Be, Being Filled! Francis Madojemu 1

Be Being Filled

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Be, Being Filled!Francis Madojemu


3Directions of

Prayer• 1. To God, this is

where most Christians direct ALL of their prayers, we will learn that not all utterances in prayer are directed to God


3Directions of

Prayer• 2. To Satan including

Principalities & powers there are times when God wants us to deal with Satan directly, and not to appeal to Him.


3Directions of

Prayer• Circumstances &

Situations: In life and ministries we have situations and circumstances that want to destroy you and against you to stop you


How Do You Discern What Direction To Pray ?Hearing & Seeing:

• John 5:19

• •19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.


How Do You Discern What Direction To Pray ?Hearing & Seeing:

• This was the reason for Jesus’ Prayer to hear and see what God is doing! Lazarus.

• In the realm of the spirit you can only produce what you see.Until you see you have no production.

• Elijah to Elisha if you see me you get the mantle & Abraham after Lot left God says Look and see


How Do You Discern What Direction To Pray ?Hearing & Seeing:

• Without seeing there is no possession therefore seeing is possession. So go to hear and to see and to get direction.

• This is the most important foundation truth and direction in prayer which sustains all the other directions.


How Do You Discern What Direction To Pray ?Hearing & Seeing:

• Real prayer is initiated by God not us

• John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

• My father is always working God is here doing something . Multitude of people there too


How Do You Discern What Direction To Pray ?Hearing & Seeing:

• Jesus wakes up everyday looking for where God is working.

• Discern what the father is doing when we walk in a room we locating what God is doing

• Effectual prayer does not begin with us it begins with us discerning what God is doing


• Learning to pray when the Holy Spirit leads us would avert many dangers.

• If Spirit–filled believers would follow His promptings and become prayer–conscious, many problems wouldn’t happen.

• Many terrible things would never happen if folks were really led by the Spirit. - Kenneth E. Hagin


Pray in The Spirit - Arthur Wallis


• There the Lord in majesty will be for us a place of broad rivers and streams, where no galley with oars can go [no room here for human energy], nor stately ship can pass [no place for fleshly show or ostentation]. (Isa. 33:21)

• Arthur Wallis


But How?

• SHE was young, she was of lowly birth and, what made it even more perplexing, she was unmarried. Could she have heard right?

• Chosen by heaven to be the mother of the long-awaited Messiah? Doubt, fear, perplexity struggled within her.


• How does a 14/15 year old girl know what to do?

• Why would God entrust the salvation of the world to a child like this

• What of if she had an abortion?

• Should Jesus have been born to a rich man or in a palace

• It's was seed that was planted

• Mary had to carry to term


But How?

• Turning to the angel, Mary asked a simple, practical question: “How can this be?” (Luke 1:34)

• Just as simple was Gabriel’s answer: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you” (Luke 1:35).


• Praying till we know!

• Being justified by faith we have peace!

• Tapestry

• Each one of us a string seemingly unconnected but when God turns it over it is beautiful



• “How?” is a question that the believer is forever asking, even if only deep in the heart.

• To our every “How?” heaven gives the same answer as Gabriel gave to Mary—“The Holy Spirit.”


• He is my how!

• This country's how!

• My children's how!

• My wife's how,

• Your how!

• The Bridge Networks how!

• Because He is The How of The Godhead!


The Holy Spirit - The How!

• Is it a question of how we may know the will of God in our lives?

• “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).


• He is our how

• It's you that began that will finish

• Come Holy Spirit let your fire fall

• Smith Wigglesworth prophecy

• Spirit,

• Word

• Spirit & word

• In Science innovation, creativity

• Would not the judge of the whole h do right

• If you destroy them they will say .... Gods reputation

• The season of manna is over its time to step in the land of promise

• We are focused on our needs while the world we were sent to dies


The Holy Spirit - The How!

• Are we concerned to know the secret of victory over sin?

• “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2).


• Here I am send me

• The fig tree

• Your prayer point tomorrow morning

• It's about him his assignment

• Favour is given to assignment

• Saul became a different man because of the Spirit

• Ezekiel land not reigned upon

• It's the outpouring that brings people back to God


The Holy Spirit - The How!

• Have we difficulty in understanding the Scriptures?

• “The Holy Spirit . . . will teach you all things” (John 14:26).

• “The Spirit of truth . . . will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13).


• Smith Wigglesworth prophecy

• Spirit,

• Word

• Spirit & word

• In Science innovation, creativity

• Would not the judge of the whole h do right

• If you destroy them they will say .... Gods reputation

• The season of manna is over its time to step in the land of promise We are focused on our needs while the world we were sent to dies

• Daniel sacrificed

• There is no vacuum you can't deal with poverty without wealth or employment

• Darkness needs lit to flee


The Holy Spirit - The How!

• Is it the problem of how to witness effectively for the Lord?

• “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses” (Acts 1:8).


• Witness

• B2 a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident:

• Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident to come forward.

• According to (eye) witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys.

• Build something this has never S existed supernaturally

• The super natural become mayoral to you


The Holy Spirit - The How!

