Ephesians 1:10).

    Of the Living Christ, the Prophet Joseph wrote:

    His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was

    white like the pure snow; his countenance shone abovethe brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound

    of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah,


    I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I

    am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father

    (D&C 110:34).

    Of Him the Prophet also declared: And now,

    after the many testimonies which have been given of him,

    this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him:

    That he lives!

    For we saw him, even on the right hand of God;

    and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only

    Begotten of the Father

    That by him, and through him, and of him, the

    worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof

    are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:22


    We declare in words of solemnity that His

    priesthood and His Church have been restored upon the

    earthbuilt upon the foundation of apostles and

    prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner

    stone (Ephesians 2:20).

    We testify that He will someday return to earth.

    And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh

    shall see it together (Isaiah 40:5). He will rule as King of

    Kings and reign as Lord of Lords, and every knee shall

    bend and every tongue shall speak in worship before Him.Each of us will stand to be judged of Him according to

    our works and the desires of our hearts.

    We bear testimony, as His duly ordained

    Apostlesthat Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal

    Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands

    today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the

    life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that

    leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world

    to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His

    divine Son.

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt bxM g{x U|{ y ]x V{|

    From the Living Christ: As we c om memo rate the b irth of Jesus Christ two m illennia a go , we o ffer our

    testimony of the rea lity o f His ma tc hless life a nd the infinite virtue of His g rea t a toning sac rifice . None

    othe r has had so p rofound an influenc e up on a ll who have lived and will yet live up on the e a rth.

    Song: Joy to the World, hymn 201 or your favo rite Christma s hymn

    Sc ripture Rea ding : Luke 2

    Discussion Questions:

    There would be no Christmas if there w ere no Easter.

    ~Gordon B. Hinckley, The Things I Know, May 2009 Ensign~

    Why do you think President Hinckley m ade such a sta tem ent? What d id C hrist d o on Easter tha t m akes His b irth so spec ial? How do es rea ding a bo ut His b irth at this time of yea r ad d to your unde rstand ing of the


    Wt gM [x t {x vxt y {x xt{AFrom the Living Christ: Unde r the d irec tion of His Fathe r, He wa s the c rea tor of the ea rth. All things

    were mad e b y him; and w ithout him wa s not any thing ma de tha t wa s ma de (John 1:3).

    Song: My Heave nly Fathe r Loves Me (Children s Song boo k, 22829)

    Sc ripture Rea ding : John 1:3; Genesis 1 & 2; Hebrews 1:1-2; 1 Nephi 17:36; Moses 1:33

    Discussion Que stions:

    Now, the word c rea te c am e from the w ord baurau, which does not mea n to c rea te

    out o f nothing; it mea ns to o rga nize; the same as a ma n would o rganize materia ls

    and build a ship (Josep h Smith, Histo ry of the Churc h, 6:308).

    Expla in tha t the wo rd createme ans to o rga nize, not to ma ke som ething from nothing. Who c rea ted the ea rth? In whose image were we c rea ted ? What is our responsibility to the ea rth a nd a ll living things on it? What did G od say a bo ut his creations? How should we feel ab out the g ood things we ma ke or


    What d id G od do on the seventh da y?Further Rea ding for Teens and Ad ults:Christ a nd the C rea tion by Elder Bruce R. McConkie

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt g{xxM g{x Ut| y ]x V{|From the Living Christ: Though sinless, He w as bap tized to fulfill all righteousness. He we nt a bout

    do ing go od (Act s 10:38), yet wa s de spised for it. His go spe l was a me ssage of p ea c e a nd go od will.

    He entreate d a ll to follow His exam ple.

    Song: Baptism, C hild ren s Song boo k pg 100 or When Jesus Christ w as Baptized , Children s Song boo k

    pg 102

    Scripture Rea ding : Ma tthew 3:1317; John 3:5; 2 Nep hi 31:410, 1721; Mo siah 18:817; Doc trine a nd

    Co venants 33:15

    Discussion Questions:

    Who b aptized Jesus? Why did John the Baptist hesitate to bap tize Jesus? Why did Jesus wa nt to b e b ap tized ? What doe s immersionmea n? Why must we be put c omp letely under the wate r when w e a re


    What ha ppe ned right afte r Jesus wa s ba ptized ? Why do we need to be b ap tized? How do we rec eive the g ift of the Holy Ghost? How did you feel when you were ba ptized ? How did you feel when you w ere c onfirmed and

    given the gift of the Holy Ghost?

