Sales & Marketing: A New Love Affaire?

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Social selling has changed the sales and marketing process in companies of all sizes. Marketing and sales silos are coming down in favour of new, collaborative ways to improve customer engagement. Sales and marketing teams that embrace social selling and work together at every stage of the buyers’ journey are being rewarded with stronger pipelines and greater revenue performance. This session defines the new rules of social marketing and selling—a partnership.

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Sales & Marketing: A New Love Affaire?Ralf VonSosenHead of Marketing, Sales SolutionsLinkedIn

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Jarther TaylorGM, Marketing – Medium Business, Telstra RetailSocial Selling Program – It is who you know

Koka SextonHead of Social Marketing, LinkedIn Sales SolutionHow Marketing Empowers Social Selling at LinkedIn

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Telstra UnrestrictedSocial Selling Program | Oct 2014 Page 4

Why Social Selling?

91%of B2B buyers are involved in social media

30%time reduction requested in the vendor buying process

57%of the decision making for purchase is made before they contact the vendor

Forrester Research, Using Buyer Social Behaviour to Boost B2B Social Selling Success, 201http://www.socialbakers.com/countries/linked-in-country-detail/australia

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Following a proven approach

50 participant trial Acquisition team focus Team based inclusion

Proof of Concept 1

250 participant pilotNational focus Influencer drive

Expanded Pilot 2

750 participant pilot National focus Content acceleration

Pilot + 3

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Telstra Unrestricted







Social Selling Program | Oct 2014 Page 6

How to create a lasting customer experience…







CUSTOMER BENEFITSRelevant contentDeeper relationshipsTrust

SALES BENEFITSCustomer CoverageSales UpliftAdvocacy

Telstra Influencers- Industry

- Solutions

TB Marketing & agencies

TB Marketing Social Selling Group


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Supporting our participants…

Social Selling Forum

Fact & Tip Sheets

ZING rewards each week

Profile building tips

Content support through Bauer Media

Dashboard & results

Guest speakers at Q&A

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1. Social Selling results in increased sales opportunities

2. Advocacy is enhanced by Social Selling

3. Social selling results in broader and deeper customer relationships

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1. Social Selling results in increased sales opportunities

AEs participating in the social selling pilot showed a higher sales volume than those not in the pilot

1.0x 1.15x1.42x

0.97xAEs in the pilot have


2013 2014Total Sales Mar / Apr

Pilot Non Pilot

Than those that aren’t(Mar – Apr)

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2. Advocacy is enhanced by Social Selling

Potential buyers who had positive social media engagements with ICT vendors were more willing to

recommend those ICT brands



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3. Social selling results in broader and deeper customer relationships

AEs on the social selling pilot have made over 60,000 connections as of May 2014

..on the which about 1/3 are consideredkey decision makers

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Telstra Business Managed Marketing

AEs with higher sales were able to integrate social media more effectively into their

sales process

Establishing Connections

High performers used social media to establish

connection with their clients 2-3 times more often than


Prospecting New Leads

High performers used social media 50 – 60% more often than others in prospecting

for new leads.

Pitching a Product

High performers used social media to understand their client background when

pitching a product

Influence the deal

Closing the deal is often by telephone or face to face

but social media is used to share content which helps

influence the decision makers.

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Key Learnings

Software is not the solution; a programme is

Invest in metrics; it’s harder than you think

Content sharing is challenging; but it is the key

Change management principles; WIFM for sales is not always clear

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Jarther TaylorGM, Marketing – Medium Business, Telstra RetailSocial Selling Program – It is who you know

Koka SextonHead of Social Marketing, LinkedIn Sales SolutionHow Marketing Empowers Social Selling at LinkedIn

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How LinkedIn Sales Solutions Marketing is empowering our LSS

sales pros

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Think like a publisher

Turn your employee’s into the distributors

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Empower your teams

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Add Rich Media to Employee Profiles

Leverage your employee’s profiles to distribute content.

• Initially sent in batches• Incremental updates as needed

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Use your statusupdates to promoteyour network

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Use your statusupdates to inform your network

• Industry news• Relevant content• Press• Blogs• Content

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Your networkIs your business.

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Sales reps that exceed quota engage with prospects 39% more than


Sales reps that that exceed quota have their updates engaged 98%

more than laggards

more engagement Engagements received

Based on a global study LinkedIn ran in Q4 2013 of Q3 performance for reps focused on new business and reps focused on existing business. Respondents reported performance; they were matched to their LinkedIn profiles to understand their SSI.SSI leaders have an SSI > 70; SSI laggards have an SSI < 30

Why sharing is important?

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