IBS AG Quality Management Brochure CAQ

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Production Control with a Single Solution.

We have integrated the experience gained from over 30 years of process con-sulting and over 4,000 installations within our high-performance standard soft-ware. The software comprises four components: Quality, Production, Traceability and Compliance.

We are a well-established business partner with many manufacturing companies across the globe. As an IT partner we make industrial companies more successful. Our customers manufacture their products in the desired quality and at the highest level of productivity. We refer to this as the Productivity Advantage.

An integrated quality management system, reinforced by a cross-company software solution, is indispensable in the planning, control and monitoring of process and corporate quality, especially amongst global enterprises. Individual, stand-alone solutions can be replaced with a single homogeneous solution, thanks to the process-oriented interlocking of the respective modules.Prof. Dr. Eng. Roland Jochem, Head of the Quality Science Department at Berlin Technical University

Uncompromised quality can only be produced if all areas of our organisation - the “corporate organism” - focuses on quality with every bone in its body.Prof. Dr. Bert Leyendecker, Professor for Production Management and co-initiator of the “Koblenz Model Factory” at Koblenz Technical College

Using our Aachen Quality Management model, many companies have already recognized that Complaint Management is a profitable success factor with immediate effect. This potential is tapped with the systemic support provided by quality management software.Prof. Dr. Robert Schmitt, Chair of Metrology and Quality Management at RWTH University Aachen

Valuable process optimization

Significant cost reduction

Intuitive quality control

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Product quality governs the success of manufacturing companies. Efficient quality management leads to a sustainable reduction in costs and guarantees first class quality products for a high degree of customer satisfaction.

Our comprehensive quality management software manages complexities and fulfills even the highest of requirements.

Improving Quality, Securing Margins

We have developed a standard software, which we have continuously improved with the requirements from over 4,000 projects. CAQ=QSYS en-ables product manufacture to be achieved with the desired quality.

CAQ=QSYS, the Quality Benchmark

for Large and Mid-market Companies

The special requirements of smaller and medium-sized companies from a quality management system are well known to IBS SINIC. SINIC::CAQ offers all the possibilities for transforming the product quality of smaller production companies into world class quality.

SINIC::CAQ Leads Small-er Production Companies

to the Top of the World

In the material processing industry the quality assurance, administration, organisation and documentation of laboratory-specific processes are all neatly supported by CAQ=QSYS QPM (quality process management). The system provides optimal support for GMP/GLP guidelines and ISO/TS 16949, DIN EN ISO 9000:2008.

CAQ=QSYS QPM – Quality Management

for Laboratories


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IBS AG’s ‘tried and tested’ cross-industry productivity management solution, which has been on the market for over 30 years, provides production, quality and traceability management to support the optimization of the processes involved in your product life cycle.

We create the necessary degree of transparency of production processes and ERP to enable prompt intervention in the event of target deviations.

IBS AG solutions are generally used for their synergies with existing ERP systems and represent an integral component in the support of risk management.

They provide real-time, up-to-the-minute information on the company’s production and quality situation. An essential element is traceability management, which enables the call-on of product history and delivery note information at any time, and at the touch of a button.

Oriented on the lean management school of thought, this ensures complete transparency and process optimization. The Compliance Management software controls all corporate administration and production processes, as well as those involved in compliance with codes of practice, laws and guidelines.

The Key Competences of IBS AG Embrace Software Solutions for Quality, Production, Traceability and Compliance Management



Reduction of process times

Reduction of quality and defect costs

KPI management and transparency

for target decision support

A single MES solution for production,

quality and traceability management

Lean Management methodology support

Corporate Compliance support

Vulnerabilities analysis, Best Practice

software solutions, implementation

in the existing IT environment and

professional training of your employees

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The PDCA cycle describes the phases of the continuous improvement process (CIP) and forms the basis of all quality management systems. The cycle comprises 4 elements: Plan - Do - Check and Act and is designed to promote a consistent and sustainable improvement of production processes. Plan:This phase involves analysis of the ACTUAL status, the de-velopment of improvement potentials and the compilation of conceptuala realization.Do:This phase embodies the practical realization of the con-cept, which is tested on a small scale using simple means and test equipment.Check:The results of the test run are checked and set as stan-dard.Act:The last phase involves wide-scale implementation of the new standard and regular monitoring by way of audits.

Plan – Do – Check – Act: The PDCA Cycle


Industry-specific Standard Software

We have channeled industry-specific requirements into our industry solutions. This enables us to offer a unique range and depth of functions within the scope of a single software solution. Individual project requirements are integrated to save resources. Experienced experts offer first-class process consulting for complex challenges and ensure that the system integration is carried out according to plan.

IBS Dashboard: Quality and production data at a glance

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What are the Benefits of IBS AG Solutions?

Our experience, which spans over 30 years, has evolved with each customer project and forms the backbone of our cross-industry and industry-specific Best Practice solutions designed to address all your corporate requirements. We offer a single, integrated solution that focuses on the areas of production, quality, traceability and compliance.

A large number of production companies are aware of the wastage that occurs or is generated within their production facilities. The precise source of this wastage, however, often belies a vague assumption. Cost-saving and the sustainable improvement of competitiveness, rely on the knowledge of all information relevant to the production process. The IBS system supports continu-ous improvement of the production process. To IBS, a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) embod-ies more than just the planning and control, but the full use of machine capacities and resources and the

control of variants. It also involves a reduction in inventories, lowering of rework costs, optimization of pro- duct development, integration and Product-in-Use processes, reject minimization and, last but not least, the complete traceability of products, components and batches. IBS solu-tions also close the information gap between ERP/PPS systems and the shop floor level. Potential benefits of the software include shorter pro-duction times, improved quality and lower costs.Machine and plant transparency enables faster reactions and sup-ports decision-making. MESA (the

Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Association) estimates that the use of MES software can help companies achieve a 56 per cent reduction in cycle times. Furthermore, 50 per cent of all quality costs, which account for 5-8 per cent of corporate turnover, can be attributed to sub-standard quality control, poor quality man-agement and inadequate preven-tion measures (Source: McKinsey, 12/2009).

