Telecentre-Europe summit 23.10.2013 "Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs" Miguel Gonzalez-Sancho European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology

2013.10.23 malta, telecentres, m gonzalez sancho

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Overview of EUropean Commission initiative "grand coalition on digital jobs"

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Page 1: 2013.10.23 malta, telecentres, m gonzalez sancho

Telecentre-Europe summit23.10.2013

"Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs"

Miguel Gonzalez-SanchoEuropean CommissionDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology

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DAE HLG Sherpa meeting Brussels, 6 February 2013 2

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• Europe does not have enough ICT experts and up to 900,000 jobs could go unfilled by 2015

• Grand Coalition officially launched in March 2013 by VP Kroes to to tackle the "digital skills gap", created awareness and political momentum

• So far 42 "pledges" received, i.e. self-commitments by companies, universities, and other stakeholders to tackle mismatch

• National Coalitions for Digital Jobs emerging in 9 countries

The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs


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• Multi-stakeholder partnership to increase supply of ICT professionals as well as reduce mismatch between demand and supply

• Deliver concrete actions at local level and commitments by stakeholders

• Connect like-minded existing and emerging alternatives

• Launch Conference took place on 4 - 5 March 2013

The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs


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Grand Coalition

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5 policy clusters

ICT Training



Raising awareness

New approaches to learning and education


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Grand Coalition Pledges

36 ACCEPTED PLEDGES Out of more than 50 pledges received between March – May 2013

Examples of pledges

ICT TRAINING: Online ICT learning platform (Academy Cube)

NEW LEARNING: Launch MOOC for secondary teachers

MOBILITY: Launch mobility assistance services

AWARENESS RAISING: 10,000 hours of "CIO tours" in schools

NATIONAL/REGIONAL INITIATIVES: Launch Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs across the EU

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DAE HLG Sherpa meeting Brussels, 6 February 2013 8

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DAE HLG Sherpa meeting Brussels, 6 February 2013 9

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DAE HLG Sherpa meeting Brussels, 6 February 2013 10

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• "the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs should be strengthened to address skills mismatches…";

• "a higher degree of integration of digital skills in education … should be ensured"

• "part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (2014-2020) should be used for ICT education…",

=> Digital skills training needs to be a priority, therefore

=> Digital skills training needs priority access to funding

=> Your continued support needed for national programming of funding

EU Council conclusions


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