    What d id you p rom ise w hen you we re b ap tized ? What d oes Hea venly Fathe r prom ise us?

    Wt YM g{x `|tvx y ]xFrom the Living Christ: He wa lked the roa ds of Palestine, healing the sick, ca using the blind to see ,

    and ra ising the d ea d.

    Song: Come Follow Me hymn 116

    Scripture Rea ding : Ma rk 1:14-15, 21-45; Ma rk 5:21-43; 1 Nep hi 7:12

    Discussion Questions:

    The Lord doe s not a lways hea l the sick, nor save those in hazardo us zone s. He doe s not a lwa ys relieve

    suffering and d istress, for even these see ming ly undesirab le cond itions ma y be pa rt of a purposeful


    ~Spenc er W. Kimb a ll, (Trag ed y or Destiny, p . 5)~

    What is a m irac le? (An extraordina ry event c aused by divine or sp iritual powe r; see BibleDict iona ry, Mirac les.73233.)

    Why do yo u th ink Jesus performed mirac les? (Ma tthe w 9:2930; Ma rk 1:41; 2:5, 10; 5:36. Top rove that he w as the d ivine Son o f God , to streng then the faith of those w ho b elieved in him,

    be c ause he loved and had c omp assion for those in need , and be ca use o f the faith of those

    who b elieved .)

    What is one of the Saviors mirac les tha t you w ould like to have w itnessed ? Why? What doe s it mea n to have fa ith in Jesus Christ? Rea d Pres. Kimba ll s quote a bove . Explain tha t som etime s a person is not hea led of a sickness

    or handica p when prayers are offered . Does that m ea n we do nt have faith? Why? Why might

    it not b e G od s will that a pe rson b e hea led ?

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt Y|xM ]x gtz{ {x g{ y Xx|From the Living Christ: He ta ught the t ruths of eternity, the rea lity of our p rem ortal existence, the

    purpo se o f our life o n ea rth, and the p otential for the sons and daug hters of Go d in the life to c ome .

    Song: I Lived in Hea ven, pg . 4 of C hild ren's Song boo k

    Scripture Rea ding : Matthew 5

    Discussion Que stions:

    [Perfec tion] will not c ome all at o nce , but line upo n line, prec ep t upo n prece pt, exam ple upo n

    exam ple, and even then no t a s long as we live in this mo rtal life. But here we lay the found at ion

    to p rep are us for that p erfec tion. It is our duty to be b ette r tod ay tha n we w ere yesterda y, and be tter

    tom orrow than we are tod ay ~Josep h Fielding Smith (Doc trines of Sa lvation, 2:18)~

    Expla in that the tea c hings in Matthew 5:311 are ofte n c alled the Bea titudes. How can theBea titude s help us bec om e m ore like Jesus? Disc uss ea ch one as you see fit for your fam ily.

    What do es it me an to be the salt of the ea rth? How c an we be like salt? What do es it mea n to b e a light unto the w orld ? How c an w e b e a light unto o thers? How should w e t rea t our enemies or those who do not like us? How ca n w e b ec ome pe rfect? Rea d quote ab ove by Josep h Fielding Smith. Help the c hildren

    unde rstand tha t if they try to live the tea c hings that Jesus taught in the Sermon o n the Mount,

    they w ill be o n the p at h to p erfec tion. Emp hasize tha t perfec tion is a g radua l thing tha t will not

    be ac c omp lished in this life. Wha t we need to d o no w is try to b e m ore like Jesus ea ch day.

    Wt f|M [x ||xw {x ftvtxFrom the Living Christ: He instituted the sac rame nt as a reminde r of His g rea t aton ing sac rific e.