Why IBS AG Solutions?Integrated client capability and multi-language options mean that our solutions are also suited to global ap-plication. Integration into an existing ERP environment and production-re-lated integration are just two of our key competences. Our intuitive solutions are scalable and can be expanded to meet your requirements. But bigger is not

always better and as this is the case with process times, which our solu-tions help reduce.We also provide an integrated tool for standardized reporting and the ad-hoc analysis of current issues. More than 40 per cent of the Top 100 automotive companies put their faith in our solutions.

ROI of less than 12 months

Best price-performance ratio

on the market

System standardization and system


Reduction of manual activities

and paper-based documentation

Centralized data basis

Standardized reporting


KPI visualisation at the touch of a

button for targeted decision support

Reduction of defect and

quality costs

Avoidance of recurring defects

thanks to the integration of process

and quality data

Process-reliable data acquisition and


the development process

“Closed loop” analysis of the

entire product life cycle

CIP support, from product creation

and manufacturing to end product




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Use IBS AG Solutions now!The IBS AG solution represents the best value for money on the market. As a conservative estimate, IBS solutions carry an ROI period of considerably less than 12 months. The sooner the aforementioned measures are initiated, the shorter the ROI period. Maximum benefits for your company would therefore be achieved following an immediate project launch. Market and customer requirements, such as the need for traceability as a proof method, can be achieved in a short period of time and help secure repeat orders.


Automotivemanu- facturers




Pharmaceu-ticals /Medicine

Mobility Electronics

Chemicals Packaging

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"IBS AG's CAQ=QSYS improves process transparency, thus enabling further growth."

Juergen Stuhlmueller,Head of Quality AssuranceLiebherr-Components Biberach GmbH

Biberach, GermanyConstruction Machineswww.liebherr.com

Photo source:

Liebherr-Components Biberach GmbH

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

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"Thanks to the CAQ software from IBS AG we have been able to ensure that we fulfill the ever increasing demands of the automotive industry both effectively and efficiently.This also enables us to continuously optimize our quality targets and processes."

Frank Baumgarten,Quality Management OfficerSchlote GmbH & Co. KG

Harsum, GermanyAutomotive Supplierwww.schlote-gruppe.com

Photo source:

Schlote GmbH & Co. KG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

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"Use of the IBS traceability solutionhas enabled us to prove that our production process was in keeping with our validation."

Uwe Kemmer, Head of Production,CeramTec GmbH

Plochingen, GermanyMedicalwww.ceramtec.com

Photo source: CeramTec GmbH

In use: IBS MES: quality and production

management system, compliance management


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“With the integrated quality manage-ment software of IBS AG we ensure a continous optimisation of our quality objectives. For automotive suppliers like us, process reliability, traceability and the compliance of international standards (e. g. AIAG, QS 9000, TS 16949) are essential requirements. Due to the IBS solutions we reached a harmonisation of the shopfloor, this means elimination of isolated appli-cations and creation of integrated processes from the idea across production to product reliability.”

Dean DingIT ManagerTianjin New Wei San Industrial Co., Ltd

Tianjin, ChinaAutomotive Supplierwww.mei-ta.com

Photo source:

Tianjin New Wei San Industrial Co., Ltd

In use: IBS:MES quality and production

management system

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The quality of products and processes throughout all phases of the

product life cycle is a prerequisite for the achievement of company

targets. Quality therefore largely determines the competitiveness of all

manufacturers. High quality standards require the integration of quality

processes in all manufacturing companies.


CAQ=QSYS Supports all Phases of the Product Life Cycle, including:

Product Creation Product Manufacturing Product-in-Use

CAQ=QSYS is a registered trademark of IBS AG.

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CAQ=QSYS provides the optimum support of all processes, from the creation of customer-specific inspec-tion reports with individual charac-teristics from various manufacturing processes to documentation of the final inspection.The use of the CAQ=QSYS Concern and Complaint Management mod-ule enables complaint acquisition,


The basis for high product and process quality is established in these areas. CAQ=QSYS supports these processes with modules: APQP/Project Management, FMEA, Control Plan, Process Flow Chart, Inspection Planning and Product Part

Approval Process PPAP. Interfacing with PDM/ERP systems guarantee the consistency of the master data. Interfacing with all commercial CAD programs ensures efficient execution of the inspection planning and first sample/article inspection processes.

CAQ=QSYS in research and development, construction

and work scheduling

CAQ=QSYS in the procure-ment, manufacturing and

assembly processes

Product manufacturing has always been a classic field of application for CAQ systems. Execution of the Incoming Goods Control with CAQ=QSYS, based on random sample and dynamic tables is an important aspect. Supplier assess-ment incorporates processes for the determination of product and/or quality delivery and the evaluation of delivery reliability. Subjective criteria, such as price-performance ratios or supplier reaction times can also be contributory.Inspections carried out within the product manufacturing are

documented in the CAQ=QSYS SPC inspection module. This applies not only to inspections carried out during the product development, such as maturity level analysis, but also to in-spections monitored within the scope of statistical process control by way of quality control charts.The Gage Management module is a multi-phase CAQ=QSYS module. Gages are required for inspection planning in the Control Plan module and for the execution of inspections and are therefore subject to trace-ability documentation.

CAQ=QSYS in the final inspection,

service and sales

analysis and evaluation. The timely processing of complaints is of partic-ular importance in the automotive in-dustry. The automatic portal request (supporting the VDA QDX standard format) plays an important role in this. The resulting evaluations and vulnerability analyses are of great significance to the further develop-ment of products and processes.

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Product Creation In terms of quality, significant process optimizations is carried out in the product planning, development and construction phase. The product creation phase, which incorporates the system build-up and develop-ment configuration, prototype and production phases, is described in the APQP (Advanced Product Qual-ity Planning) reference handbook.

Product Manufacturing A perfectly planned product requires procurement and production pro-cesses in order to achieve the de-sired quality. Irrespective of whether they supply raw materials, compo-nents or complex assemblies, sup-pliers must be monitored to ensure they adhere to supplier agreements. Process optimization in the pro-duction process means production preparation and production support, as an integral part of product manu-facturing.

