The Actual Purpose For The Real Estate Agent

The Actual Purpose For The Real Estate Agent

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The Actual Purpose For The Real Estate


identify houses you may be

interested in, an experienced agent does much more. “

“Real estate websites and mobile apps can

help you

1. Guide

Before you tour your first home, your agent will take time to learn more about your wants, needs,

preferences, budget and motivation.

2. Educate

A good agent will explain the steps involved – in a manner

that makes them understandable – and provide

counsel along the way.

3.Network3. Network Experienced agents tend to know other agents in the area

and have good

working relationships with them; this can

lead to smooth transactions.

4. If you find yourself in a situation where the same agent represents both the buyer and seller, things can get trickier,

advises Scottsdale, Arizona-based real estate agent Dru Bloomfield.

including the preparation of all necessary offer and counteroffer


5. Your agent will handle the details of the negotiation


6. Manage Minutia

The paperwork that goes along with a real estate transaction can

be exhaustive. If you forget to initial a clause or check a box, all those documents will need to be


7. Look out

trouble before it’s

too late, and can skillfully

deal with challenges as

they arise.

An experienced real estate

agent knows to watch for

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