    Song: The Sac rame nt, Child ren s Song boo k pg 72

    Scripture Rea ding : Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:15-20

    Discussion Questions:

    I am a witness tha t the re is a sp irit a ttend ing the adm inistrat ion of the sac rament tha t w a rms the soul

    from hea d to foot; you feel the wo unds of the spirit being hea led, and the load is lifted . Co mfort and

    happ iness com e to the soul tha t is wo rthy and truly desirous of p artaking o f this sp iritual food . - Melvin

    J. Ba lla rd, "How Ca n We Have Spiritua l Hung er?" (Improvement Era 1919)

    What d id Jesus do a t this Passove r mea l? Why d id he do t his? What did Jesus say the brea d rep resented? What d id Jesus say the w ine rep resented ? (If any of the c hild ren a sk why we use w ater instea d

    of w ine for the sac ram ent, refer them to Doc trine and Cove nants 27:12)

    When w e say am en to the sac ram ent p rayers and pa rtake of the sac ram ent, wha t are wep rom ising to d o?

    What doe s the Lord p rom ise us in retu rn? Why is it important fo r us to a lways rem em ber Jesus? What c an you do t o a lwa ys rem em be r the Savior?

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt fxxM [| zxt t|z tv|y|vxFrom the Living Christ: He instituted the sac rame nt a s a rem inde r of His grea t a ton ing sac rifice . . . He

    gave His life to a tone fo r the sins of a ll ma nkind . His wa s a g rea t vica rious gift in beha lf of a ll who w ould

    eve r live up on the ea rth.

    Song: To Think ab out Jesus, Child ren s Songb oo k pg 71 or your favo rite Sac rame nt Hymn

    Scripture Rea ding : Ma tthew 26:3646; Ma rk 14:3242; Luke 22:3946; John 3:16; D&C 19:1518

    Discussion Questions:

    In Gethsem ane a nd o n Ca lva ry, He w orked out the infinite a nd e ternal atone ment. It wa s the

    grea test single ac t of love in rec orded history. Thus He b ec ame our Red eemerred eem ing a ll of us

    from physic al dea th, and red eeming tho se o f us from sp iritual dea th who will obe y the laws and

    ordinanc es of the gospe l (The Teaching s of Ezra Taft Benson [1988], 14)

    Why wa s Jesus willing to sub mit to the grea t suffering he knew he w ould e xperienc e in theGa rden o f Gethsem ane? What c an w e lea rn from the Sav iors p raye r in Gethsem ane? How

    have you b een b lessed as you ha ve subm itted to Hea venly Fat hers will?

    What d id the Savior expe rience in Ge thsem ane ? For who m d id Jesus suffer in the Ga rden o f Gethsem ane? What is the a tonem ent? (The Atonem entJesus Christ s vo luntary ac t of ta king upon himself

    dea th and the sins and infirmities of a ll ma nkind . It is important to remem ber that the

    Atoneme nt included the Saviors suffering both in the g arde n and on the c ross.)

    Additiona l Rea ding s for Teens and Adults:The Me diato r by Boyd K. Pac ker; The Atone ment C an C lea n,

    Rec laim, and Sanc tify Our Lives by Elde r Shayne M. Bow en

    Wt X|z{M g{x Uxtt tw g|t y ]x V{|From the Living Christ: He w as arrested and cond em ned on spurious c harges, convicted to sat isfy a


    Song: Beho ld the Grea t Red ee me r Die, hymn 191 or O Savior, Thou Who Wea rest a Crow n, hymn 107

    Scripture Rea ding : Ma tthew 26:1416, 4727:31; Luke 22:4723:43

    Discussion Questions:

    Who be traye d Jesus? How did Juda s be tray him? What hap pe ned to Juda s? Why d id Jesus stop his Ap ostles from defend ing him? What lesson do you think his d isc iples

    lea rned when Jesus hea led the w ounde d ma ns ea r?

    Why d idn t Jesus answer his ac c users during his tria l? How m any times d id Pete r deny knowing Jesus? Why do you think Pete r d id this? How d id Pete r

    feel when he realized wha t he had do ne?

    What did the pe op le d o to Jesus after he wa s sentenc ed to b e c rucified ? Why did Jesus allow the p eo ple to pe rsec ute him?

    Additiona l Rea ding for Teens and Adults: And Pete r Went Out and Wept Bitterly by Go rdon B. Hinckley

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt a|xM Vtt VFrom the Living Christ: He w as arrested and cond em ned on spurious c harges, convicted to sat isfy a

    mo b, and sentenc ed to d ie on C a lvarys c ross. He g ave His life to a tone fo r the sins of a ll ma nkind . His

    wa s a g rea t vica rious gift in beha lf of a ll who wo uld eve r live upon the e arth.