Product-in-Use A further phase of the product life cycle begins with the delivery of a product. From a quality point of view, Product-in-Use support is mainly car-ried out within the scope of customer management. This incorporates consulting, for effective product appli-cation and customer support in the event of quality problems.

The exchange of information be-tween customers and suppliers is a major source of input in the product design process. The optimization and improvement of product and process quality are supported by current and future developments in terms of Les-sons Learned.


Advanced product quality planning comes into play in the planning, product design & development, pro-cess design & development, product and process validation and series production phases, as well as in feedback, assessments and correc-tive measures. With consistent use, development processes can be ac-celerated and teamwork optimized.

KPIs are used to evaluate the pro-cesses.This includes figures such as ppm rates, Cpk values and defect pareto analyses. The track and trace of all quality data ensures the complete documentation of a product’s quality history.

Today’s use of CAQ systems is shift-ing increasingly over to the product design phase. Practical experience has shown that, in the future, com-puter-aided QM systems will mainly be seen in the areas of product planning, product development and product construction.QS 9000, VDA and TS 16949 requirements prescribe the use of a CAQ system in the product devel-opment phase, for the full documen-tation and analysis of all relevant quality data.

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Photo source: Josef Rees Zerspanungstechnik KG In use: IBS:MES quality and production management system

Photo source: Schlote GmbH & Co. KGIn use: IBS Quality Management System CAQ=QSYS Professional

Photo source: CeramTec GmbHIn use: IBS:MES quality and production management system Compliance Management CompliantPro

CAQ=QSYS in research and development, construction and work scheduling

CAQ=QSYS in the procurement, manufacturing and assembly processes

CAQ=QSYS in final inspection, service and sales

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Project Management



The IBS project management solution supports the complete product development process, across all areas of the company, including research and development, construction and work preparation.

The project management tool maps not only internal project work, but considers both the customer and the supplier. The administration of complex projects for new developments and change projects can also be carried out. Templates reduce the administration effort. The overall assessment of a project, from the milestones to the individual project phases of their individual activities, is shown in the form of a Gantt diagram.

The core focus is action management, aimed at ensuring adherence to deadlines and due dates and recognising likely project postponements at an early stage and thus taking action to avoid them. The project management is linked to the advanced product online quality planning module to ensure that all data remains up to date. The project management also features cost controlling to enable TARGET/ACTUAL comparisons.


and advanced product quality planning processes

Effective project control for cost optimisation

and resource management

Consistent actions monitoring within

a and beyond projects

Increased transparency for all those involved in

the project

Greater adherence to customer

deadlines and schedules

Avoidance of multiple inputs

Reduction in change management effort/costs

Optimisation of the advanced product quality

planning process and the guarantee of continuous

documentation of all relevant quality data

The CAQ=QSYS project management tool ensures detailed monitoring of the individual project levels with the automatic


Photo source: Schlote GmbH & Co. KG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

APQP Project management: Comprehensive project overview with Gantt diagram

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Advanced Product Quality Planning with FMEA

The FMEA module (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is used for the creation of various types of FMEA (system/product/process) using a systematic procedure in the areas of development/assembly and process engineering.

The combination of a product and a process FMEA into a hybrid FMEA enables the allocation of product and process characteristics, even at this early stage, in order to monitor the FMEA functions in terms of compliance. At the same time, this forms the basis for the automatic acceptance and generation of the control plan for the creation of the process flow chart.

The IBS solution enables the definition of system elements, their functions and failures and the creation of links for the verification of failure consequences and causes and to induce their corrective actions or identifica-tion. The solution is rounded off by a graphical visualisa-tion function, risk analysis and a comprehensive range of evaluations. The import and export of FMEA structures is effected via the MSR FMEA format (based on XML).


Adherence to a standardized nomenclature

in accordance with advanced product quality

planning standards (QS 9000, VDA, TS 16949)


and Process Flow Chart

Access to common master data

Integrated actions management

Feedback from the Product-in-Use phase

(complaint/service) thanks to the automatic

acceptance of defect data for assessment

within the scope of the FMEA

Thanks to CAQ=QSYS FMEA, defects can be analyzed prior to production and thus avoided.

This leads to increased functional and product reliability.

Photo source: Stoeber Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co.

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Analysis based on VDA risk matrix

FMEA: Risk analysis as part of advanced product quality planning

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Advanced Product Quality Planning with APQP (FLOW CHART/CONTROL PLAN)


The control plan describes the product and process quality of all processes, starting with the raw materials and all necessary process steps, ending with dispatch. Documentation of the plan, which shows reliable revi-sion information, grows in parallel with the development progress from the prototype and pre-series stage to the actual series.

The FMEA structure and the process flow chart may both serve as inputs for automatic control plan creation. In addition to automatic creation from FMEA, the control plan can also be created by importing from a series of inspection plans.

It is also possible to generate the respective inspec-tion plans for the series, for example: incoming goods, pre-production, production, assembly, final inspection - for all process- related inspections defined in the control plan. This is performed with the help of an export function. Integrated work flows guarantee the necessary consistency in the event of changes.

Working with master data and the link with gage man-agement enables a high degree of standardization. Consequently, processes can be streamlined in terms of efficiency and the shop floor worker is provided with optimum support.


import and export functions

Optional automatic extrapolation of a process


Integrated change management in

Advanced Product Quality Planning,


Optimization of required processes for

creation and maintenance

Working with standards as a prerequisite for

lean management/lean manufacturing

CAQ=QSYS APQP addresses problems occurring in the early planning, design or process analysis phase. The structured

procedure supports product quality and reduced development times and thus also costs.

Photo source:

Josef Rees Zerspanungstechnik KG

In use: IBS:MES quality and

production management system

Process flow chart: Element of the APQP project management

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Inspection Planning, including Graphical Components

In the Inspection Planning module, the definition of all product and process-relevant inspection criteria for mapping the inspections is carried out for the following areas:

First Sampling/First Piece Release Purchase parts/raw materials Production/assembly Labor Final inspection/quantity-based, random inspections

Integration in the system as a whole is an important aspect in safeguarding the change management process. The master data thus also constitutes a central basis for inspection planning.

