ASN TRAINING & MOTAVATION 101 ASN Training. 12 September 2014 http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/PT18676/myhomepage.htm IMPORTANT! Read These Training pages... http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/PT18676/trainingvideos.htm We aim to provide extensive training & Support. ASN Basics Introduction to Earning then... 1. Read the column below and to the right,in it's entirety. Read it, follow it,understand it... and you will have an immediate and consistent income. Customer Service and Support 2. Go to "Claim Your Check" to learn how to earn points and your first check, today! But make sure you know and follow the rules! 3. Go to "What to Do NOW!" and learn to share this Free Business. The more you share... the more you earn! Earn More By Helping Others. 4. Read and follow "Your Success Plan". Follow this plan and watch your income grow! Firstly,the key is to USE IT & SHARE IT- The most profitable aspect of ASN. Simply let others know they, too, can earn for doing what they already do. ASN is a free, no investment way for anyone to earn. Please like my FB pages, https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Solutions-Network/168271019896173 https://www.facebook.com/mybusinesssites Secondly,this is WHY I KNOW YOU WON’T FAIL! No Risk No Investment You Offer Everything that the public wants and you can earn from $10 to $1,500 or more pre transaction. You decide which money programs to work. (They are all free). You earn by doing what you are already doing. Personal Use... see what earns most

Asn training & motivation 101

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ASN Training. 12 September 2014


IMPORTANT! Read These Training pages...


We aim to provide extensive training & Support.

ASN Basics

Introduction to Earning then...

1. Read the column below and to the right,in it's entirety. Read it, follow it,understand it... and you will have an immediate and consistent income. Customer Service and Support

2. Go to "Claim Your Check" to learn how to earn points and your first check, today! But make sure you know and follow the rules!

3. Go to "What to Do NOW!" and learn to share this Free Business. The more you share... the more you earn! Earn More By Helping Others.

4. Read and follow "Your Success Plan". Follow this plan and watch your income grow!

Firstly,the key is to USE IT & SHARE IT- The most profitable aspect of ASN. Simply let others know they, too, can earn for doing what they already do. ASN is a free, no investment way for anyone to earn.

Please like my FB pages,



Secondly,this is WHY I KNOW YOU WON’T FAIL!

No Risk

No Investment

You Offer Everything that the public wants and you can earn from $10 to $1,500 or more pre transaction.

You decide which money programs to work. (They are all free).

You earn by doing what you are already doing. Personal Use...

see what earns most

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No barriers to entry. No licensing, education, office space, selling, etc...

All necessary training is provided. Also, Free.


Thirdly,like you, for every free quote, trial, survey or purchase they make from their ASN site, they earn and save EXACTLY the same way you do… PLUS, you earn Group Bonus commission overrides from everything they do... You don't just earn from their normal purchases, sales, quotes or trials made by their site, you even earn from the trials, quotes and purchases of everyone they share with!... up to a full 10 levels.



You can't fail because there is absolutely NO RISK!-

http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=YDuP6NvTmIQ & u=%2Fwatch%3Fv %3D8U1LfcxBJpQ%26feature%3Dshare

- If you follow our system... It's impossible to lose! Now don't get me wrong. You can't lose,.. But It is possible-- to Not Win. All that requires is... to do nothing. See Success Principles... Follow the system and watch what happens.



Don’t focus on problems—focus on Goals and Solutions.

This is one of the most important success principles in existence. Consequently, I have spent much more time on it than others.

I write not only about the principle, itself, but how and why it was so instrumental in the creation of the Solutions Network.

You can and will succeed, in anything, providing you can focus on your goal and not dwell on the obstacles.

FIRST, You Offer Everything. Your website offers virtually everything the public wants or needs. From home loans, Flowers, Insurance, Fine Jewelry, Furniture, Gifts, Vitamins, and of course, an Absolutely No Investment Opportunity to make money in your spare time.

REMEMBER, You are now partnered with Wal-mart, Sears, Amazon.com, and hundreds of other trusted companies. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE ECONOMY, you always

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have a product or service that can fill an economic niche.

SECOND, Natural Diversification. The most successful people in life rarely have all their eggs in one basket. They diversify, into different investments and different business, to hedge against changes in the economy.

Your business and website automatically gives you the ultimate in diversification. Your ability to profit from Real Estate loans and the Auto industry is wonderful, but what if the rates go to 18% again, as they did in the 80's? It won't matter because your website will still be earning money from the many gifts that your site offers, or the many nutritional products, and diet and weight loss supplements, or the low cost prescription meds that your site sells, think about it... your site offers EVERYTHING!

Your website diversifies you into all aspects of the economy. So, no matter what happens, high rates, low rates, fast or slow economic growth, you will still make money because your diversity of products and services PROVIDES THE NEEDS OF ANY ECONOMY.

THIRD, No Barriers to Entry. To you, or anyone to whom you might share it. The opportunity you have and offer has absolutely no barriers to entry. Virtually, any business that you can think of has obstacles that prevent the average of person from participating. Often it requires money, time, sales ability, licenses, etc... There is almost always a substantial barrier.