    Song: Your favorite Sac rame nt Song

    Scripture Rea ding : Ma tthew 27:3266, Luke 23:2656, John 10:1718, 19:1342

    Discussion Questions:

    By wha t tw o na mes is the plac e w here Jesus wa s c ruc ified known? Who was Jesus c ruc ified with? How did the tw o th ieves rea c t to Jesus? What d id the sec ond

    thief say that show ed he w as beg inning to rep ent? What wa s Jesus rep ly?

    What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink? Whom d id Jesus ask Hea ven ly Fa ther to forgive? Who w ere som e o f those w ho m oc ked and reviled (insulted) Jesus while he hung on the c ross? How d id Jesus show grea t love for his mo ther while suffering on the c ross? How long did the d arkness cove r the land? What did Jesus c ry out? Had Go d rea lly forsaken his

    Son? (Explain tha t Heaven ly Fa ther had withd rawn his sp irit for a t ime so tha t Jesus c ouldc om plete his victory over sin and de at h b y himself.)

    What mirac ulous events hap pe ned at t he time of Jesus d ea th? What does rent in twa inmean? (Torn in half.) Wha t testimo ny did the c enturion o ffer whe n he saw wha t hap pe ned ?

    Who wa s Josep h of Arimathe a? What d id he d o? What d id the Pha risees ask Pilate to do ? Why did they wa nt the sep ulc hre g ua rde d?

    Additiona l Rea ding for Teens and Ad ults: The Sac rament and the Sac rifice by Elder David B. Ha ight

    Wt gxM g{x e|x _w

    From the Living Christ: He rose from the grave to be c om e the firstfruits of them that slep t (1Co rinth ians 15:20). As Risen Lord , He v isited amo ng tho se He had loved in life.

    Song: Did Jesus Rea lly Live Aga in? Ch ild ren s Songbook p g 64 or He is Risen hymn 199

    Scripture Rea ding : Matthew 27:5253, 28:115, Luke 24; John 20; 1 Corinthians 15:6; Acts 1:3, 9-11

    Discussion Questions:

    Why did Mary Mag da lene a nd the other women c ome to the to mb on Sunda y morning? Whom did the wom en see w hen they went to the tomb ? What d id the ang els say to the


    What d id the a nge ls mea n whe n they said , He is risen ? What d oes it mea n to b eresurrected?

    What d id the w ome n do a fter they saw the emp ty tomb? Why didn t the d isciples be lieve the wo men s ac c ount of w hat the ang els had said? What d id Pete r and the othe r disc iple find w hen they w ent to the tom b? (Explain that the

    othe r disc iple wa s p rob ab ly John.) Why d id the y b elieve Jesus Christ ha d be en resurrec ted ?

    What b lessings will we rec eive bec ause of Jesus Resurrec tion? Why we re Cleop as and his com panion sad as they wa lked a long the road to Emm aus? Wha t

    d id t he resurrec ted Lord tea ch them a s they walked?

    How d id the two disc iples feel a s Jesus taug ht them ? What g ave the m this feeling?

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    What d id the Ap ostles think they we re see ing when the Savior appe a red to them on theevening o f the d ay he wa s resurrec ted ? How d id Jesus rea ssure t hem that he w as a

    resurrec ted being , not a sp irit?

    How d id Thom as respo nd to the o ther Apostles testimonies that the Lord ha d be enresurrec ted ? How d id he com e to b elieve tha t the Lord had b een resurrec ted ?

    Who e lse d id Jesus appea r to a fter his resurrec tion? How long d id Jesus sta y w ith his d isc iples afte r his resurrec tion? How did Jesus asc end into hea ven? Who c am e to e xplain to the pe op le w hat ha d

    hap pe ned? What d oes this ac c ount teac h us ab out Jesus sec ond c oming?

    Wt XxxM [| b{x f{xxFrom the Living Christ: He also m inistered amo ng His other shee p (John 10:16) in anc ient Am eric a .