The creation of inspection plans is conveniently support-ed with group and/or family inspection plans. The direct link of CAD drawings with the import of characteristics and the associated manual or automated setting of graphical inspection points, renders the inspection plan-ning process more efficient and supports production-ori-ented inspections.

The graphical inspection planning module is well-suited to the visualisation of drawings in the mechanical industry and to the mapping of printed circuit board layouts in the electronics industry. Interfaces with all commercial CAD


Processing of all inspection-relevant information Avoidance of duplicate activities and defect minimisation thanks to process-reliable data transfer of CAD drawing to the CAQ evaluation Inspection strategies and operating procedures from supplier to customer are rationalised andunified

The Inspection Planning module is a core element of the CAQ=QSYS quality management system. To ensure product and process


programs ensure graphical execution of the inspection planning and first article inspection processes.

The work schedule or working step/operation-oriented inspection plans form the basis of the automatic generation of inspection plans from ERP orders, such as material bookings or production orders.

Photo source: Loehr GmbH & Co. Praezisions-

federn In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Automatic CAD integration in graphical inspection planning

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Gage Management


The gage management system ensures the management of all gage types (e.g. mechanical, electrical, test rigs and gages) and documents all procedures involved in the gage history (e.g. gage calibration, issue/return, repair).

Gage selection in the creation of control plans/production control plans and inspection plans is a vital requirement in achieving standardized documentation of all relevant quality product and process data. The creation of individual reports in the variable list (inventory list, status list or inspection prompt, reminder list) ensures deadlines are monitored for each gage. Automatic escalation supports multiple levels.

The gage inspection planning can also be based on the VDI/VDE/DGQ standard 2618. Documentation of the inspection results may be carried out by way of variable and attribute characteristics or by addition of the scanned calibration protocol to the history. This functionality is enhanced with extensive gage capability evaluations (precision, reproducibility, linearity).

The following properties are also characteristics of the gage management module:

Gage administration with the respective DIN standards and automatic determination of tolerances for rejects and “go side” Evaluation of the calibration in tabular and graphical form with information on suitability/usability

Administration and monitoring of the gages used

Additional administration of gages from the

areas of occupational health and safety and

environmental protection

Support of advanced product quality planning with

gage capability analyses

The CAQ=QSYS gage management system module

considerably reduces the effort required for gage

monitoring and thus has a cost-reducing effect on the

production process.

Photo source: Ziehl-Abegg AG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Gage management and calibration with evaluation

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First Sample Inspection


The IBS solution for the execution of first article / -PPAPs for customers or suppliers, supports the creation of forms in accordance with the VDA and QS 9000 standards and customer-specific requirements. It also supports the administrative management of reports and all other doc-umentation managed by the IBS solution in accordance with the respective presentation stage.Graphical inspection planning with the import of CAD data and the creation of inspection plans is often used for automatic stamping in customer sampling. Following execution of the measurement by the measuring device or other gage the measurement, val-ues are input or transferred using the data input module.

In the event of supplier sampling the option exists to export the first sampling inspection plan in Excel format and to send this to the supplier. After its return along with the measurement values, this can then be imported to the IBS solution for documentation and analysis of the results. Automatic polling of the link between an incoming goods delivery and a supplier’s first article is an integrat-ed functionality.The administration of any required re-sampling and dead-line monitoring is also possible.

Standardised documentation and administration





integrated CAD interface with automatic

drawing stamping

Defect prevention by default procedure in the CAQ=QSYS


cooperation with customers and minimizes both quality

costs and risks at an early stage.

Photo source: Josef Rees Zerspanungstechnik KG

In use: IBS:MES quality and

production management system

Graphical first sampling/first sampling inspection

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Incoming Goods Inspection


Cost-saving measures often result in attempts to elim-inate or reduce incoming goods inspections. Incoming goods inspections make a considerable contribution to improving quality where quality problems arise as a result of internal or external defects.

The incoming goods inspection supports, inter alia:

Acquisition of the characteristic set to a particular inspection status and alignment with the inspection plan defaults Delivery evaluation with quantity acquisition

Delivery, characteristic or time-related dynamics and the automatic generation of supplier complaints in NOK cases, help reduce inspection costs. Additional features include the creation of supplier inspection reports and la-bel printing for the identification of blocked/barred goods. The supplier is able to process the supplier inspection reports in the form of an online 8D report, via a supplier portal. This has the benefit of providing the latest available evaluations (e.g. for the inspection of recurrent defects) and at the simultaneously enabling direct monitoring of the actions initiated by the supplier.

Comprehensive integration in the ERP/PPS

system for generation of inspection orders

based on booked incoming goods, feedback on

usage and decisions with subsequent

warehouse entry

Link between delivery and released


Management of special releases and

design/dimensional deviations

Inclusion of supplier agreements

(just in time/just in sequence/ship to stock)

for reduction of inspection costs

Online communication with suppliers in case of

delivery complaints. This saves costs and time

and helps prevent defects.

The use of CAQ=QSYS incoming goods control increas-


quality remain under control despite a low vertical range

of manufacture, increased supplier involvement and com-

plex supplier structures.

Photo source: DewertOkin GmbH

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Graphical incoming goods inspection, including dynamisation

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Supplier Management


The quality criteria of a delivery is determined in the incoming goods control module. The transmission of reliability data from the ERP/PPS system allows for the transfer of further supplier assessment criteria. Deadline and quantity deviations are automatically detected using TARGET and ACTUAL data using defined rules.

These criteria form the basis for supplier management and are updated with every delivery. Supplier-specific, subjective criteria can be defined and assessed over a defined period of time using the assessment matrix. This includes, for example, the supplier’s location, his price-performance ratio, his reaction in the event of com-plaints and user-definable criteria. The results of supplier audits are also documented, since audit management offers both online and offline acquisition. All information is visualized using scorecards.

These can be sent to the supplier as a document by email or automatically made available at definable periods via the supplier portal.The supplier project management tool effectively sup-ports the latest theme of supplier qualification and the centralized storage of all supplier documentation, such as supplier agreements.

KPI determination, including extrapolation of

required actions

Transparent presentation of all information for

discussions with suppliers

Assessment of product quality, delivery reliability

and assessment matrix for subjective criteria

Effective support with supplier


The supplier assessment module in CAQ=QSYS gives an

up-to-the-minute overview of all quality data relating to the

supplier and incoming goods. An objective comparison serves

as a foundation for effective purchasing negotiations and is

fundamental in the quest for continuous quality improvement.