Furthermore,With YOUR ASN business, there are no barriers. None!

There are absolutely no barriers to you... and absolutely NO barriers to anyone that you may share this with.

There is NO excuse for failure-- The only way to fail, is by failing to act!

Your business requires...

No investment, No licenses, No sales experience, No employees, No office space, etc.

The only thing this business requires is the Desire to make or save money. And how is that done?

1. USE IT- by doing what you do anyway!

2. SHARE IT- give this free opportunity away to others.

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ASN's Group Bonus override system is so powerful, that if yougive shared this with 5 and then they shared with 2, etc... through 10 levels, with each generating only 25points, (personal use alone can do this)-- YOUR group overrides are in excess of $7,500 per month.

Think about it... Your success is achieved by GIVING AWAY FREE opportunity. The ability to earn on everything and save on everything. And the more you give, the more you earn. The more they earn... the more you earn.

It's free for you and it's free for them... What could be easier?

FOURTH, Everything you need for success is provided. We are absolutely committed to giving you every product, every service, and every tool. We will give you everything that you could possibly need to succeed. The only thing that we can't provide is commitment. But of course commitment is the most important ingredient.

No matter how great the idea or how great the opportunity, without committed consistent action... No Matter What the Business or Opportunity-- nothing is ever accomplished. Some people are going to get a hold of this opportunity and run with it. Others are going to sit on it. If you are the former, I truly believe that your life is about to change.


There is never any shame in falling down... the shame is in not getting back up.--Socrates.

In life, we experience failure,setbacks, obstacles, etc... That's part of the human condition. What's important is not that we avoid mistakes. We can't. If we aren't making occasional mistakes and experiencing, at least,some failures... we aren't trying hard enough!

The key is that we always get back up. We dust ourselves off and learn what we can from the experience and then, more intelligently start again!

Remember, repeated attempts will eventually accomplish any worthwhile endeavor.


Below You Will Find the Following Training Videos.

ASN Overview

How and Why to Share

Claim Your Check

Understanding Claim Your Check ($100 to $500 or more), with no investment.

Big Commissions with Viral Marketing

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Why Get Your Home Page

More than 60 pages: Key sites inside your home page,which you can promote.






"If you always do what you've always done... you'll always get what you always got". Jack Canfield

We are each the sum total of our life's actions and choices. If we are not happy with our circumstances, something has to change. We can't do the same thing we've always done and expect different results. If you are not completely satisfied with your circumstances try something different. But the key is to actuallytry. Great ideas and great intentions are worthless... unless accompanied by positive action. Do something that has a proven market, doesn't take too much time and doesn't require monetary investment. see why ASN works.

Universal Key to Success... "Find what they want and give it to them"

Your ASN business has everything that anyone could want. Home loans, insurance, mortgage negotiation, gifts, health products, etc... and you make money from everyone of them... PLUS, it never costs you a penny to join or market your business. We give you everything from free advertising sites, to free traffic exchanges (that also earn you money), to professional banners and pre-written ad copy. And it's all free!

ASN is not for everyone. It has done great things for many people. (every testimonial you see is real), having said that, ASN may not be right for you. But the only way to really know is to really try. No company provides more ways to earn, easier marketing methods, all FREE. Just try see what happens. You have everything to gain... and because we never ask you for a dime, you have absolutely nothing to lose. See 10 Reasons Why ASN is Better.


"Great Ideas and Great Opportunities are useless... Unless combined with positive action!". B. Castro

No matter how great the opportunity or idea is...

Doing nothing will always equal earning nothing.

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Success is not an accident. Many people look at their doctor, their realtor, their lawyer, the internet guru and say "he's so lucky". or "He's so smart, I wish I could have done that", etc...

It's not about Luck, Ideas, or Intelligence. It's about Action!WHAT YOU DO is infinitely more important that WHAT YOU KNOW. Action is always the key.

IT'S A FACT: SUCCESSFUL people are those who are willing toactually do the things that UNSUCCESSFUL people are unwilling to do.

Are good ideas important? Of course. Are opportunities important? Of course. But without action they are useless. If you don't try... You Can't Succeed. see why ASN works.

Your ASN business has everything that any consumer could want or need. As a way to make money, it doesn't get better or easier. No company provides more ways to earn, easier marketing methods, all FREE. But like any other business... You have to, at least, try. You have everything to gain... and because we never ask you for a dime, you have absolutely nothing to lose. Even if you've done nothing but "claim your check", you know ASN works. If you haven't? Don't invest a penny. Just go "claim your check". See what happens.

"We are each the sum total of our actions and decisions to this point in our lives. If we are not satisfied with our circumstances, it is within our power to change them. New choices and new decisions always achieve new results".

B. Castro

The true measure of a man is not determined not by what he has… but rather by what he gives.

B. Castro

You can get everything in life you want... if you just help enough other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar

In the end, what we have and achieve in life is simply a reflection of the service we gave. Whether it is what you gave in the way of your service in sales... The benefit that your products gave to the consumer, the lives you saved as a physician. The lives you enriched and shaped as a teacher. The more we give and the better we give, the more we have.

