Losses in Food Balance Sheets FAO Statistics Division (ESS) November 18, 2016 1 Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, and SDG 12.3 Katherine Baldwin FAO Statistics Division (ESS) Production, Trade and Food Balance Sheets Team FAO Regional FLW Dialogue November 17, 2016

Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

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Page 1: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

November 18, 2016 1

Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation,

and SDG 12.3Katherine Baldwin

FAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Production, Trade and Food Balance Sheets Team

FAO Regional FLW Dialogue

November 17, 2016

Page 2: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Roadmap1. Losses in Food Balance Sheets

1. Background

2. Losses in current FBS

3. Losses in new methodology

2. Imputation of missing data

3. SDG 12.3 and the Food Loss Index

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Page 3: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

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1. Losses in Food Balance Sheets

Page 4: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

What are Food Balance Sheets?Accounting framework detailing the total supply and use of all agricultural commodities within a given year within a given country.

• Based on supply = utilization identity

• Related to a commodity balance

• Individual accounts are created for each primary and derived product

• FBS are comprehensive, but only an average picture

• FBS are used to derive a total Dietary Energy Supply (DES) estimate

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Page 5: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

(Current) FBS Methodology• Basic approach: for every commodity, supply = utilization

• Production + Imports – Exports – Stock changes =

Food + Feed + Loss + Seed + Other utilizations

• Variables are based on measured data, to the extent possible

• Missing values are imputed

• One utilization item must serve as the balancing item• Balancer includes both a value for that item AND the residual/error

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Page 6: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Sample FBS

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Page 7: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Concept of loss in the FBS context“Losses are all the crop and livestock human-edible commodity quantities that, directly or indirectly, completely exit the post-harvest/slaughter production/supply chain by being discarded, incinerated or otherwise, and do not re-renter in any other utilization (such as animal feed, industrial use, etc.), up to, and excluding, the retail level. Non-edible parts of the commodity as a whole, and losses that occur during storage, transportation and processing, also of imported quantities, are therefore all included.”

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-Tayyib and Golini, “The FAO approach to food loss concepts and imputation in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 12 Target 3,” Discussion Paper, forthcoming.

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Concept of loss in the FBS context• Losses in FBS cover harvest to retail

• Losses cover also quantities not specifically destined for food

• ONLY quantitative losses are estimated. There is no accounting for qualitative losses in this framework

• Losses include* inedible parts

• Losses are expressed in MT, so must be weighted before they can be aggregated across commodities

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*FAO is currently exploring the feasibility of publishing both total loss quantities in MT, and loss quantities net of inedible parts

Page 9: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Why include loss in FBS?

• Goal of FBS is to account for all possible supply and utilizations

• Hallmark of framework is usefulness as a tool for cross-validating data from various sources• Framework is well-suited to validating loss estimates by placing them in the

context of other supply/demand elements

• Loss data is increasingly in demand, partly because of the SDGs

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

“Loss” in the current FBS context

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Page 11: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Where does loss data come from in FBS?• Collected/reported by countries

• Annual Agricultural Production Questionnaire (APQ)

• Data from official websites

• Included with another item (e.g., loss/feed)

• Calculated as a share

• Balancing item

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Page 12: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Measured loss data

Developed Countries 1.6%

Africa 0.2%

Latin America and Caribbean 0.1%

Asia and Oceania 0.1%

World 0.8%

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Proportion of FBS loss data collected from official sources, 2011-2013

Most countries are not providing data on losses

Page 13: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Calculated and balancing item loss data• Calculated as share of “production + imports”

• From FAO’s Mexico FBS: • 5% losses – milk, chillies, dry beans• 10% losses – apple, avocado, eggs, lemon, mango, potato• 13% losses – bananas

• Shares were likely originally based on some data for Mexico or like countries/products

• Balancer• Losses as balancing item in Mexico’s FBS: maize, safflower, wheat

• Presence/calculation of loss is somewhat ad-hoc• No losses for milled paddy rice, wheat flour, or maize flour

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Page 14: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Loss in the new methodology• New FBS methodology currently being implemented by FAO

• Single balancer approach will be eliminated

• Each variable will be estimated independently and then balanced by distributing the residual based on data quality

• Advantage: no variable will be carrying the residual

• Loss in new methodology• Measured or official/semi-official data

• Imputed data

• Losses will be recorded/imputed for all primary products

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Page 15: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Measured/official data• FAO is making a push for countries to produce more official data

