MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE or What it takes to protect ambassador In Iraq

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What it takes to protect ambassador In Iraq? Through the history Private Military Contractors where people who weren’t afraid to fight for what they believed was right. The story of the great men and women who were able to build the model of protection service that now works in the best security services all over the world.The model that was tested in the most dangerous place on Earth - Iraq.

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  • 1. What it takes to protect ambassadorin Iraq.Mission :

2. Blackwater Training Center saton a 7,000 acre campus completewith an airstrip, dozens of shootingranges, a tactical driving track,a mock shooting building, a manmadelake to practice maritime specialooppeerations, 1200 yard shooting range,oating ship simulators. It was build toaccommodate one thousand operatorsper day.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N1Great company. 3. WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N1By 1998 Erik Prince invested $6 million of his own money into all ofit...and no one came for a long period of time. Erik was able to makea significant investment to launch the company but no matter what ,he wouldnt gamble his childrens college funds. It was an initialagreement between him an his wife. Like many other start ups-Blackwater went through the challenging times to survive.Great company. 4. Through the history Private Military Contractors wherepeople who werent afraid to fight for what they believed wasright. John Smith,Marquisde Lafayette,Tadeusz Kosciuszko,Myles Standish fought wars on different continents andended up protecting colonists and contributing to foundationwhat we call now The United States of America.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N2BackwateBackwaterrs operators werent exception.The Bremer Detail was formedfrom the same breed of people.Special breed of people. 5. In his book Frank Gallagher recalls that in first five hours of trainingat Backwater facility in Moyock, North Carolina , he has to shootseveral thousands rounds . From the holster. From a knee.From a prone position . From behind barricades We then startedmoving and shooting Then we shot moving targets. And all of thiswith the body armor on, and with spare magazines for M-4(fortyppoouunnddss oof additional weight).WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N3Training and experience. 6. Level 6 armored Suburban with a 500 - hp engine.It specifies that the material can defeat multiple 7.62x51mmassault rifle rounds.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4Equipment and Special Tools. 7. The lightweight reinforced polymer device designedto provide at tire mobility . Speed and distance standardsof 30 miles at 30 mph.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4Equipment and Special Tools.Ballistic steel andarmored panels. 8. 175 MPH1,509267 MILESRANGE650 HP22TOP SPEEDPILOTSENGINEWHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4For the Bremer DetailBlackwater purchasedthree Little Birds.Equipment and Special Tools.SHOOTERSOPERATINGWEIGHT 9. M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)Light Machine Gun, 5.56 mmAmmunition feed 200-round beltWHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4Equipment and Special Tools. 10. The armored Humvees with .50 calibermachine guns were part of the Army MPs.Blackwater did not have enough repowerto provide security for the ambassador by itself.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4The Mark 19 automatic 40 mmgrenade launchers were mountedon MPs armored Humvees.Equipment and Special Tools. 11. ECM-electronic countermeasure, devicethat blocks radio waves, cellphone signalsfrom being able to set off explosive device.Bremers Suburban was equipped with ECM.That was one of the reason whyambassador was stayed alive in Iraq.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N4Equipment and Special Tools. 12. Bremers motorcade had included: two armored Humveesat the front, three armored Suburbans-the midle one withambasdor, the other two carrying Blackwater shootersand another couple armored Humvees at the back. TheLittle Birds above with extra shooters providednavigation for extremly difficult traffic conditionsaanndd evacuation in case of emergency.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N5In case of threat Bremers Suburbanwas always shielded by other vechiclefrom potentialy dangerous side of theroad.Protection tactics: Motorcade. 13. To protect the AmbassadorAdvanced Team was alwayssend rst to secure the perimeter.They have three armored Suburbans,one of them with the explosivedetection dogs. In addition to thistthhee Advance team always includedan MP CAT team with armoredHumvees.After security was established the Advance team would call and PSDwith the ambassador could come to the event.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N5Protection tactics: The Advance Team. 14. WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N5Bremer Detail had certain dresscode: collared shirts, no ball caps,no thigh holster, no full beards.They have to look professionalas an Ambassador Bremers PSD.In order to maintain the rightiimmaaggee iinn ffront of localsAmbassadors protection teamhas to travel with closedwindows and not sticking outthe ries if not in direct danger.Protection tactics: Dress code and rules. 15. During one of themissions Bremer Detailwas supported byF-16 jets, Apache helicopters and more then dozen Humvees.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:Protection tactics: ARMY support . 16. ...Gallagher and his team literallysaved lives--mine and others--through their quick andprofessional reactions to danger."L. Paul Bremer IIIFormer Presidential Envoy to Iraq.WHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N6Frank Gallagher . 17. I believe Erik Prince, founder ofBlackwater, should be applaudedfor his willingness to step up and takethe monumental risk of supportingthe U.S. military and diplomatic effortsin Iraq and Afghanistan.Frank GallagherWHAT IT TAKES TO PROTECTAMBASSADOR IN IRAQ:N7Erik Prince .The Bremer Detail 18. Special thanks to Frank Gallagher andErik Prince for writing these wonderfulbooks. This is the most honest andauthentic view on PMC . Also I wantto say thank you to all Private MilitaryContractors and specially Adam S. and John D.It was an honor to serve you .