The Great War, 1914– 1918 Chapter Overview Causes of War 1 War 2 Effects of War 3 Making Peace 4 1 3 CHAPTER

World War I Slideshow Part One

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causes of World War I

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Page 1: World War I Slideshow Part One

The Great War, 1914–1918

Chapter OverviewChapter Overview

Causes of War 1


Effects of War3

Making Peace 4


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Part 1:Causes of WarPart 1:Causes of War

• Your goal:

Understand what caused World War I.

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The Stage Is Set for War Some Europeans believed that progress had made war a thing of the past.

Waging war is SO over. Who would do that anymore?

Not me.

People sit down and talk with their enemies now. It’s much less messy.

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Gradual developments would ultimately help propel the continent into war.




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All of these developments influence a nation’s foreign policy.

Foreign Policy is what you want from another country and what you are willing to do to get it.

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Sense of what makes a German a German, a Russian a Russian, etc.

Loyalty to your country (not the leader)





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How could nationalism lead a country to war against another country?

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Always be ready for war

Glorify military power

Get more soldiers

Get more guns

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How could militarism lead a country to war against another country?

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Expand from country to empire.

Buy and sell with your empire.

Take control of weaker countries.

Dominate the social, political and economic life of those countries.

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COMPETITION•For resources•For power•For pride

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How could imperialism lead a country to war against another country?

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Alliances1871Bismarck is ready for peace.

He is afraid that France will want revenge for losing the Franco-Prussian war.

His method changes fromWAR to ALLIANCE.

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AlliancesBismarck forms alliances with everyone but France.

If France goes to war, Germany will be protected.

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AlliancesTriple Alliance• Germany• Austria-Hungary• Italy (later)

Another Alliance• Germany• Russia

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• Germany’s treaty with Russia expires.• Effect: Russia signs Treaty with France

• Wilhelm II Builds massive Navy. (militarism)• Effect: Nervous Britain signs treaty with


1890• Stubborn German Kaiser

Wilhelm II fires Bismarck.

Hmph. I can do it myself!

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World War IThe Short Version

1. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

2. Russia and other countries supported Serbia. (The Allies)

3. Germany and other countries supported Austria-Hungary. (The Central Powers)

4. The Central Powers lost.

5. Germany was blamed for the whole war and told to pay for all the damage.

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand

• Important guy from Austria-Hungary

• July 1914- visiting Sarajevo with his wife.– Wants to show the citizens that Austria-

Hungary rules them.– Asserting Hapsburg authority.

Don’t take notes. Just listen.

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Franz Ferdinand singer

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand

From Austria-Hungary

July 1914

Visiting Sarajevo in Serbia

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Stop. Think.What about nationalism?

• What kind of problems can you see with Austria-Hungary ruling over these different ethnic populations?

Don’t take notes. Just listen.

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The Assassination

• Black Hand members– Serbian nationalists– Ready to assassinate Franz Ferdinand

• Assassin #1 throws a bomb.– Fails

• Assassin #2 shoots Franz Ferdinand– Success

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1915 (Jan.) Trench warfare underway on Western Front.

1916 (Feb.) French and German battle at Verdun.

1917 (April) United States enters war.

1918 (Nov.) Allies defeat Central Powers; war ends.


Time Line of WWI

1914 1918


The Great War, 1914–1918

1914 (June) Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated. (July) Austria declares war on Serbia; World War I begins.

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Alliance map 1914

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1. Nationalism unifies countries.

2. Nationalism leads to commercial and territorial rivalries.

3. Triple Alliance joins Central Powers

4. Triple Entente joins Allies

5. An assassination causes war to break out.

Review events leading to war.

The Stage Is Set for War


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Alliance map 1914 detail

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In Europe, military buildup, nationalistic feelings, and rival alliances set the stage for a continental war.

Ethnic conflict in the region, helped start WWI continued to erupt in the 1990s.

The Stage Is Set for War


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Hark Hark The Dogs Do Bark

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National Dress

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1. Look at the graphic to help organize your thoughts. List the major events that led to World War I.

The Stage Is Set for War


Section 1 Assessment


1882 Triple Alliance formed.

1890s European arms race

1908 Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.

1890 German foreign policy changed.

1907 Triple Entente formed.

1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife killed.

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Something was bound to happen…

Assassinationof ArchdukeFranz FerdinandJune 28, 1914

• Militarism• Nationalism• Imperialism

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2. Why might the “machinery of war,” set in motion by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, have been difficult to stop? THINK ABOUT


The Stage Is Set for War


1 Assessment

• nationalism • militarism • the alliance system


• Intense nationalism prompted nations to compete for superiority in all areas.

• Militarism had led to the establishment of large armies, as well as to the glorification of military might.

• The alliance system required its members to support one another in case of war.

Possible Responses:


End of Section 1

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Part 2: WarPart 2: War

• Your goal:

Understand the strategies and actions of World War I.