THEA 1331 - 14765 Collaboration Project Presentation By: Alexeia Picket Enobong James Eduok Robert King Ricardo Guerra

Collaboration project thea 1331

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THEA 1331 - 14765

Collaboration Project


By: Alexeia Picket Enobong James Eduok Robert King Ricardo Guerra

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Brief production history

Bases on A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

June 19, 2005 premier• Goodman Theatre Chicago, IL• Directed by Robert Falls

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Nora Helmer……………………..Hayley Podschun

Iris…………………………….…Tonita Castro

Terry Helmer……………………Matthew McConaughey

Pete……………………………...Kevin James

Kristine Linde…………....………Jennifer DiNoia

Marta……………………………Thandie Newton

Max………………………….…..Blake Andrew Johnson

Macey……………………....……Hayden Horn

Skyler………………………...….Faith Bruch

Raj Patel…………………………Samuel John

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Money• Financial life and death


Relationships• Trust

Materialism• Possessions and lifestyles

Lying (non-truths)• Secrets

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Contemporary America • How our surroundings influence our decisions• Marital differences• Frivolous spending

• Overspending

Modernized version of Ibsen’s drama

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Goals: Creating an environment for the performers and performers:

The environment is that of a modern day-household for a family of 5. It will represent a

very fashionably and tastefully decorated new home.

Establishing the locale and period:

The play takes place in 2005 around Christmas time and New years. Being that the play

begins a few days before Christmas, there will be a tree and other Christmas decorations


The house is in the suburbs of Lincoln Park, Chicago

Creating a central image or visual metaphor for the production:

The focal image of the set will be a photograph of a pregnant Nora being hugged by Terry.

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The set is to represent the and open floor plan room. The kitchen is connected to the living

room and dining area.

Kitchen- The kitchen will represent a very modern style kitchen, with stainless-steel appliances

, granite-countertops, and all the extras the a developer could offer. The cabinets will be fine


Living Room-There will be an L-shaped leather couch in the center of the room along with a

chair. The couch will be positioned in front of a fireplace that is surrounded by built-in

bookcases. One of the focal points of the room will be a photograph of Terry holding a pregnant

Nora. All around the rest of the room their will be framed wedding photos and children photos

Entryway- The entrance to the “house” is in the back of the set, not visible to the audience. This

will be where most characters enter.

Other Doors- The other doors lead to Terry’s study room and the bedrooms.

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All of the fine furnishings within the house represent the type of

lifestyle the Helmers live. All of the items will stress the idea of

materialism and how the household was built on lies

The expensive appliances and cabinets represent the importance

of self-image to their family and how others perceive them.

The extensive of amount of photographs will represent the how

much the Helmers are into themselves. They serve as reminders to

not only themselves but their guests of the great lives they think

they live.

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Provide VisibilityModern drama with realism elements (use of typical light sources /

expected colors)Use of lighting elements one would expect in everyday life

Help Establish Time & PlaceDecember, 2014 (shorter days expected in Chicago, IL as well as

winter elements as snow)Act 1: Late Afternoon (~4PM to ~6PM) (transition between day to

night)Act 2: Around Noon (~11AM to ~2PM) (expected clear day ambiance)Act 3: Before Midnight / Late Night (~1PM) (expected clear night


Establish Rhythm of Visual MovementApplying lighting cues transitioning between the start of an act or at

the end of an act

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LIGHTING~ ACT 1A flood light gradually illuminates the set with slightly dim pale, white-hued light (giving the impression of the transition between night and day)

A few alternative light sources (i.e. lamps and Christmas tree) are active around half of their full intensity (reinforcing the sense of some areas requiring additional luminance from day/night transition)

Spotlights with a slightly brighter intensity than the flood light briefly fade in as each major character is introduced (through their initial dialogue) and gradually fade out

Lighting theme continues for duration of the act.

Lights fade to black… (onto Act 2)

Set late afternoon / early evening before Christmas in the Helmer residence

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LIGHTING~ ACT 2Flood light gradually illuminates the stage with a pale, white light to representing sunlight reflecting off the snow through the Helmer’s windows (used throughout majority of act 2 and no alternative light source necessary)

When scene with Raj appears, flood light dims slightly and spotlight (with same color and intensity as flood light pre-dim) illuminates areas Nora and Raj occupy

After Raj leaves, lighting returns to just the white flood light (undimmed)

Before Nora exits the stage after convincing Terry not to open his laptop, flood light dims and the spotlight focuses on Nora.

