Ligne de vie - 16th Libre Software Meeting 2015

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  1. 1. Ligne de vie and Personal Health Project Philippe AMELINE [email protected]
  2. 2. Anthropology Ive a body thats apparently really mine, and its what makes me me. I number it among my possessions and I claim to exercise full sovereignty over it. But thats an illusion, because there is no human society in which one thinks that the body is any good on its own. So I think Im unique and independent. All bodies are engendered, and not only by their fathers and mothers. Its not made by the one that has it, but by others. Its not thought of as a thing, not in New Guinea, any more than in Amazonia, East Africa or Europe. My body really mine? Its it that determines that I dont belong to myself, that I dont exist alone and that my destiny is to live in a social context. On the contrary, it has the particular form of its connection with otherness that constitutes the person.
  3. 3. Egology
  4. 4. Care place centered reference frame Technical excellency - Treating bodies Efficient treatment vs Taking good care of
  5. 5. Person centered reference frame Health Team Health Project Life long behavior Risk management
  6. 6. Ligne de vie My health project is the concept all organizations must operate as contributors to
  7. 7. New paradigms of care Cohen, J (21st Century Challenges for Medical Education; 9th International Medical Workforce Conference; Melbourne, Australia; November 2005) The individual The community Acute disease dominates More chronic illness /disability Episodic care Continuous care Cure of disease Preservation of health Reactive Prospective Physician provider Teams of providers Paternalism Partnership with patients Provider centred Patient / family centred Parochial health threats Global health threats The future is only complex if you fail to understand it from the point of view of what is driving the change. Helge Tenn
  8. 8. Health, what health? Is Health a humanismly correct word for Medicine ? Or does it extend to all other compartments of our life ? The paradox of limited holism
  9. 9. A New Model The person as a set of projects + surrounding teams The person has a global vision with support from a holistic risk management motherboard
  10. 10. Copernican Revolution From a world where your information is scattered in numerous silos (GAFA + service providers) while you store papers in a shoe box. To a world where your own projects manager federates all contributors. From a world where information is only processed inside organizations with limited view angle and time scope. To a world where you process your holistic information with full control. Ability Reference frame switching
  11. 11. Conclusion Paradigm shift Open for all the good reasons we all know Ethic I don't know what information I host Empowered you are in control Can we create an intimate web? to higher consciousness
  12. 12. Thanks Blog: Mail: [email protected] Twitter: p_ameline