The Google I/O 2015 Review What You Need to Know Google I/O this year has excited everyone with a slew of new announcements and products. This year the conference was a success for Android Developers, who were looking to leverage into Google's various capabilities. Here we have filtered out a few key points from the Google I/O 2015.

The Google I/O 2015 Review: What You Need to Know

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The Google I/O 2015 Review

What You Need to Know

Google I/O this year has excited everyone with a slew

of new announcements and products. This year the

conference was a success for Android Developers,

who were looking to leverage into Google's various

capabilities. Here we have filtered out a few key

points from the Google I/O 2015.

Page 2: The Google I/O 2015 Review: What You Need to Know

Android Studio 1.3 Android Studio has gained lot of lovers over the years, and

it is now the default IDE for Android developers. This will

receive new updates this year, which includes visual layout

builder, layout editor, improved grade build performance

and many more.

Android Design Support Library

With Android Lollipop, Google introduces Material Design

specification and encourage Android app developers to build new

apps with new design specs. It gives new support library to

all Android devices from 2.1 and above versions. The new

changes include, CoordinatorLayout, Snack bar,

TabLayout, floating Action Buttons and many more.

App PermissionsThis was the highlight of the event as it was one of the most

anticipated features. Now each app will have to take

permissions to access other app. The user must grant this

permission or otherwise app will have to request

permission for other resources.

Page 3: The Google I/O 2015 Review: What You Need to Know

Cloud Test LabThis will make the app development more economical across a

wide range of devices. Google has worked hard to offer this

features. Cloud Test Lab enables app developers to test

apps on multiple devices simultaneously and generate


App InvitesNew API helps once user to share app with other user. This

will benefit developers, as it would be great way to spread

the words about their app. Invite can be sent over SMS,

Email or direct install button.

These weren’t just what Google had up

its sleeves.Some of the other features include Fingerprint API, App

linking, App Indexing, and Voice interactions; among

others. Google also offered new developers guides and

tutorials that Google believes is going to make learning

app development for the company a lot easier.

Page 4: The Google I/O 2015 Review: What You Need to Know

Source: www.mindinventory.com

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