Lights fade to black… (onto Act 3)

Set in an afternoon before New Year’s Eve in the Helmer household…

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LIGHTING~ ACT 3Spotlight gradually illuminates the fair amount of area around entry way with an incandescent, semi-bright yellow tint giving a feel that it is night

Additional spotlights (with a whiter hue) focusing on just the performers

Flood light (same shade as yellow spotlight) and other light sources/fixtures in set design active except dimmed down to a great degree (keeping focus on entry way)

After Raj departs, spotlights fade away, flood light slightly intensifies (giving indirect light to entire stage), and other light sources (i.e. lamps) return to normal

Continued on to next slide…

Set in two parts: Before midnight (with Raj & Kristine) and after midnight (with Nora & Terry)…

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After Raj’s phone call to Terry and the conflict between him and Nora ensue, the spotlights (similar to part 1) focus on the performers

The other light sources (including the flood light) dim slightly (these light settings persist until the end the play)

Lights fade to black. Production finished!

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Indicate Style of the Play

Since the play takes place in Chicago during Christmas season, I want to cloth all the characters in warm, modern clothing.

Help Establish the Time & Period

December, 2004 (Chicago usually has mild winters with 8” inches of snow and 35 degree weather so everyone is in layered clothing)

Act 1: Evening Time (4PM to 6PM) [Everyone is at home in their casual attire]

Act 2: Around Noon (11AM-2PM) [Pete is dressed in business casual, while everyone else is in warm clothing] Act 3: Before Midnight (Everyone is dressed in costumes for the New Years party] Show the Significant Difference Among Each Character I want to use the costumes of the characters to show the distinction among the different social classes.

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COSTUMES~ ACT 1Nora enters the room with shopping bags in her hand as Iris follows her. She is wearing designer leather boots, a burgundy cashmere sweater dress, and stylish black cotton tights to keep warm.Nora cares a lot about her appearance so this is portrayed through her style of clothing.

Iris is dressed in a dark blue housekeeper uniform. This uniform helps the audience create a distinction among the different social classes of the characters. She is also wearing dull colors so that most of the attention is focused on the main characters.Terry and Nora sits on the sofa as they discuss

the Christmas gifts Nora brought. Terry is not in his work attire but he has on a bright gray cardigan over a white long sleeve button up, Khaki pants, and brown lace up oxford shoes. Costumes change

for Act 2

Early evening before Christmas at the Helmer resident

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COSTUMES ~ ACT 2In Act 2, Terry is just coming from his banking job so I have him dressed in a cotton sateen charcoal suit with the infamous light blue button up, a blue polka dot tie, and black dress shoes to complete the look. Terry is dressed in gray because the color matches his personality of mature and responsible. Gray also helps the audience focus less on Terry but realize that he is the calm and responsible one.

In this Act, Nora is at home so I have her dressed in a white casual shirt with a brown wool skirt. I decided to give her a more relaxed housewife/mom look since she is at home with the kids. Kristen is dressed in her green business suit and black loafers. She is the more mature and education so this is displayed through her style.

Pete is dressed in a black long sleeve button up shirt with khaki pants I have Pete dressed in black because black is associated with mystery, secrecy , and the unknown. In this Act, Pete confesses his love to Nora after he has kept it a secret for so long. This color contrasts great with Nora white shirt because black absorbs all the light but helps to uncover it.

Costumes change for Act 2

Afternoon before new years in the Helmers home

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COSTUMES ~ ACT 3In this act Nora’s daring and edgy personality comes to light when she goes to the new years costume party. I have her dressed in the notorious Jennifer Beal swear with collar hanging off the shoulder, a black tiered skirt, fishnets stockings, red jewelry, and red shiny pumps. To complement her Jennifer Beal costume I have her wearing a blonde wig, red lip stick and red blush over her makeup.Terry is wearing a Ronald

Reagan mask with a blue XTC shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. I decided to put him in a more casual look because he is out of his element partying and drinking. This will let the audience see a more free spirited look.

Since Kristen is babysitting, I have her dressed in a semi casual orange turtle neck, a plaid skirt, and black low heel dress loafers. The audience will be able to distinguish Nora and Kristen personality based on their style. Kristen style is more relaxed and Nora has a more seductive style because she wants more of the attention on her.

Right before new years(Kristen & Raj) & Right after new years(Nora & Terry)

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