• Perhaps the fact that you have picked up a book on the subject of prayer is an indication that you want to know how to pray effectively, how to prevail in prayer.

• “The Spirit helps us in our weakness,” replies the apostle. “The Spirit Himself intercedes for us” (Rom. 8:26).


• urable testimony, give a good report

• “Witnesses” appears 24 times in the King James, comes from the Greek word martus and is defined:

• a witness

• in a legal sense

• an historical sense

• one who is a spectator of anything, e.g. of a contest

• in an ethical sense

• those who after his example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in Christ by undergoing a violent death

• Did you catch that last part? To be a witness is to be a willing martyr for Jesus Christ! This is the depth our witness must take on to be worthy of the biblical definition. Witness is what we are to do and witnesses is what we are to become – regardless of the outcome. It is certainly not that we must die to be a faithful witness, only that we are completely willing if need be.

• To explain how totally intertwined being a witness and a martyr are consider that five times in the book of Revelation the word martus appears in the Greek. Three times it is translated “witness” (1:5, 3:14, 11:3). However, in Revelation 2:13 and 17:6 this same word martus is translated “martyr” implicating the death of His Saints for the name and cause of Jesus.


The gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit is God’s complete answer to all our weakness,

ignorance and inability in the realm of prayer.

Arthur Wallis


• Smith Wigglesworth prophecy

• Spirit,

• Word

• Spirit & word

• In Science innovation, creativity

• Would not the judge of the whole h do right

• If you destroy them they will say .... Gods reputation

• The season of manna is over its time to step in the land of promise

• We are focused on our needs while the world we were sent to dies

• Daniel sacrificed

• There is no vacuum you can't deal with +poverty without wealth or employment

• Darkness needs lit to flee


• If these 3 men prayed to me

• Ezekiel 14:14 even if these three men--Noah, Daniel and Job--were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.

• Jeremiah 15:1 Then the LORD said to me: "Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people. Send them away from my presence! Let them go!


• If these 3 men prayed to me

• Ezekiel 14:14 even if these three men--Noah, Daniel and Job--were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.

• Jeremiah 15:1 Then the LORD said to me: "Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people. Send them away from my presence! Let them go!


The Early Church

• The early church was without doubt a praying church, and what tremendous things they accomplished through prayer alone: prison doors were opened, fanatical opponents were struck down and converted to Christ, signs and wonders were done.


• Here I am send me

• The fig tree

• Your prayer point tomorrow morning

• It's about him his assignment

• Favour is given to assignment

• Everybody was bustling, making a noise. And I looked out of the window in my splendid isolation and I said to myself, "I wonder what God thinks about all those people." I didn’t expect an answer. But I got an immediate answer, "Some weak, some foolish, some proud, some wicked and some exceeding precious." That, I felt, was God’s categorization of the human race. You can think it over. There’s four basic reasons why people don’t come to Christ. Some weak, some foolish, some proud, some wicked and some exceeding precious.


The Early Church

• But the open secret was that the early church knew the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, not theoretically but experientially.

• Those first believers were mighty in prayer because they were mighty in the Spirit.


The Early Church

• We have only to scan the pages of Acts to discover that the early church met and overcame every great crisis in their early history with the weapon of “all prayer.”


A Victorious Circle• So the enduement of the Spirit was both

the cause and the consequence of their effectual praying.

• They prayed because they were filled, and they were filled because they prayed.

• A victorious circle! 37

• Lance Wallnau

• Japanese Orrander Fish

• Grows to the size of the tank you put it in

• Break your belief barrier of the tank

• You don't decide you discover, it's like it's calling you to bring it

• It's a flow

• Blocked by old scripts and old thinking

• Core Criteria

• Half a dozen things

• 85% are things you have to be not one thing Udoh Mann

• Don't forsake the assembly because it provokes us to good works


Spirit Filled Life

• In a day when an increasing number of God’s children are recognizing the necessity of a vital encounter with the Holy Spirit, let us always keep before us this prayer aspect of the Spirit-filled life.


Spirit Filled Life

• In Ezekiel’s vision (chapter 47) the waters that flowed out of the sanctuary were at first “ankle-deep,” which suggests walking in the Spirit; and then “knee-deep,” which suggests praying in the Spirit.


Spirit Filled Life

• There is a serious deficiency in the outworking of the Spirit-filled life if it does not result in a revitalizing experience in the realm of prayer.


Spirit Filled Life

• Everywhere the New Testament writers take it for granted (as they do baptism in water) that their readers have known this rich experience of the Holy Spirit coming upon them (Titus 3:5–6).

• Today, sadly, it cannot be so readily assumed.


Spirit Filled Life

• Paul could never have asked the Galatians, “Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?”

• if their experience of receiving the Spirit had not been at least as clearly defined as their experience of receiving Christ.


Spirit Filled Life

• Let others who, though convinced of the scripturalness and importance of it, are still strangers to the experience, come with purity of heart, cleanness of hands, and simplicity of faith to the risen Lord.


Spirit Filled Life

• He is still calling out,

• “If any man thirst let him come to Me and drink.” So come and drink, for the promise is to you.