Are you Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant? Have you been considering hiring an assistant to help you with your day-to-day operations or to do special projects for you but you aren’t sure how a VA will benefit your business? Here are some things to consider... Do you feel burdened with the minute projects that require so much of your time and you feel stretched to the limit, which are limiting you from moving your business forward? Evaluate your needs Some important things to consider: 1) Will you be able to reach your goals without the support you need? 2) Is your time spent being productive? Is this how you want/need to be spending it? 3) Are you losing clients because your administrative and marketing to-do lists keeping growing? 4) Can you reach your goals without support? Or would your daily tasks be better served by having an assistant who can help you?

Are You Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

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Page 1: Are You Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

Are you Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant? Have you been considering hiring an assistant to help you with your day-to-day operations or

to do special projects for you but you aren’t sure how a VA will benefit your business? Here

are some things to consider...

Do you feel burdened with the minute projects that require so much of your time and you feel

stretched to the limit, which are limiting you from moving your business forward?

Evaluate your needs Some important things to consider:

1) Will you be able to reach your goals without the support you need?

2) Is your time spent being productive? Is this how you want/need to be spending it?

3) Are you losing clients because your administrative and marketing to-do lists

keeping growing?

4) Can you reach your goals without support? Or would your daily tasks be better

served by having an assistant who can help you?

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5) how much of your to-do list would you delegate if you knew you could hire a

professional to help you?

Make a List Make a list of projects you would delegate to your assistant, even if you’re not sure if it could

be done (because it most likely can be). You may be surprised! Here are some examples to

get you started:

● Email and other correspondence with customers and vendors

● Graphic design - newsletters, brochures, postcards, flyers

● Marketing Plan - including setting goals, managing tasks and helping build your plan

effectively to grow your company

● Managing your calendar to ensure you’re where you need to be and when

● Social media marketing management - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn

● Research projects

● Meeting and event planning

● Writing and editing - correspondence, website copy, proofreading and editing

● Presentations

and the list goes on and on and on…

Visualize A Virtual Assistant or VA can help you accomplish so many of the daunting tasks that haunt

you and keep you from running your business. VA’s are wired to communicate effectively and

find out from their clients what their needs are and how they can achieve their goals.

Your list that you started will help you provide a list of projects to give to your VA to begin your

professional relationship. Not only will this list help you determine what can be delegated to

your VA, it provides you with the knowledge of the type of VA who is able to complete your

projects efficiently and effectively to your standards.

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Free Consultation

You’re in luck! ProAssistant Services offers free consultations!! Woohoo...who doesn’t love

free stuff! Additionally , we want to provide you with answers to any of your questions that

haven’t been answered:

Q&A What is a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual /assistant refers to an independent service provide who provides administrative,

secretarial, technical or creative services to businesses externally. Usually, such entrepreneur

operates as an Online Virtual Assistant making maximum use of online communication

channels to deliver the services. It takes for an idea home-based business for moms and

dads who are willing to operate as work-from-home entrepreneurs.

Services of a VA are hired by small and medium-sized companies, including professionals

such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, management consultants and other individuals

How do you support my business if I don’t see you every day?

Who needs the extra “help”? Such businesses prefer to operate with low overhead in order to

survive in a competitive environment. Therefore, instead of hiring full-time services of an

employee, they are happy to outsource such services at a cheaper cost when required,

The key to working with virtual professionals is simple – by using communication. Our VA’s

are well-versed in using today’s technology to communicate, whether it be through phone,

email, text or other software tools such as CRM tools. If you are clear about what you need,

you can leave the rest to us while you focus on the rest of your business.

Our staff will provide progress reports, ask questions and take the initiative to use their

resources to get the job done.

What services does ProAssistant Services provide?

See my VA Resume which includes all of my “Rockstar” skills and knowledge I’ve acquired for

the past 30 years.

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If there is something you need that we’re not completely confident we can do or if it’s not

part of our service listing, we will be up front with you and help find someone who can help


Do you take on every project or assignment?

Unfortunately, no. In order to be successful about our mission, which is providing you with a

valuable business solution, we limit our number of clients during a single time and based on

the work load. Our primary goal isn’t to grow our client list, but to provide the best service

possible to those we are servicing. Additionally, if we are asked to do a job that we are not

completely confident we can do successfully, we won’t accept the project.

I see you’re based in Warsaw, Missouri. Do you only work with clients in the surrounding


How do you support me if you’re not familiar with my industry?

We ask all questions necessary to obtain the necessary information to thoroughly evaluate

whether our VA’s are able to successfully complete the tasks in which the clients ask of us.

VA’s are bright and curious cats and we don’t hesitate to do research and ask questions and

learn each client’s challenges and goals. I have professional experience in many facets such

as management, marketing & sales, bookkeeping and other aspects that will help them to

perform various tasks.

What are the payments options?

We accept all major credit cards, VISA, Mastercard, and American Express. Additionally, you

can pay through your PayPal account as well.

When will I be billed?

If you sign up today, your credit card will be billed today. Billing will then occur every month

on the date you signed up until you cancel your plan.

Is there a minimum commitment or contract?

No, your monthly subscription to our services can be ended at any time by clicking here.

There is no cancellation fee or penalty of any kind.

What happens if I don’t use all of my time?

If you’re not sure if you can use all of the hours in a plan, we suggest signing up for a lower

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level. We make it very easy to upgrade in the event that you need more hours. /We want

you to be on the plan that makes the most sense for you.

If you sign up for a large plan and it is clear within the first two weeks that you will not use all

the hrs, let us know and we will adjust the time used and put you on an hourly rate (which may

be higher per hour).

Are there any hidden or additional costs?

There are no hidden costs, activation fees, premium rate tasks, additionally, taxes or

cancellation fees.

Should you require services such as mailing our letters for you, you will need to provide us

with the supplies necessary to complete the task, such as paper, envelopes and postage. We

won’t ever purchase anything without your prior approval, so there won’t be any surprises.

Conclusion Are you ready to “take the plunge”? Do you feel like hiring a Virtual Assistant can benefit your

company substantially? Of course you do!

Check out my Detailed Services and find out if I am the right fit for you and your business.

You can access my Pricing Plans and select a plan that is best for you. If you need additional

justification as to why to hire a VA, remember that you will be saving money because you

don’t have to hire a full-time employee, pay for benefits, sick leave, vacations, State & Federal

Taxes and you can use the VA as-needed. How would this not benefit you, right?

If you think we would be a good match, contact me at 573-268-0917 or via email at

[email protected]. I look forward to discussing how I can provide my

services and help grow your business!