Social Media An overview of the Holistic Digital approach to Social

Social Media Introduction, Holistic Digital

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Social Media An overview of the Holistic Digital approach to Social

Social Media facilitates a two-way relationship with your customers.

What is Social Media? Where Technology & People meet to:

•  have a discussion •  share information •  sell •  make friends & network •  create content, self-expression •  entertain, or to be entertained

What is Social Media? •  forums

–  eg Whirlpool forums, Essential Baby •  blogs

–  eg Blogger, Wordpress, Livejournal

•  microblogging –  eg Twitter, Tumblr

•  ‘traditional’ social networking –  eg Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Google +

•  visual platforms –  eg YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, Vine

•  location-based “check-in” services –  eg Foursquare, Miso, Facebook Places

•  “real-time” platforms –  Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat, Vine

The Big 6 in Social Media Twitter •  Over 500 million active registered users •  Australia accounts for 3% of worldwide Twitter Traffic •  equates to top rating television show ie AFL Grand Final. •  Conversation-based. Heavy emphasis on interaction. •  Own Vine & Periscope

Facebook •  14 million Australians are on Facebook, 50% log on every day. •  Rapidly changing, highest engagement. •  Ability to target specific demographic groups with Advertising,

remarketing & custom audiences •  Own Instagram, Whatsapp

The Big 6 in Social Media

LinkedIn •  4 million Australian LinkedIn users •  business & networking focus, with a “virtual CV” •  Connect in a professional setting outside of “social” media •  Company profiles & discussion groups

Google+ & YouTube •  Prioritised by Google Search •  Important to not look at any Google tool in isolation. •  Every Google tool (eg My Business, YouTube, G+ & Paid Advertising)

are integrated into search.

The Big 6 in Social Media

Pinterest •  “Visual” sharing platform – photos, videos •  80% women, average household income $100k pa+ •  40% of women are on the platform •  Highest referral source for online retailers

Instagram •  Photo sharing app that syndicates to other networks, plus in-

house interactions (Like, Comment) •  Over 4 million active users in Australia

Notable Mentions

•  MySpace - music & entertainment •  Foursquare - location-based ‘check-ins’

•  Periscope – real-time video broadcast •  Spotify - streaming music, potential ‘iTunes killer’ •  Reddit – “Ask Me Anything”, threaded forum, sharing •  Snapchat – time-limited multimedia sharing

Benefits of Social Media

•  Increased Brand recognition •  Increased Brand Loyalty & Authority •  Increased conversion, especially

when combined with email & above the line

•  Increased traffic to your site

•  Higher ROI & more measurable than traditional media

•  Integrated, holistic approach that includes media, email, print & social is the ‘sweet spot’

•  It’s fun!

•  Greater insights into customers to improve the overall customer experience

•  Yates are already on it, but Scotts can do a better job J

The best way forward •  Social Media planning workshop

•  Competitor Analysis (what are your competitors doing and how can you learn from them?)

•  In-depth listening & monitoring (see what conversations are happening & plan accordingly)

•  Plan for Social for 3, 6, 12 months (which platforms to set up, when, who, what, how – start

with the 3 month plan & revise)

•  Content Strategy (determine positioning, tone of voice, what you are going to post, which formats)

•  Competitions & Campaign planning

•  Post Calendar (what to post, when & deadlines for production)

•  Policy & Governance (both internal & external)

•  Risk planning & mitigation (any potential ‘grenades’ that may blow up?)

•  Plan for day-to-day management of channels (this can be fully or partially outsourced)

•  Identify any other needs to support the strategy (website redesign, YouTube videos,

photography, copywriting, mobile app)

There are thousands of social networks.

If there is a niche, there is an online community for it.

For the best results, you have to choose the right platforms, to reach the right people.

Every network requires a different approach to be successful.

Success on one platform does not guarantee success on others.

There are no guarantees, but you can maximise your chances.

Strategic planning for social will maximise your chances of success.


A PLAN Before thinking about the “What” – ask yourself… “Why?”




Why have a workshop?

Social Media is like the wild west, but with some planning, is completely under your control.

UNDERSTAND YOUR POSITION By knowing where you stand in the market, what people are saying about you and which platforms have the greatest opportunity, you can focus resources in areas that only support the strategy.

PERSONA DEVELOPMENT If you give your customers a face, it becomes easier to empathise & connect with them in an authentic way & build better relationships with influencers.


SUCCESS? If we do not know where we want to be, how do we know when we get there?

A workshop helps you to define your goals upfront & identify what success looks like, so you can work towards it & help you track progress.


CONSTRAINTS & LIMITATIONS? Strategic planning helps you to consider factors unique to social networks, that be risky on social media. Identifying these upfront & planning for negative feedback will help you to avoid the infamous “social media crisis”.

REPORTING & REVIEW The power of social media is to allow you to have insight into your audience like never before. Measurement helps you to review & adapt in a rapidly changing landscape.


ROADMAP A strategy helps you stay on-target, plan your content ahead of time and know what to talk about on social media. At least 50% of your content can be pre-planned and scheduled ahead of time.

MANAGED SOCIAL MEDIA We can plan your content, post on your behalf, take care of all creative. All you have to do is approve.