Photo source: CeramTec GmbH

In use: IBS:MES quality and production

management system, compliance management


Supplier assessment and management with hard and configurable soft facts

Page 24: IBS AG Quality Management Brochure CAQ



Statistical Process Control


All relevant inspections carried out within the manufactur-ing process of any product, are documented in the SPC inspection module. This applies not only to inspections carried out during the product development, such as maturity level analyses, but also to inspections monitored within the scope of statistical process control (SPC) by way of quality control chart. The inspections results acquisition is supported, inter alia, by the following functionalities: Automatic generation of inspection orders for the acquisition of inspection results for prototypes (also maturity level analyses), pre-series and series (PCI or MCI) Simple, individually-configurable acquisition masks Control of inspection based depending on cpk values Alternative acquisition via mobile data acquisition devices (handhelds) Graphical acquisition with characteristic-related zoom sections of CAD drawings or photos/ pictures for visual inspections Inspection monitoring with control charts for variable and attribute characteristics and defect collection cards Documentation of process violations (actions, causes), as a basis for internal defect handling/ complaint management Automatic generation of internal complaints Acquisition and allocation of batches or serial number for track and trace (traceability)

Inspect results acquisition for prototypes,

pre-series and series (PCI and MCI)

Operator-friendly, due to individual


Various evaluations for vulnerability analyses

Optimization of inspection cycles for the reduction

of inspection and defect costs

CAQ=QSYS SPC enables the optimum control of pro-

duction processes. Breakdowns are detected at an early

stage, their causes removed and production processes


Photo source: Schlote GmbH & Co. KG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Visual support of the in-process inspection and worker self-check

Page 25: IBS AG Quality Management Brochure CAQ



Quality Process Management (QPM)


QPM can be used within quality and laboratory areas of manufacturing companies, e.g. for raw material checks, production inspections, including interim inspections and final inspections. As a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), QPM effectively supports inspections carried out in service laboratories, such as research and development, applications technology, competitive analyses, environmental analysis or classical order-based analytics.Being a quality process management system, QPM doesn’t simply log the inspections of individual samples, but also the inspections of extremely complex samples or order structures, e.g. for complex individual inspections that comprise several components. QPM/LIMS provides support for: Analysis of orders for the administrative management of customer data Framework orders for grouping inspections that belong together yet contain different content and are defined via inspection profiles Laboratory orders for unique identification of the sample subject to additional inspection in terms of customer tolerances and based on customer specifications

Process-related/in-process inspections in terms of statis-tical process control (SPC) are also realized with: The maintenance of quality control charts The verification of process-relevant criteria (inter alia intervention and warning limits, trend, run)

Further functions enhance the LIMS functionality with: Sample / retain sample management Stability analyses Recipe management Certificate creation Resource, cost and expense management

QPM/LIMS is an integrated quality and laboratory

management system, combining quality and

laboratory aspects as a single entity

Validation and Audittrail support e.g. implementa

tion of requirements in accordance with FDA part 11


incl. complex inspection structures

CAQ=QSYS QPM supports classical laboratory tasks, as

well as process-related/in-process inspections related to

statistical process control (SPC).

Examination order (administrative)

Control order 1 (e.g. for each different sample or


Control order 2 (e.g. for each different sample or


Control order n (e.g. for each different sample or


Sample or inspection profile

Laboratory order 2 with acquisition + evaluation of

sample data (1 or n samples)

Laboratory order 1 with acquisition + evaluation of

sample data (1 or n samples)

Laboratory order n with acquisition + evaluation of

sample data (1 or n samples)

Inspection plan or group inspection plan

Photo source: MAPA GmbH

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

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Quality Main Control


The Main Control enables cross-departmental visualiza-tion of quality problems and provides a quick overview for the head of production, the foreman, the shift leader and the quality manager.

The principle is simple: Inspection orders marked in red denote imperfect quality (process not under control and/or not capable). Following the selection of an order defec-tive characteristics are shown in red in the next step. The available evaluations are characteristic-related, including control charts showing defect types, causes and actions.The control chart macro enables the simultaneous moni-toring of multiple characteristics. A scheduler enables the automatic update of these control charts and the respon-sible person is automatically warned of arising process violations by way of a work flow.

Macros can also be defined for visualisation of the FPY. The First Pass Yield (FPY) is process KPI`s that show the percentage of parts in the production process tested as OK (defect-free) during the 1st inspection.All NOK parts related to of the FPY evaluation are classi-fied reject parts and are designated for rework.

Transparent presentation/monitoring of the

current quality situation in the production process

and in the areas of incoming and outgoing

goods controls


aforementioned areas

Preliminary stage for detailed data analysis,

which is possible at any time thanks to the drill-down-

functionality of the information network

CAQ=QSYS Main Control increases transparency

throughout the company. Problems are detected at an

earlier stage and the respective actions initiated in order

to ensure quality and increased productivity.


Photo source: Präzi Flachstahl AG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Quality at a glance - Quality Main Control

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The analysis of all data is the most important functionality of a computer-aided quality and production management system. Starting with the visualisation, KPIs are deter-mined, defined and assessed. The analysis forms the basis of the continuous improvement process, since it is here that vulnerabilities are detected and the respective actions initiated in order to optimize both the product and process. The module features compre-hensive graphical and tabular evaluations in the classical inspection areas such as incoming goods control, produc-tion inspections and outgoing goods control.

Examples are: Control charts for all characteristics Defect collection cards Probability graphs Histograms Box plot method Statistical calculation Distribution tests

The certified export interface with qs-stat further extends the range of possibilities. The module also offers a large number of process analysis functions, for which cross-order and cross-part measurement values can be selected, sorted, grouped and finally visualized and used for statistical purposes. Tool capability, for exam-ple, can therefore be monitored (using a sample of the same diameter for a product group) in order to ensure the manufacture of a particular characteristic on a cross-part basis.

Supports the continuous improvement of

product and process quality

Provision of all statistical functions required by any


and is tailored to meet user-requirements

KPIs form the backbone of corporate management today.