When the focus of your activities are on the money you will earn, it diminishes the service

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you provide and the outcomes you achieve. On the other hand, if you focus on providing the best options and services to your clients... when your heart is in doing the best job possible for your customer, they know it. And soon, the world knows it and they will be beating a path to your door and money worries become a thing of the past. It all starts with focusing on service.

No where is this more true than with ASN. You don't earn by taking, by high pressure sales, or by anything other than giving. Concentrate on the services that you are offering to the public. You, literally have the ability to change people's lives.

With ASN it is simple, the more you give, the more you earn. The more opportunity you give away, the more you will achieve.

If you are not consistently placing yourself in a position to fail, you are not putting yourself in a position to succeed.

B Castro

One of the biggest obstacles to success is the fear of failure. Most people would rather wallow in mediocrity than take the chance of experiencing rejection or failure. This is the bane of sales people and business entrepreneurs. But the truth is, if you don't put yourself in a position to possibly fail, your are avoiding any possibility of success.

If you are not occasionally experiencing failure... You Are Not Trying Hard Enough!

Fear of rejection makes us avoid the sales call that can catapult our careers. Fear of failure keeps us from trying the business that could have changed our lives. Fear of failure and rejection always serves to paralyze and limit every aspect of our lives.

If we want to succeed, we must be willing to FAIL! Every time we fail, we learn and we make progress, (providing we have the healthy understanding that failure is an integral part of the success process).

Babe Ruth struck out more than almost any player in history... was he a failure?

Thomas Edison had over 10,000 FAILED attempts at creating the light bulb before he succeeded... was he a failure?

Failure and success go hand in hand and are a part of each other. You just can't have one without experiencing the other. No one ever has only successes and no failures. Similarly, no one ever has only failures and no successes. Unless, they quit! Once you quit, the game is over. Don't Ever Give Up!


Remember, just as with Babe Ruth and Thomas Edison...Failures are forgotten. What is remembered are the accomplishments that resulted from your perseverance. Failures are nothing but the stepping stones to your success. But you can't get to the success if you stop taking the steps!

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One of the most important keys to your future success in any endeavor is DON'T BE AFRAID TO FAIL! Welcome it, relish in it. Never forget that failure is but a stepping stone, as Henry Ford said... "an opportunity to more intelligently begin again"

A Vital Key to Success... Fail Often!


The system in a nutshell

1. See CLAIM YOUR CHECK! to earn immediate income. Only 4 points to start earning.

2. Personal Use- do and buy what you always do... just do it from your site. See ASN Your Home Page

3. Build Your Downline by sharing this freebusiness. The more you share, the more you earn. See Group Bonuses.

4. Earn more points and commissions by "Marketing Services"


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Moreover, you can revisit pages as offten as you like. Juat take it one step at a time.

Simplified Overview of how incentive bonuses work...Make sure you help your 1st level members and tell them to do the same!These bonuses were recently instituted and are creating GREAT results! You now, earn, not only points from your own site, but if you are an active ASN member (Earn 4 points), you now earn two additional bonuses... Start Up Bonus- As an incentive for you and for each of your downline to help their members get active, we have created the Start Up Bonus. It's very simple, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, whether by using Claim Your Check, Marketing Services, ASN hosting, Personal use, etc...


As long as you earn 4 points, you now earn an additional point for each of your 1st level members that complete ANY point producing activity... no matter how small. One of

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your downline members just gets a FREE online back up service- you just earned a point. 10 sign up for a FREE survey... you just earned 10 points, in addition to whatever points you earned on your own! Mentor Bonus- In addition to Your Start Up bonus, as long as you have earned, at least, 4 points on your own, you also earn an additional 1 point per each 7 points earned from your first level members.making it easier for you to achieve the higher infinity bonus levels. i.e. 1 point to your personal total for each 7 points earned by your first level members. http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/PT18676/myhomepage.htm

ASN IN GENERAL.For each new “store” you open (Free Website Given Away), you earn 10% of all the points PV that it generates.This is your First Level.For each new “store” opened by your First Level Stores, you earn 5% of the PV. This is your Second Level.From Third level stores you earn 5%From Fourth level stores you earn 5%From Fifth level stores you earn 5%From Sixth level stores you earn 7%From Seventh level stores you earn 8%From Eighth level stores you earn 9%From Ninth level stores you earn 10%From Tenth level stores you earn 10%


N.B. You can lookforward to so much more;


Until Further Notice!!!...




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Simple and Guaranteed!

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Important Training Links-

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****What Now?****


Resource Center

What Earns Most?

Success Keys.

Hosting Service that Pays You!

Resource Center.

ASN Video Training.

Earn More by Helping Others!

Claim Your Check.

Earn Big Commissions


Points and Bonuses on Auto Pilot!

Marketing Methods


How to Grow Young

Make Money Giving it away!

Creative Financing Course

Life Success Principles

Incredible Marketing Tools




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