    Song: Easter Hosanna , Child ren s Songb oo k pg 68

    Scripture Rea ding : 3 Nep hi 8-11

    Discussion Questions:

    What ha d Sam uel the Lam anite p rop hesied to the Nephites abo ut the Sav iors de ath?(Helama n 14:2027) Why wa s he t rying to p rep are them ? (Helama n 14:2829) How we re these

    prophecies fulfilled? (3 Nephi 8:525)

    What d id the Sav ior say wa s the rea son t he p eople ha d be en killed? (3 Nephi 9:2, 12) Wha t d idhe say to the p eo ple who ha d no t be en killed ? (3 Nep hi 9:1314) Wha t do es it mean to com e

    unto Christ? What b lessings w ill we rec eive a s we bec om e m ore like the Savior?

    What d id Jesus tea ch the peo p le a bo ut his mission? (3 Nep hi 9:1517) Why is it imp ortan t fo r usto know tha t Jesus Christ is the Son of G od ?

    What d id Jesus say wa s the rea son he cam e into the w orld? (3 Nep hi 9:21) What must we do tobe save d from our sins? (3 Nephi 9:22) How d id und erstand ing the Atone ment ma ke the

    peo p le feel? (3 Nep hi 10:10)

    How ma ny times d id the p eople a t the tem ple in the land Bountiful hea r the vo ice fromhea ven a nd no t understand it? (3 Nephi 11:34) What d id the p eop le d o so they c ouldunde rstand the vo ice? (3 Neph i 11:56) Wha t d oe s it me an to op en the ir ea rs to he ar it?

    What d id the pe op le hea r Hea venly Fathe r tell them the third time ? (3 Nep hi 11:67) Wha timpo rtant things do we lea rn from this introd uc tion?

    What d id the p eo ple see a s they looked up to wa rd he ave n? (3 Nephi 11:8) When the Sav iortold the m w ho he wa s, why do you think the p eople fell dow n to the ea rth? (3 Nephi 11:1012)

    How w ould you have felt if you had b een there? Why d id Christ have the peop le fee l the

    wound s in his body? (3 Nep hi 11:1415)

    How d id the Nep hites fee l and show g ra titude and love fo r the Savior? (3 Nep hi 11:1617) Howc an w e show love a nd g ratitude for him a nd w hat he has do ne for us?

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt gxxM [| c|x{w tw V{v{ tx exxwFrom the Living Christ: We dec lare in wo rds of solem nity that His p riesthood and His Church have

    be en restored upo n the ea rthb uilt upon the found at ion of a po stles and prop hets, Jesus Christ

    himself b eing the chief c orner stone (Ephesians 2:20).

    Song: The Priestho od is Restored , Children s Songboo k pg 89 or The Sixth A rtic le o f Fa ith, Children s

    Song bo ok pg. 126

    Scripture Rea ding : Artic les of Fa ith 5 & 6; Joseph SmithHisto ry 1:6874 (inc lud ing the foo tno te to verse

    71) D&C 13; D&C 20:14, 37, 7179; 21:15

    Discussion Questions:

    Why d id Josep h Smith and O liver Cowd ery go into the w oods to p ray? Who a ppe ared t othem? Who w as John the Bapt ist?

    How did John the Baptist o rda in Josep h Smith and Oliver Cow dery to the Aa ronic Priesthoo d?Why did this p riesthoo d authority need to c om e from a hea venly messeng er? (The p riesthoo d

    need ed to b e g iven b y some one w ith the p rop er authority. Bec ause the priesthood had be en

    taken from the ea rth, no one on the ea rth had that a uthority.) How are men o rda ined tod ay?

    What p riesthood autho rity is nec essary to bap tize? (Aa ronic Priesthood ; see JSH 1:69) Wha tpriesthood autho rity is nec essary to g ive the g ift of the Holy Ghost? (Melc hized ek Priesthood ;

    see JSH 1:70)

    Who w ere Pete r, Jam es, and John? When wa s the C hurc h orga nized ? What wa s Josep h Smith ca lled to b e in the Church? What

    wa s Oliver Cow de ry ca lled to be ? Who ga ve Josep h and O liver these c allings? Who ca lls men

    to b e a postles and p rop hets today? (Jesus Christ)

    What w ere the ea rly mem be rs of the C hurc h taug ht a bo ut the Prop het Josep h Smith? Whotells us what Jesus Christ wants us to d o tod ay? (The living p rop het .) Where c an we he a r or

    rea d a bout the te ac hings of the living prop het? Why should w e learn wha t the living prophet is

    teac hing us tod ay?