They assist the company’s executives in estimating the



Photo source: CeramTec GmbH

In use: IBS:MES quality and production

management system, compliance management


Clear overview of various process parameters

Comprehensive graphical evaluation possibilities

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Concern and Complaint Management


The concern and complaint management module is a powerful tool for the optimization of all supply chain processes in line with an integrated supply chain management process. The solution is shaped by cross-company customer-supplier communication and the internal problem-solving process, forming a basis for the continuous improvement process in terms of lean management/lean manufacturing.

The comprehensive defect and complaint management solution is characterized by real-time, efficient commu-nication. This is enabled by complaint work flows, which activate immediate actions, sending direct information to certain areas of the company. This information is required for stock level investigations/stocktaking and defect anal-ysis.

Complaint analysis may be carried out in accordance with the 8D procedure. In addition to describing the problem, this also includes the initiation of various types of action, a cause analysis and confirmation of efficiency. The defect cause analysis is complemented by a QM method assistant that supports the Ishikawa Method (cause/ef-fect) and the 5 Why methodology. Where the supplier is found to be the cause of internal or customer complaints, the procedure can be used to generate a supplier com-plaint. Various web portals and interfaces are available:

Supplier portal for the online exchange with suppliers Simplified acquisition portal for the set-up of new processes by the customer or dealer. Integration in OEM portals with the exchange of the inspection report and the 8D report (in particular GM, AUDI and BMW)

Considerable time-saving and processing time

reduction as a result of the automation of

information and complaint handling

Comprehensive control mechanisms to ensure

the punctual execution of actions

Evaluations as a basis for lessons learned

Transparency of cost acquisition

CAQ=QSYS complaint handling module provides effective

support with structured complaint handling procedures.

Request handling within due dates ensures a higher level

of customer satisfaction.

Photo source: Blechwarenfabrik Limburg

In use: IBS:MES quality and

production management system

Comprehensive evaluation and analysis options support the continuous improvement of quality and production

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Audit Management


The audit management module supports the execution of various types of external and internal audit, such as system or process audits.

The main functions of the audit management module are: Basic audit planning and the derived audit program Audit fine planning incl. the sending of invitations Audit execution, incl. the acquisition of results and findings Creation and sending of the audit report Actions handling and monitoring Audit-related evaluations (e.g. based on VDA 6.3) and general evaluations, (e.g. actions fulfillment for each area audited)

The set-up of the audit is simplified, as a result of the provision of standardized and user-definable question catalogues (e.g. TS 16949, process audit VDA 6 part 3, environmental audit ISO 14001, process audit VDA 6 part 7 and the support of self-assessments).The online audit acquisition option, including the option of execution for suppliers and subsequent import in the productive database optimizes the audit process. The definition of necessary actions and their assessment in the audit module or via a web application, enables online feedback on the action by the individual responsible, thus contributing to greater work efficiency. The module is completed by automated actions and deadline monitoring.

Supports external and internal audits

Transparency and traceability of the individual

working steps (operations)

Reduction in documentation and archiving effort

Transparent overview of all pending actions

Escalation in failure to meet deadlines

Immediate information, sent by email

to the responsible employee

Comprehensive evaluations in the CAQ=QSYS audit

module allow conclusions to be drawn on product quality

trends. This module therefore also contributes to the

continuous improvement process.

Photo source: Ziehl-Abegg AG

In use: IBS quality management system

CAQ=QSYS Professional

Detailed audit evaluations based on the level of actions completion

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One of the main demands made of CAQ systems is their integration capability into existing systems at higher level. With its CAQ software, IBS AG offers a fully-integrated, bidirectional solution for the exchange of all relevant order data, guaranteeing the smooth flow of information, including the alignment of master data. The link to exist-ing PPS and ERP systems is realized via interfaces with SAP, infor, PSI, Baan and Navision. CAQ=QSYS can be implemented individually and inde-pendently of existing PPS systems, with various types of connection. The system interfaces are implemented in accordance with the customer’s existing IT landscape and various technologies. In addition to file-based data exchange, direct database connections are also provid-ed. Microsoft Biztalk is used as middleware.

Data exchange with all commercial PPS and ERP systems

Full integration of production and quality management in

the customer’s operations

Integration and automatic alignment of databases -

reduces administration effort


The following data is usually exchanged with the ERP level:

Master Data Movement data, such as order data, feedback from incoming goods, production and complaints

The IBS ERP interface guarantees standardised data stock, reducing administrative and organizational effort.In addition to ERP/PPC interfaces, IBS AG also offersintegration scenarios with PLM (Product Lifecycle Man-agement) systems and to further co-existing systems andsolutions.

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CAQ=QSYS enables the simplified connection of com-plex measuring devices, reducing manual inspection effort and the associated inspection costs. Interface to superior management systems is of particular importance in ensuring reliable data exchange between the various information systems within the company. The acquisition and processing of data from subordinate systems, e.g. from gages, measuring machines, analysis equip-ment or production facilities, is one of the main require-ments of a quality management system.

Supports the standard OPC format

Event-controlled acquisition of data and machine statuses


Prevention of transmission errors, as a result of automated data acquisition

Data is available centrally and in real-time for analysis and control

improvement for process effectiveness


IBS offers the connection of numerous gage types, based on standards such as Digimatic, BCD, IEEE or RS232, via the connection of multiplexers (e.g. MUX 50, Stein-wald, IBR, Bobe, Fluck, Gage Talker). The connection of more complex gages, analysis devic-es and testers, such as 3D measuring devices, optical measuring devices, is also made possible. A further option exists, enabling the acquisition and processing of process data (e.g. from PLCs such as Siemens S5, S7) directly from the production facility in order to speed up the availability of data at every station. The transfer can be fully-automatic, occurring in the background, or inter-active, during online operation.

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The reporting function integrated within the quality management system, is based on the required quality standards. It serves as a helpful and efficient analysis and control function for business processes in all departments of the company.

The IBS solutions offer the user defined reports. These can be used without modification to meet the company requirements. The Report Builder then comes into action.

The reports provided can be used as a guide for other reports.

