How does your film represent particular social groups? The opening begins with a shot of a girl innocently swinging on a park swing, with an empty surrounding. The mass of spare space in the background decreases the size of the character, in conjunction with the large area of white sky (connoting innocence and angelic), all making her appeal weak and small. There is also lack of colour in the scene, the dark clothing choice reflects that the girl does not want to stand out or catch attention. Swings are associated with younger children, often played with friends or watched by parents, not alone. Therefore the audience instantly feel scarce for her and worry that she is unsafe. The high toned, quick pace and eery music adds to the tense, vulnerable atmosphere. This is a traditional representation of women as the girl appears to be defenceless and delicate. However her clothing style is modern and stereotype of a normal teenage girl. This is a clip of an investigation wall into the kidnapping of a Missing Girl. The highlighted white area focuses on the centre of the image and follows the vertical pan up. The dark edges and high contrast connote a dangerous, edgy atmosphere, while the mise en scene presents a typical police scene and instantly represents crime. The low angle of the camera creates importance of the wall and creates an emotive feeling. The specific noun choice Girlinstead of other possible words (lady, woman, female) emphasises the vulnerability and weakness of the missing teen, this fits the traditional representation of a female. The narrative in the background is spoken by a female, specifically chosen to bring a modern representation and create positional power of a woman in authority able to impact and inform an audience. This contrasts with the vulnerable girl on screen. This is a close up of the stalkers hand grabbing the moving swing. The sudden, abrupt change in movement creates power and metaphorically represents how the male has control in the situation, that he has the power to stop the girl from her daily life and destroy her life. Therefore this quick action foreshadows the future and suggests to the audience that the male will take control. The non-diegetic eery music in companion with the news report dialogue reading a description of the young girl creates tension and hatred towards this man. This is a traditional representation of gender as men were perceived as strong, powerful and dominant in society, belittling the image of women as incapable house wives.

Task 2

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How does your film represent particular social groups?The opening begins with a shot of a girl innocently swinging on a park swing, with an empty surrounding. The mass of spare space in the background decreases the size of the character, in conjunction with the large area of white sky (connoting innocence and angelic), all making

her appeal weak and small. There is also lack of colour in the scene, the dark clothing choice reflects that the girl does

not want to stand out or catch attention. Swings are associated with younger children, often played with friends or watched by parents, not alone. Therefore the audience instantly feel scarce for her and worry that she is unsafe.

The high toned, quick pace and eery music adds to the tense, vulnerable atmosphere. This is a traditional representation of women as the girl appears to be defenceless and delicate. However her clothing style is modern and stereotype of a normal teenage girl.

This is a clip of an investigation wall into the kidnapping of a “Missing Girl”. The highlighted white area focuses on the centre of the image and follows the vertical pan up. The dark edges and high contrast connote a dangerous, edgy atmosphere, while the mise en scene presents a

typical police scene and instantly represents crime. The low angle of the camera creates importance of the wall and creates an emotive feeling.

The specific noun choice “Girl” instead of other possible words (lady, woman, female) emphasises the vulnerability and weakness of the missing teen, this fits the traditional

representation of a female. The narrative in the background is spoken by a female, specifically chosen to bring a modern representation and create positional power of a woman in authority able to impact and inform

an audience. This contrasts with the vulnerable girl on screen.

This is a close up of the stalker’s hand grabbing the moving swing. The sudden, abrupt change in movement creates power and metaphorically represents how the male has control in the situation, that he has the power to stop the girl from her daily life and destroy her life. Therefore this quick action foreshadows the future and suggests to the audience that

the male will take control. The non-diegetic eery music in companion with the news report dialogue reading a

description of the young girl creates tension and hatred towards this man. This is a traditional representation of gender as men were perceived as strong, powerful and

dominant in society, belittling the image of women as incapable house wives.

How does your film represent particular social groups?

This long, two shot of the girl and the male is a clear part of the opening as it clearly shows the narrative; that she is being followed. The shot is framed specifically to create the initial focus on the right hand side, revealing the full body of the male, who is stood closer to the camera therefore appears bigger and powerful. As your eyes follow the movement of the

walking girl into the distance it is clear she looks much much smaller, delicate and vulnerable. The empty background and no signs of other human life emphasise the loneliness. The pole in

between the two separate them and show a clear division. This shot shows a traditional representation of gender as the man is in control, dominating and possessing the narrative.

This is a long, wide two shot. The perspective and position of the camera has swapped to face the opposite direction. This allows the audience to see the facial expressions and

emotions of the girl, who is un-known that she is being followed. The direction of her head pointing down implies she is scared and trying to protect herself, but also that she is minding her own business and does not mean any harm. In the centre of the page, far behind, is the

small figure of the male. It is too far in the distance to reveal his face, however it is suggested that he is looking at her by the body language and being directly behind. The

dialogue of the news report has also stopped, making the audience even eager to find out what will happen. The narrative represents a traditional female image, however this single shot implies a modern representation as the female is larger, in focus, and dominates the image.

The large gap between the two characters implies that the girl still has time to run away and escape, putting her in a position of control.

This is a long shot of the investigators office revealing the mise en scene all fit to the theme of crime. The incredibly organised office suggests the investigator likes to be in control at all

times and must be efficient. The angle is taken slightly from above, making him appear innocent and doing no harm, deeply involved in his work. However, the shot is taken from

behind and his face is not revealed, implying he does not want his identify shown for reasons we do not know. I believe this shows a traditional representation of men as it creates a hard-

working business man image passionate about his work. The editing adds to this representation as the high saturation creates warm tones and the

exposure brings bright light into the shot. This all creates a warm-hearted, hardworking image.

How does your film represent particular social groups?

This extreme close up of Elise’s eye creates a split second of intense emotion and allows the audience to momentarily identify with her. The strong aperture and high quality create a strong shot, forcing the viewer to look directly into

her eyes (central to the shot). This may create a traditional female representation as it brings emotion to the scene, her eyes look aware and wide


During this shot, the heart beat synchronous diegetic sound is increasing with pace, as Elise begins to run away from her stalker. The non-diegetic music

continues in the background adding to the eery tense atmosphere. This split second of the male quickly folding his arms represents traditional men as they are confident, big built and aggressive. This body position stereotypically is evident when a character has something to hide or is attempting to appear dominant and intimidating. The contrast between his dark jacket and bright,

sunny surroundings connote a negative, dark feel to his figure.

How does your film represent particular social groups?

Throughout the film, both identity of the male characters are never revealed. The stalker and investigator remain with their backs to the camera or have their faces hidden by the lighting/object. It creates an eery atmosphere and allows the audience to question why neither are revealed, whilst encouraging them to want to watch the rest of the film and find out. This is a modern representation of men, making them appear more mysterious, less confident and obvious. In contrast the female’s face is constantly viewed to the audience, allowing us to identify with her and concentrate on the main character. This brings power to her image as she possesses the control to change our feelings. It is a modern representation of females as she is in the spotlight, and although vulnerable, she has more screen time than the males, who are stereotypically centre of attention.