    Why is it important tha t The Church o f Jesus Christ o f La tte r-day Sa ints is the same as the c hurchJesus esta b lished when he lived on the e a rth? Why do we nee d Jesus Christ s church o n theea rth today? What b lessings do you rec eive b y be ing a m em ber of The Church o f Jesus Christ

    of La tte r-day Sa ints?

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    Wt g{|xxM ]x{ f|{ gx|N gx| y {x Tx

    From the Living Christ: O f Him the Prop het a lso d ec lared : And now , after the m any te stimonies which

    have b ee n g iven o f him, this is the testimony, last o f a ll, which we g ive of him: Tha t he lives!

    For we saw him, even on the right ha nd o f God ; and w e hea rd the voice b ea ring reco rd that he is

    the O nly Beg otten of the Father

    That b y him, and through him, and of him, the w orlds are a nd were c rea ted , and the inhab itants

    thereof a re b eg otten sons and da ughte rs unto G od (D&C 76:2224).

    We bea r testimo ny, as His duly orda ined Ap ostlestha t Jesus is the Living Christ, the immo rtal Son o f


    Song: Joseph Smith s First Prayer, hym n 26

    Scripture Rea ding : D&C18:26-36; D&C 76:22-24; D&C 107:23-24,

    Discussion Questions: What a re som e o f the d uties of the Twelve Apostles? What responsibility do Apostles have tha t sets them a part from other office rs in the c hurch? What d oes it mean to b e a witness? When d o w e he a r these m en b ea r witness of Jesus Christ? What ra rely used punc tua tion m ark is used in D&C 76:22? Why do you think it is used there? Who d id Josep h Smith see ? What things c an we lea rn about the Savior from Josep h Smith s testimony? Is it nec essary to see Jesus to know tha t he lives?

    Additiona l Rea ding for Teens and Adults: And He G ave Som e, Apo stles by Edwa rd J Brand t; The

    Twelve by Boyd K. Pac ker

    Wt YxxM g{x fxvw V|zFrom the Living Christ: We testify tha t He w ill som ed ay return to e arth. And the g lory of the Lord sha ll

    be reve a led , and a ll flesh sha ll see it tog ethe r (Isa iah 40:5). He w ill rule a s King o f Kings and reign a s

    Lord o f Lords, and eve ry knee sha ll bend and eve ry tongue sha ll spea k in wo rship b efo re Him.

    Song: When He C om es Aga in, Child ren s Song bo ok p g 82

    Scripture Rea ding : D&C 29:911; D&C 45:4454; D&C 49:7; 88:9699 D&C133:4, 10-11, 42-52

    Discussion Questions:

    When w ill the Sec ond Com ing ta ke plac e? What w ill happ en to the righte ous at the time o f His c om ing? To the wicked? What w ill the Sav ior be we a ring a t His sec ond c om ing? What ca n we do in our lives now to p rep are for the Sec ond Com ing?

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    Wt Y|yxxM ]wzx

    From the Living Christ: Eac h of us will stand to be judge d o f Him ac cording to o ur wo rks and the

    desires of o ur hearts.

    Song: Lord , I Would Follow Thee, hym n 220

    Scripture Rea ding : Revela tion 20:12-14; D&C 137:9

    Discussion Questions:

    Like it or not , therefo re, rea lity requires that we ac know ledge our responsibility for our desires. Brothers

    and siste rs, whic h d o we rea lly d esire, God s p lans for us or Sa ta n s? Righteous desires need to be

    relent less, therefore, because, sa id Presiden t Brigha m Young, the m en a nd wo me n, who d esire to

    ob ta in sea ts in the c elestial kingdo m, will find tha t they must b att le eve ry day (in Journal o f

    Disc ourses, 11:14). Therefore, true Christian so ldiers a re mo re tha n wee kend warriors. ~Ne a l A.

