U.S. History: ~1865-1895 By Skye Satz This time exemplifies a period of urbanization where cities grew rapidly as a result of technological advances as well as heavy immigration generally in the Midwest and North-East.

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1865-1895 US History Timeline

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U.S. History: ~1865-1895

By Skye Satz

This time exemplifies a period of urbanization where cities grew rapidly as a result of technological advances as well as heavy

immigration generally in the Midwest and North-East.

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Key: Bolded words are color coded as follows● Reform leaders● political and military leaders● acts and movements● social and political groups● inventors● inventions● Fights and disputes● Other vocabulary

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In the Homestead Act, Congress offered up 160 acres of land for free to any citizen or intended citizen who was the head of a house. 600,000 plus families as well as miners, cattlemen, private speculators, and Railroad agents migrated to the West to take advantage of the opportunity

The area known as The Great Plains is historically known as Native American territory. In 1834, The Great Plains was one giant reservation of non-savage tribes. Originally, the Plains encompassed most of the Western US, but by 1862, it was a smaller strip in the mid-west.

The Bessemer Process is the technique of injecting air into molten iron to remove carbon and other impurities. As iron is a key component of steel, this allowed for better flexibility and rust resistance. This process cause a 90% rise in steel production

1862After news of the Homestead Act, people began to move west. Settlers of the land were known as Homesteaders and were comprised of 600,000+ families and other groups. Exodusters were African American settlers taking advantage of opportunities in Kansas.


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Built from 1863 to 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,907 mile, contiguous railway from Sacramento, CA to Omaha, NE. Built by 3 major corporations, this system unified the west and made transport quicker, cheaper, and more flexible.

1863The Credit Mobilier was a group of stockholders in the Union Pacific RR who laid down new track at 2 and 3 times the actual cost and pocketed the extra then donated shares to congress. Their scam was figured out but they were not punished, however the reputation of the Republican Party was tarnished.

1864The Sand Creek Massacre occurred when a US protected tribe moved to the Sand Creek Reserve in Colorado for the winter. For whatever reason, US commander Curtis decided they should suffer and sent Colonel John Chivington into the reserve where he killed 150 women and children.


This time period brought about the presence of political machines which are organized groups under a boss who control the political party in a city. They provided service to voters and businesses to gain financial and political support.


2 techniques used by political machines were graft and kickback. A graft is the general illegal use of political standing and influence to achieve personal gain. Kickback is the illegal payment for service to improve political machines and individuals. Both were manipulation techniques.

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In 1867, a man named Oliver Kelley started a group called the patrons of husbandry, more commonly known as The Grange. This group’s purpose was to prove a social outlet for farm families but evolved into education on organization, cooperative formation, and sponsorship of state legislation to regulate railroads.

1867The National Farmer’s Alliance included groups who sympathized with farmers and sent them lecturers to educate people on government loans and control of banks. The largest alliance under the NFA was the Southern Alliance. Another similar group was the Colored Farmer’s Alliance which had 250,000 members. While cooperation between the varying Alliances was discussed, segregation was accepted.


The Tweed Ring was a group of corrupt politicians, under William Tweed, whose goal it was to defraud the city. Tammany Hall was the Democratic Machine in New York under Tweed. All of their corrupt actions were soon noticed and, while punishment was minimal, corruption was now seen as a national issue.


The period of history from around 1870-1900 was known as the Gilded Age. This time is characterized by greed and a glittering gold exterior while internally, the gap between the few rich and many poor grew exponentially.

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The introduction of the Mail Order Catalog was huge. This allowed retail merchandise to reach small towns. By 1886, Sears had a large scale catalog out and by 1910, more than 10 million americans bought products through these catalogs.

1872One of the first industrial moguls was Andrew Carnegie. He created his own fortune fairly young in the steel industry. He entered in ‘73, but by 1899, Carnegie dominated production and eventually went on the monopolize the industry.


The Battle of Little Big Horn is one of the most known Native American battles. George Armstrong Custer was a US Colonel who ignored the Laramie Treaty and went into a reservation looking for gold. Chief Sitting Bull was the Sioux leader and had a vision and called for troops to assemble. The Sioux tribe attacked Causter’s army at Little Big Horn River and Custer’s army was defeated. 1876

One of the new industrial pioneers was Thomas Alva Edison. He created the first research laboratory in New Jersey and went on to invent the lightbulb in 1880 then created an electrical power distribution system.


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The idea of Patronage has been an issue throughout American History. Formerly known as the spoils system under Jackson. It is the giving of government jobs to people who helped get the candidate elected. At this time, the people decided they had had enough and pressed for the elimination of the system to help citizens have access to jobs in the civil service: government and administrative jobs. The people believed these jobs should be attained through merit


Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor. Alongside Thomas Watson, Bell created the Telephone which allowed for more open communication and actually created new jobs for women.

1876Segregation is the separation of blacks and whites enforced by law. Jim Crow Laws were the basis of segregation. These laws separated blacks and whites in both public and private spaces. For example: Hospitals, schools, transportation, bathrooms, parks, carnivals, and more. The saying was “Separate but equal” is legal but even so, black ammenities were far worse than those of the whites.


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The Nez Perce was a group of Native American tribes, one of which was led by Chief Joseph. In 1877, the Nez Perce war began. With Chief Joseph as one of the Natives military leaders, 1000-1500 tribesmen came together and went up against the US army. The Native Americans were generally retreating and 1,170 miles later, they surrendered


The Dawes Act was a congressional act to attempt to “Americanize” Native americans.In the process, the government broke up reservations and sold the land to american families. The money from the land was supposed to go to the tribes, but naturally, it didn’t

1877John D Rockefeller was an american industrialist who found new ways to monopolize the oil industry. A common process was merging companies but JDR decided to join other companies in trust agreements: owners gave stock to a group who controlled all of the participating companies as one corporation then profits were divied to the small companies. This allowed Rockefeller to control 90% of the oil industry

1880George Pullman was a Railway manufacturer who built a giant production factory and a town with luxury living for all of his workers. While everything was really nice, Pullman was extremely strict and when he lowered wages without changing rent costs, his workers broke into a violent strike known as the Pullman Strike..


