7 Twitter Mistakes you can't afford to make in 2014

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Here is the #1 Mistake Everybody Makes on Twitter by @garyvee To read all 7 mistakes you need to avoid, click here http://blog.digitalinsights.in/twitter-mistakes-to-avoid-2014/05119087.html

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Twitter has been around since 2006.

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And what really frustrates me…

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Is that so many people still screw up a really basic piece of

Twitter’s functionality.

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Allow me to explain:

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I have something I need to get off my chest, something I need everyone to know !

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so I head to Twitter and I tweet this:

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@Patriots I hate all of you.!

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But there is a problem.!

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I want everybody to know.!

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But because the tweet started with an @ sign…!

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ONLY the traitors people who follow BOTH me AND the Patriots will see this tweet.!

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NOT all of my followers (and I have a lot)

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Which is EXCEPTIONAL for certain situations.*

*But that's another Slideshare for another day.

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But not this one.

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So now a tweet like this:!

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The @Patriots haven’t won a Super Bowl since they were caught cheating. #Justsaying #Truth

So now a tweet like this:!

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Will show up to all 1,000,000+ of my followers

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Because @ is not the first character of the tweet:

The @Patriots haven’t won a Super Bowl since they were caught cheating. #Justsaying #Truth

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When that happens, all of your followers see it no matter what else is in the tweet.

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Let’s take a look at another example:

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@wilfork75 really really really really really really really really annoys me

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Again, only going to the LIMITED number of my followers who ALSO follow Vince Wilfork. !

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But it’s an easy fix:!

.@wilfork75 really really really really really really really really annoys me

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.@wilfork75 really really really really really really really really annoys me

See that period at the beginning?!

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That is the most misunderstood piece of punctuation on Twitter.!


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Now that I tweeted starting with a period…

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ALL of my followers can understand just how much Vince pisses me off.

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So clearly this is a really important mechanic.

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And to be honest, I am shocked that Twitter hasn’t done a better job explaining it to

new users.

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If I ran things, here is what I would do.

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The first time you used the @ message, this would appear:

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Pretty cool right?

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Hey one last thing.

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I’m actually not all about people using this mechanic all the time.

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I would prefer that you just change the content up a little.

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The @Patriots haven’t won a Super Bowl since they were caught cheating. #Justsaying #Truth

Just find a different way to structure the sentence.!

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It looks and feels a lot more natural.

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But if you absolutely have to start a tweet with someone’s handle.

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Now you know what to do.

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