2010 may 13 EYC Strasbourg >>training session: Social Media as Tools for Policy Dialogue

Social Media As Tools For Policy Dialogue

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Social Media As Tools For Policy Dialogue

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  • 1. 2010 may 13 EYC Strasbourg >> training session: Social Media as Tools for Policy Dialogue
  • 2. Social networking Twitter Facebook Blogging docs E-tools fpr sharing information
  • 3.
    • Twitter is a tool that allows you to send short status messages (Tweets) of max 140 characters - basically an SMS. A bit like Facebook, Twitter has some differences:
    • it's public;
    • you can search through the messages
    What is Twitter?
  • 4. Twitter enables you to send short messages to an extended audience. It's somewhat of a blogging tool, but with limited space. With Twitter you can reach out and communicate in a more immediate ways about its own activities, policies and events. Why Twitter @ your organization?
  • 5. First step: create a Twitter account. It's simple and takes no more than 5 mins. http://twitter.com/ is the place to go! Make it look nice: upload your info, your profile picture. How to Tweet?
  • 7. advanced # [ dash tags ] widgets 1. RT = Retweet --- it means that you're repeating the Tweet from another user. It's like Forwarding an email. 2. d username = Direct Message --- you're sending a private message to this person (this feature is only available if you're being followed by this person) 3. Twitpic.com 4. Selective Twitter Status : a FB application that allows you to post a Tweet as Status on Facebook.
  • 8. How can YOU use TWITTER for the sake of Pax Christi?
  • 9. Social networking Facebook How to use it in a meaningful way? Pages Causes Groups Apps ...
  • 10. Social networking Blogging How to use it in a meaningful way?
  • 11. Social networking E-tools How to use them in a meaningful way? E-learning, sharing, collaborating, petitions, campaigns * Prezi - Online presentation tool * DropBox - Online and sharing platforms * Etherpad.com - Real Time sharing system of documents * SlideShare - Online sharing platform for Presentations * YouthMedia.eu - Online platform for youth media sharing * Flock.com - Social Web Browser * FriendFeed - Sharing and combining your contacts through social networks * Animoto.com - A tool to turn your image collection into a great animation * Doodle.com - Organising pools and meeting online * Moodle.org - Open-source community-based tools for learning * Issuu - Publishing online your publications * Ning - Build your own Social Network * Basecamp - Project Management Software (not free) * BuddyPress - Community Blog: organise your organisation around your own community * Wikis (Wetpaint; Wikispaces...) CMS - Content Management Systems: * Joomla * Drupal * Wordpress