In addition to the reports included in the IBS suite, the user may also choose to use the Personal Reports function. This enables the creation of your own, flexible reports. From the context of the individual applications, information can be transferred to the templates (already created by the user) (for example: MS Office templates in Excel or Word) and used for the desired report. The user also has the option to expand upon this information by adding information contained in the database.

Comprehensive built in reporting

Creation of new reports based on the reports


Best Practice reports

Personal Reports also supports the faster,


relevant quality and production data


Cockpit for cross-MES reporting

and KPI visualization

Drill-down function


Integrated Reports

Quality, production and company KPIs (e.g. from ERP) in control.

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Cockpit BI is a user-definable, cross-MES analysis and reporting tool. Individual reports can be configured and archived for the long-term.

The option enabling the definition of user-configurable fil-ter criteria and the application for reporting purposes has now been expanded to include in the form of printed data lists or output as business graphs. The captured data can then be grouped as required, e.g. for greater efficiency to ascertain the main defects.

The list or graph is either printed directly or be transmit-ted to MS Office, Crystal or Cognos applications. The user can also define drill-downs for the individual lists, enabling the call-in of the necessary data on a con-text-relevant or analysis-specific basis.


Configurable reports incl. drill-down and analyzing function with logical filters

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The actions management module enables the central planning, control and monitoring of all production actions. Actions monitoring is an automatic process that includes escalation procedures. The user has at a glance ac-cess to important information on company-wide planned quality and production actions. These actions are active-ly monitored by the system. Timely actions handling is therefor supported company-wide at all times. Depending on the configuration, delays in process are automatically


Escalation in the event in failure to

meet deadlines

Immediate information, sent by

email to the responsible employee

Transparent overview of all pending

actions and the use of various


cost center, etc.)


and production measures (actions)

Transparent visualisation of deadline

status thanks to an integrated


Sustained support of the corporate


Central actions overview

Central planning and control


Direct Access and immediate

handling of all actions

transferred. User-definable escalation profiles, which can be allocated to all actions, ensure handling is effect-ed in a timely manner. Each action can then be directly recalled for handling in the integrated overview. This en-ables the prompt and efficient response to changes and unforeseen events.All actions are available for handling in the integrated web portal.


Central administration of all quality actions and sustained support of the quality management work flow

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The IBS web portal solutions enable easier and faster exchange of data for APQP projects, actions, complaints and documents. The web portal is the ideal solution for internal processing via the intranet and for external processing via the internet.


Web-based IBS portal for com-prehensive measures (actions) and complaint acquisition


Involvement of supplier for immediate

handing of PPAP projects


(green, yellow, red)

Provision of complaints for suppliers from


Concern and complaint management module

for web portal processing in accordance

with 8D

Acquisition of external complaints, e.g.

dealer customers

Handling of all internal/external

measures via the portal itself

Processing of actions from further

modules, such as FMEA and Audit

Document exchange support


proof in case of complaint, supplier


APQP Complaints

Audits Supplier Assessment

FSI Documents

FMEA Certification

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IBS AG provides corporate productivity management, focusing on the ar-eas of quality and production. In doing so, we concentrate on our customer processes, from product development and production to maintenance and operation.In the initial phase we analyze the company processes and reveal optimization potentials. Our broad-range of knowledge in the areas of development, discrete manufacturing and the process industry is well-established and we possess excellent industry expertise.The high-quality consulting services of IBS Business Consulting enhance the IBS AG solutions portfolio. From the conception to the imple-mentation - our customers receive consulting, solutions and services from a single source.



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Our experienced trainers will enable you to achieve the optimum application of our products and solutions.

We offer our customers the following training models:

Small groups are trained within the scope of key user training courses. The course participants then take this knowledge away and share it within their companies. Alternatively, we offer in-house training courses at our head office in Hoehr-Grenzhausen.

Please refer to the IBS:academy training course catalogue for detailed information on our range of courses.


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Professional project management is imperative, particularly in the field of IT. We assist you through each product phase with the successful realization of your strategies. Following commissioning/start-up we remain at your service with our comprehensive range of consultancy and service offer.

Project Management

The IBS service center is available round the clock! Here you will receive qualified answers to all your questions on IBS AG products and services. Depending on the agreed service level, we are here to deal with your support enquiries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

24/7 Support

CAQ=QSYS is a process-oriented data and documentation system that fulfills the requirements for the establishment of a computer system designed for the management of electronic records and electronic signatures in accordance with the requirements of regulation 21 CFR part 11.


Product quality governs the success of manufacturing companies. Efficient quality management leads to a sustainable reduction in costs and guarantees first class quality products for a high degree of customer satisfaction.

Our comprehensive quality management software manages complexities and fulfills even the highest of requirements.

Improving Quality, Securing Margins

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Partners are essential to IBS AG. They enable us to operate success-fully on the market and to reach customers and market segments that we would not be able to reach otherwise. Partners reinforce our market position while we strengthen the business of our partners.The IBS AG integrated partner concept embodies strategic alliances with hardware and software suppli-ers, as well as co-operations with our project partners, consultancies and support providers. Long-standing

partnerships with leading technology companies and major ERP providers ensure the “information lead” thus strengthening our position in what is a tough competitive environment.Our business partner program focuses on the overall project development, sales and realization process, equipping our partners with the ideal basis for a clearly-defined co-operation. Together with our partners we will tackle the ever-in-creasing challenges faced by IT com-panies and in doing so we tap the


market potential. Furthermore, we are also a reliable partner of research institutes and associations. We remain in constant dialogue with leading scientists and institutes in order to foster innovative developments.


Production Management (MES) for Industry

IBS:prisma is a complete, cross-in-dustry manufacturing execution system. Increase your productivity by an average of 30 per cent, whilst reducing your costs by up to 10 per cent.



CALVIN, the calibration management system developed by the IBS subsid-iary IBS SINIC, is the most compre-hensive and highly configurable gage management system on the market. The software is ideal for the calibra-tion, monitoring and management of all measuring devices and gages and is used predominantly in calibration laboratories and by providers of cali-bration services.




CompliantPro is an integrated compliance solution, providing sustainable support in the areas of Corporate Governance, risk management and compliance. The solution promotes a corporate "Culture of Compliance"™, whilst at the same time ensuring adher-ence to all relevant standards, regulations and legal constraints.