    Ma xwell, Oc t. 1996)~

    We should remem ber tha t righ teous desires c annot b e superfic ial, impulsive, or temp orary. They m ust

    be hea rtfelt, unwa vering, and pe rma nent. So mo tivated , we will seek for that c ond ition desc ribed bythe Prop het Josep h Smith, whe re we ha ve ove rcom e the ev ils of [o ur lives] and lost eve ry de sire for

    sin. 5Tha t is a very persona l dec ision. As Elde r Nea l A. Ma xwe ll sa id:

    When peo p le are desc ribed a s having lost their desire fo r sin, it is they, and t hey only, who

    de libe ra tely de c ided to lose tho se w rong desires by be ing w illing to give a wa y a ll [their] sins in order

    to know God .

    Therefore, wha t w e insistently de sire, ove r time , is wha t w e w ill eventually bec om e a nd wha t w e w ill

    rec eive in ete rnity. ~ Da llin H. Oa ks, April 2011~

    What does the word desiremean?

    How c an you tell how strong your desire is for som eth ing?Why do you think we will be judg ed ac c ording to o ur de sires as we ll as acc ording to our works?

    Additiona l Rea ding for Teens and Adults:We Serve Tha t Which We Love by Ma rvin J. Ashton;

    Ac c ording to the Desire o f [Our} Hea rt by Nea l A. Ma xwell; Desire by Da llin H. Oaks

    Wt f|xxM ]x \ {x _||z V{|

    From the Living Christ: Jesus is the Living Christ, the immorta l Son of Go d. He is the g rea t King

    Imm anuel, who stand s tod ay on the right hand of His Fathe r. He is the light, the life, and the hop e o f

    the w orld. His wa y is the p ath that lead s to happ iness in this life a nd ete rnal life in the wo rld to com e.

    Go d b e tha nked for the ma tc hless g ift of His d ivine Son.

    Song: Bea utiful Savior, Child rens Song boo k pg . 62

    Scripture Rea ding : Christ, Bible Dictionary; Matthew 16:16; John 6:69

    Discussion Questions:

    Invite a ll to bea r the ir ow n testimo nies of Jesus Ch rist

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  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    The following pages have all the artwork in small scale for you to create your own tags or something else. You cou

    print them off to make a small book for each child or just make larger tags for a garland or Easter tree.

    1 - Adoration of the Shepherds 2 - Creation of Plants (woodcut)

    by Gerard von Horthorst by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld

    3 - John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus 4- Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda

    By Harry Anderson by Carl Bloch

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    5 Sermon on the Mount 6 The Last Supper

    Copenhagen Chapel by Juan de Juanes

    7 Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane 8 Behold the Man! By Antonio Ciseri

    by Heinrich Hofmann

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    8 Christ with Thorns by Carl Bloch 8 The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christby William-Adolphe Bouguereau

    9 The Cricifixion 10 Resurrection of Jesus Christ

    by Bartolome Esteban Murillo by Heinrich Hofmann

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    11 The Lost Lamb (left) Christ in America (right) 12 Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthoodby Minerva Teichert by Kenneth Riley

    13 Brother Joseph by David Lindsley 13 Quorum of Twelve Apostles

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    14 The Second Coming 15 Washington DC Temple 16 The Lord Jesus Christby Harry Anderson Mural by Heinrich Hofmann

    The following pages contain all the artwork as full sized pages to be used as an art study or to just see all the paintin

    in more detail. A wonderful way to study them is to talk about the details in each painting.

    Why do you think certain colors were used?What expressions are on the faces of those in the paintings?What do you think they are feeling or thinking?

    It is also fun to have your children draw their own artwork trying to copy and mimic what they see.

  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    1 Adoration of the Shepherds by Gerard von Honthorst

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    2 Creation of Plants (a woodcut) by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld

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    3 John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus by Harry Anderson

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    4 Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda by Carl Bloch

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    5 Sermon on the Mount a mural at the Copenhagen Chapel

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    6 The Last Supper by Juan de Juanes

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    7 Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by Heinrich Hofmann

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    8 Behold the Man! by Antonio Ciseri

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    8 Christ with Thorns by Carl Bloch

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    9 The Crucifixion by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

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  • 8/6/2019 The Living Christ an Easter Countdown


    11 The Lost Lamb (left) Christ in America (right) both by Minerva Teichert

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    12 Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood by Kenneth Riley

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    13 Brother Joseph by David Lindsley

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    13 Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

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    14 The Second Coming by Harry Anderson

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    15 Washington DC Temple Mural

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    16 The Lord Jesus Christ by Heinrich Hofmann