Develop Your Own WordPress Theme (Overview)

Develop your own word press theme (overview)

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Develop Your Own WordPress Theme (Overview)

Page 2: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

outsource wordpress development Any website that you might have, the look and feel of it does make a lot of difference. This is a general norm and not just the users but even the designers appreciate that a great looking website will be able to create a better reputation.


Page 3: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

If you are developing a WordPress website, there are three options that you have in terms of the look ofthe site:

1. You download a free WordPress theme. This could be good for those who do not have a large budget and are just looking at a website which is simple and offers basic functionality.

2. You purchase a paid WordPress theme. As you would have guessed already, these themes would be more visually appealing.

3. You create a theme. Now, this is something that you might not have heard very frequently. However, there is always an option of associating with a wordpress development services who would create a unique theme for your requirement.

Page 4: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

We, in this blog post, are going to speak about the third option. As a wordpress developer, you would always add a coveted offering to your WordPress blog design services by proposing personalized themes. This way you would be able to help your clients impress their website visitors and even create a brand reputation, all of which will lead to loyalty towards your service.

Page 5: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

As mentioned earlier, you could outsource wordpress development. On the contrary, you can decide to do it by yourself too. If you have basic knowledge of WordPress, you would definitely be able to give it a shot. Here are certain tips that might help you make your first attempt a little simpler than you thought.

You should firstly keep in mind certain standards that WordPress proposes for your theme to be impeccable. As a thumb rule, you should always have a well structured and perfect code. Alongside, you would also need a clean CSS and a valid HTML. All the three of these are basic requirements at the time of theme development. Alongside, following of design guidelines of WordPress will hold you in good stead as well.

Page 6: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

Before you start working on the theme, ensure that you have the latest version of WordPress. Developing a theme on an older version can make your theme stale as soon as there are newer versions available. It, hence, makes sense to work with the latest.

The next you need to do is to decide the layout of the website. It can be unique on the basis of your thought process. A general website would contain a header, footer, sidebar and the main content area. However, there are people who decide to change that on the basis of their own visualization.

Page 7: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

Next, you need to create separate templates files for various elements of the website. This can be done through different Text Editors, the basic among which is the Note Pad. You can download other more powerful Text Editors too. The most basic template files that every website needs to have is a style.css and index.php.

By this time, you would have at least created a basic module of your site. With assistance, you can extend this process and get the final theme ready.

Page 8: Develop your own word press theme (overview)

Being an acknowledged wordpress development services, DIT has worked on various projects, requiring different skills. It happens to be a WordPress developer of choice in India and various other parts of the world including USA, Australia, UK and other parts of Europe. Use our wordpress outsourcing service for all your needs.