Though they were in existence beforehand, monopolies really came to rise in the late 1800’s. A monopoly was when one corporation controlled the wages, profits, and output of an entire industry.

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Ragtime was a blend of African American spirituals and European musical forms which originated in saloons of the south. This style led to jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, and rhythm and blues. This style spread around the world creating dances, new fashions, and providing a new identity to the US.


Booker T Washington was a prominent African American educator who believed that racism would end when blacks possessed useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society. He founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute to help reach this goal.

1881Joseph Pulitzer was a Hungarian immigrant who bought the New York World Newspaper in 1883 and pioneered modern innovations. In 1895, William Randolph Hearst bought the NY Morning Journal and competed with Pulitzer for paper dominance. with all the news coverage and some exaggeration, both men’s newspapers soared and reached record sales and production.


Samuel Gompers led the Cigar Makers’ Union to join with other craft unions and brought together many skilled people from multiple trades. He found the American Federation of Labor which focused on collective bargaining and successfully striking to gain headway.


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Starting in New York, settlement houses were community centers in slum neighborhoods that provided assistance to people in the area, particularly immigrants. The houses were mostly run by women and used for educational, cultural, and medicinal practices.

1886Jacob Riis was a Danish social reformer and “muckraking” journalist. His focus was on exposing the conditions in these settlement houses as well as general conditions in urban zones.


In 1887, congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act which said that the government had control over railroad activities. In order to enforce this policy, 5 men were sent in. This group was known as the Interstate Commerce Commission. They faced a lot of difficulty and had trouple actually regulating the rates. It wasn’t until 1906 that they truly gained power.

1887George Eastman discovered new techniques for developing film that were cheaper and more flexible than the large glass plates being used. Though photographers didn’t buy into it, it’s introduction to the public was a tremendous success and kodak cameras became available.


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Ida B Wells was a slave born, African American teacher who later became the editor of a paper which focused on racial justice.

1889Jane Addams was one of the most influential members of the Reformers Movement, especially the social gospel movement, focused on salvation through service to the poor. She went on to found the Hull House in 1889 in Chicago.


The Sherman Anti-trust Act was an act focused on getting rid of trusts if said trust interfered with free trade between states or other countries. Though simple in concept, the loose definition of trust made the act nearly impossible to enforce.

1890To keep blacks from voting, barriers were put in place. Literacy tests were put in place because many African Americans were illiterate and this kept them from voting. A Poll Tax was also placed that made it necessary to pay in order to have the right to vote. The cost was often too high for the black population.


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The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last Indian war. A starving Sioux tribe was forced to a camp in Wounded Knee South Dakota. There they were relieved of their weapons. A shot was fired and then every tribe member was killed and their bodies left to freeze.

Dec,1890Ghost Dance was a ritual that was said to restore Native American land and way of life to its previous level. This ritual spread among 25,000 Sioux in a North Dakota Reservation. Scared american military leaders arrested Sitting Bull which led to his assassination in Dec, 1890 at which time, the remaining Sioux members fled.


The Vaudeville theater was a popular theater which houses a wide array of performers. It was seen as a place for everyone with such a variety of talent that everyone could find something to enjoy. By the turn of the century, Vaudeville presented shows with african americans in prominent roles.

1890The populist party was known as the People’s Party. Found by farmers, the platform was as follows:Omaha Platform-

● increased money supply● graduated income tax● federal loan program● 8 hour work day● immigration restrictions

This system, was actually fairly popular and received 10% of votes and eventually turned into the Democratic Party.


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Ellis Island was the main immigration station located in the New York Harbor. 20% of immigrants came through and 2% were denied. The process included a physical exam, an interview, and document checks. In all, after 5 hours you were either in or out. With 17 million immigrants, The US turned into a “Melting Pot” in which many cultures and races blended together by abandoning their language and customs.


W. E. B. Dubois was the first ever African American to receive his doctorate from Harvard. In 1905, he started the Nebraska movement which pushed blacks to seek liberal arts education so communities could have well educated leaders.

1895Plessy vs Ferguson was a Supreme Court case in which the constitutionality of segregation was brought into question. The verdict was “Separate but equal”. Separation in public did not break the 24th amendment. This decision led to 60 more years of legalized racial segregation


The Grandfather Clause was a voting restriction placed to help whites. Due to the literacy test and poll tax, some whites could still not vote. This clause said that if you have an ancestor who voted prior to Jan 1, 1867, then that man can vote. This date was chosen because that was the year blacks were banned from voting. 1898

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Debt peonage was a system in which laborers were bound into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer. This mainly occurred with Mexican immigrants and was ended in 1911.

1902The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur were bicycle makers in North Carolina who first achieved flight. Then created a powerful enough engine to hold a “heavier-than-air” craft aloft. In Kitty Hawk, NC, Dec 17, 1903, their machine finally flew.

1903Angel Island was the Ellis Island of the West Coast. Used for Asian immigrants, conditions here were terrible. Buildings were filthy and attendants were rude. From 1910-1940, 50,000 chinese immigrants came through and the process took far more than Ellis’ 5 hours.


Socialism is an economic and political system based on government control of business, property, and equal distribution of wealth. In its extremest form we see communism. This system began far previous to this time but began to boom in the early 1900’s.

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