Compliance Management



As a globally-operative software company, IBS AG has been de-veloping and providing software solutions and services for produc-tivity management in industrial companies since 1982.





Complete traceability of products, components and batches. Our trace-ability solution IBS: traceability sup-ports you in ascertaining which parts were assembled in which products, at what time and at which location, as well as providing information on the production conditions and delivery destination.

Traceability Management



Warranty management systems enable the standardization of warranty process-es, better communication between suppli-er companies and OEMs and an overall improvement in process transparency.They serve as an integrated platform between the supplier and the OEM.

Warranty Management Software



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Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH produces innovative metal packaging for a wide range of applications at its plants in Limburg/Lahn (Germany), Neustadt/Wied (Germany), Skarbimierz (Poland) and Tver (Russia). Products include tinplate cans, bottles, buckets (pails), canisters and 2-component-packaging for chemical-technical contents such as varnish and paints. The company, which was founded in Limburg in 1872, currently employs a workforce of 290. Along with its subsidiaries and a total of 400 employees the company generates a combined annual turnover of 60M EUR. In September 2011, the Blechwarenfabrik Limburg was awarded the Großen Preis des Mittelstandes (Grand Prix Award for Small and Mid-market Enterprises) for the company’s excellent overall development, for the creation and secruity of empoyment and apprenticeships, for service and customer proximity and for its exemplary achievements in the field of innovation and modernization.

Blechwarenfabrik Limburg

Limburg, Germany

Josef Rees Zerspanungstechnik KG is an independent, owner-managed company. Its 80 employees are focused on precision and reliability. The company produces precision turned parts in medium and large lot sizes in its 2,500m² production facilities at its Wehingen plant.The company’s key competences lie in a wide vertical range of manufacture, combined with a broad manufacturing structure and flexible dimensions, materials and batch sizes. From precision turned parts of high-end quality to complete component assemblies – everything under one roof. Rees Zerspanungstechnik KG received the Bosch Supplier Award in 2011.

Josef Rees KG Zerspanungstechnik

Wehingen, Germany

The good thing is, our employees live by the Lean mode of thought and are able to identify with the system, not only in each of the individual areas but also without any insistence from me. This is not least also due to the integrated approach of the IBS solution.Thomas Rees, Managing Director


The structured acquisition, analysis and visualization of quality data represents the difference between “reacting” and “acting” and is thus the driver of the continuous improvement process. The introduction of the CCM module has enabled us to integrate all those involved in any given complaint, ensuring prompt complaint handling.Patrick Schick, Quality Officer

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Löhr GmbH & Co. Präzisionsfedern KG is a traditional and competent manu-facturer of technical springs and flexible parts made from steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals, and provided specially-tailored solutions for large-batch production with its 70 employees. Continuous investments in its own machinery and its 4,000-square-metre industrial premises have enabled the company to maintain and develop its position as preferred supplier of preci-sion springs for the automotive, electrical and air conditioning industry. Export turnover amounts to the sound proportion of approximately 25 %.

Löhr GmbH & Co. Präzisionsfedern KG

Schwabach, Germany

The PRÄZI Group is a group of companies in the supplier industry and currently employs approximately 650 personnel at its 5 sites in 4 countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Netherlands). The company, founded in 1904, is part of the G. Class group of companies.The comprehensive and diverse range of PRÄZI Group products comprises Precision ground flat steel for precision parts Special products for conveyor systems Biogas delivery systems with using the latest technology and reliable functions for individual requirements Forming tools and wear parts for sandstone and concrete block manufacturing Rotating components for the agricultural machinery industry

IBS AG’s quality management supports our high-quality product requirements. Production process transparency was significantly increased and informative evaluations and KPIs made available. A considerable reduction in quality costs was also achieved.Joachim Löhr, Managing Director

With the introduction of CAQ=QSYS we have succeeded in making our key business processes both transparent and appraisable. The extrapolation of corrective measures also enables us to further improve customer satisfaction and the efficiency of the company.Bernhard Feikus, Managing Director Technology/Production

PRÄZI Flachstahl AG

Everswinkel, Germany

During the year after the implementation of CAQ=QSYS, we were able to reduce our quality costs by 18 per cent from those of the previous year.Uwe Richter, Head of Quality Management, Ziehl-Abegg AG

With more than 2,100 employees, Ziehl-Abegg AG is one of the world’s leading companies in the field of air and drive technology with its specially-designed control systems. Besides the main plant in Kuenzelsau (Baden-Wuerttemberg), the company, which is stee-ped in tradition, has more than 20 plants, production facilities and business partners around the world.

Ziehl-Abegg AG

Kuenzelsau, Germany

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All corporate, brand and product names used are the property of the respective owner and served solely for the identification and description of the products and services.

References 2013


Process Industry/Medical Technology




Plastics/PackagingMechanical Engineering

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Feel free to contact us for further information.


First name


Street and house number

Postcode, town/city

Function in the company






Automotive/OEM supplierApparatus engineering, plant control and safety engineeringMedical technology and dressings Textile industryToiletriesMechanical engineeringPackaging industry

Chemicals/food industryGlass/ceramics/construction materials industryPlasticsPaper industryElectronics/electrical engineeringMetal processingHousehold electrical appliancesSanitary and heating constructionMining industry

Information Request

Number of employees on site

Number of employees worldwide

I would like information on:

Lean ManagementQuality Process Management (QPM)Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES/MOM)Warranty ManagementTraceability ManagementService ManagementMaintenanceKPI SystemsCompliance ManagementTraining CoursesConsulting

Other comments

I would like a personal consultation.Please contact me to arrange an appointment.






We are already using QM software.

Fax: 0049 2624 / 9180-200

Rathausstrasse 5656203 Hoehr-Grenzhausen GermanyTel: 0049 2624 9180-0

Page 44: IBS AG Quality Management Brochure CAQ

IBS AGRathausstrasse 5656203 Hoehr-Grenzhausen Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 2624 9180 -0Fax: +49 (0) 2624 9180 -200

Email: [email protected]: www.ibs-ag.de