• Call in APQ

• Methodologies for measurement of PHL

• General universal push for data related to SDG 12.3• FAO support to countries on measurement/imputation

• But with so few countries currently reporting, most losses in FBS at present will be imputed…

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

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2. Imputation of missing data

Page 17: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Challenges of imputing loss data• Model must be universal across commodities and countries

• Model must also taken into account differing nature of loss across commodities

• Low availability of useful “universal” data on covariates known to be related to loss• Infrastructure

• Temperature

• Marketing arrangements

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Page 18: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

FAO approach to imputing loss• Use all available information from the panel dataset of countries that

are/have been reporting losses

• Acknowledge that characteristics of loss differ amongst products and product groups

• Utilize this information by clustering products into nested groups during estimation

• Solution: Missing data are imputed according to a hierarchical structure, so that the “best available” information is used

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Page 19: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM)• Mechanics: Data is imputed through a hierarchy:

• Data at level 1 is used. If not available,

• Data at level 2 is used. If not available,

• Data at level 3 is used. ….

• Approach pools information at the different levels to optimize inference and improve prediction

• Nested linear regression models, where each level is adding a new predictor

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Page 20: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM)• Losses imputed as a function of production (or production net of

trade) using parameters estimated from the nested regressions• First level regression estimates losses using relationship between production

and loss for that country and that commodity in previous years• Second level regression estimates losses using relationship between

production and loss for that commodity in all countries for which official loss estimates appear in the panel dataset

• Third level regression estimates losses using relationship between production and loss for all commodities in that food group in all countries in the panel dataset

• Fourth level regression estimates losses using relationship between production and loss for all commodities of the same level of perishability (low, high, moderate) in all countries in the panel dataset

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

HLM data structure

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Imputed Loss Data

Level 2: Commodity

Level 1: Country and Commodity

Level 3: Food Group

Level 4: Food Perishability Group

If not, then:

If not, then:

If not, then:

Page 22: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Imputing/estimating loss at the country level• FAO model is designed to be “universal”

• Country-level models (and commodity-specific models) can be developed that utilize locally-available information

• Models still need to be based on measured loss data

• Global Strategy is working in this area

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

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3. SDG 12.3 and the Food Loss Index

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)• Agenda adopted by United Nations in September 2015, setting 17

overarching goals for sustainable economic, social and environmental development by 2030

• Goals cover numerous facets of development, including poverty, hunger, gender equality, and resource use

• Each goal has various dimensions, and progress towards each dimension is measured by a designated indicator (230 total)

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Page 25: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

SDG indicator tiers• A tier system to classify indicators was proposed at the Inter-Agency and

Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) meeting in March/April 2016.

Tier I: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available and data regularly produced by countries.

Tier II: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available but data are not regularly produced by countries.

Tier III: Indicator for which there are no established methodology and standards or methodology/standards are being developed/tested.

-“Introduction to Provisional Tiers of Global SDG Indicators”, IAEG-SDG, 2016

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Page 26: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Food loss in SDG 12.3“By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.”

• Part of Goal 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”

• Classified as a Tier III indicator

• FAO assigned as custodian agency

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Page 27: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Progress of work on SDG 12.3• Draft action plan has been developed for all work under the target

(development of indicator, measurement methodologies, outreach and capacity-building), in accordance with guidance from IAEG-SDGs

• Clarifying concepts and intent of indicator with IAEG-SDG

• Clarifying timelines for program of work with IAEG-SDG

• Draft indicator, Food Loss Index (FLI), has been developed and is currently being tested and refined

• Liaising and outreach with countries, other organizations, and private sector will begin in Q4 of this year

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Page 28: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

What is the draft indicator measuring?

• The indicator is an index that compares the weighted sum of all commodity quantity losses in a given year to the same weighted sum in a reference base period

• Data for index comes from FBS loss data, harvest to retail (which will have already been validated within the FBS supply/demand framework)

• Waste at retail and consumer level will be measured/reported outside of FBS context• Exploring possibility of combining into one indicator or reporting separately

given more specific waste targets in SDG 12.3

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Page 29: Losses in Food Balance Sheets: Current Status, Imputation, ans SDG 12.3

Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

Next steps for SDG 12.3 indicator

• Finalize approach and work plan with IAEG-SDG

• Liaise with responsible SDG focal points/institutions inside countries to begin to improve underlying FBS data on losses

• Alert countries when the indicator is finalized, so that progress can begin to be measured

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Losses in Food Balance SheetsFAO Statistics Division (ESS)

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