#SMX #13C @localseoguide What We Learned By Rubbernecking Past A Lot of Wrecks… Why Don’t Maps Come With Directions? Andrew Shotland

Why Don't Maps Come With Directions? By Andrew Shotland

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#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What We Learned By Rubbernecking Past A Lot of Wrecks…

Although  this  is  a  template,  these  slides  have  been  created  as  examples  to  show  you  what’s  possible  within  the  template.  PLEASE  DELETE  ALL  EXAMPLE  SLIDES  AND  NOTES  BEFORE  CREATING  OR  IMPORTING  YOUR  OWN  DECK.   YOU MUST USE THE SMX FOOTER ON YOUR TITLE SLIDE!  The  template  works  best  if  you  use  it  to  create  a  presentation  from  scratch.  However,  this  blank  layout  offers  you  flexibility  to  insert  your  own  slides  above  the  SMX  footer.  You  must  use  this  footer  at  on  almost  all  of  your  slides.  If  a  screenshot  overlaps  the  footer  on  occasion,  that’s  fine  –  but  do  your  best  to  crop  appropriately!      Before  you  do  anything  else,  replace  “#XXa”  in  the  footer  with  your  session’s  specific  hashtag.      In  PowerPoint,  Select  VIEW>SLIDE  MASTER  to  edit  and  include  it  on  all  slides  of  your  presentation.  Also  add  your  @twitterhandle  (or  @companyhandle  if  you  prefer).    Ask  your  session  coordinator  for  the  session’s  specific  hashtag!      This  template  is  high-­‐resolution  16:9.  DO  NOT  change  it  to  4:3.  Also  note  that  if  you  import  a  4:3  presentation  into  16:9  you  may  encounter  display  issues.    The  template  uses  Century  Gothic  &  Corbel  as  default  fonts.  Arial  is  a  secondary  font  that  may  appear.  Note  that  older  versions  of  PowerPoint  may  not  have  these  as  an  option;  change  to  Arial  or  other  standard  sans-­‐serif-­‐font.    When  inserting  text,  you  *MUST*  use  only  standard  fonts.  We  cannot  guarantee  event  laptops  will  have  specialty  fonts  installed,  nor  can  we  do  so  onsite.      Powerpoints  with  animations  may  not  translate  well  to  pdf/slideshare  format  –  you  may  also  submit  a  2nd  version  /  scrubbed  deck  more  appropriate  for  posting  online  by  SMX  production  staff.  

Example Title Slide:

Although  this  is  a  template,  these  slides  have  been  created  as  examples  to  show  you  what’s  possible  within  the  template.  PLEASE  DELETE  ALL  EXAMPLE  SLIDES  AND  NOTES  BEFORE  CREATING  OR  IMPORTING  YOUR  OWN  DECK.   YOU MUST USE THE SMX FOOTER ON YOUR TITLE SLIDE!  The  template  works  best  if  you  use  it  to  create  a  presentation  from  scratch.  However,  this  blank  layout  offers  you  flexibility  to  insert  your  own  slides  above  the  SMX  footer.  You  must  use  this  footer  at  on  almost  all  of  your  slides.  If  a  screenshot  overlaps  the  footer  on  occasion,  that’s  fine  –  but  do  your  best  to  crop  appropriately!      Before  you  do  anything  else,  here’s  how  to  replace  “#XXa”  in  the  footer  with  your  session’s  specific  hashtag.      In  PowerPoint,  Select  VIEW>SLIDE  MASTER  to  edit  SLIDE  #1  to  include  it  on  all  slides  of  your  presentation.  Also  add  your  @twitterhandle  (or  @companyhandle  if  you  prefer).    Ask  your  session  coordinator  for  the  session’s  specific  hashtag!      This  template  is  high-­‐resolution  16:9.  DO  NOT  change  it  to  4:3.  Also  note  that  if  you  import  a  4:3  presentation  into  16:9  you  may  encounter  display  issues.    The  template  uses  Century  Gothic  &  Corbel  as  default  fonts.  Arial  is  a  secondary  font  that  may  appear.  Note  that  older  versions  of  PowerPoint  may  not  have  these  as  an  option;  change  to  Arial  or  other  standard  sans-­‐serif-­‐font.    When  inserting  text,  you  *MUST*  use  only  standard  fonts.  We  cannot  guarantee  event  laptops  will  have  specialty  fonts  installed,  nor  can  we  do  so  onsite.      Powerpoints  with  animations  may  not  translate  well  to  pdf/slideshare  format  –  you  may  also  submit  a  2nd  version  /  scrubbed  deck  more  appropriate  for  posting  online  by  SMX  production  staff.  

Why Don’t Maps Come With Directions?

Andrew Shotland

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Obligatory “We Have Done SEO For A Lot of Cool Clients” Slide

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What Are Maps Made Of? POI Data ~10% GeoSpatial Data ~90% Algorithms ~ ?

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What Is POI Data?

+ “Amplifiers” (thanks Gib!)

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What Is GeoSpatial Data? The Representation of an Object on Planet Earth (or elsewhere) in Numerical Values: - Location - Size - Shape

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What Is This?

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

What Is This?

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

This Metal Company Serves Hard Liquor POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Search Is Going Maptastic POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Local = The Path of Least Resistance! POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Claim Your Profiles or Someone Else Will POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Claim Your Profiles or Google Will POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

It Takes a High IQ to Avoid a Stray HQ POI BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Think Apple Maps Stinks? Station Break! Strategy Issues

“Over 2.5 million updates to Apple Maps data” – Eddy Cue



#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Search Different… Station Break! Strategy Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Voice Search Is Your Frenemy BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

BRAND Issues

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lost Reservations

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

The Mysterious Case of DC Nine Nightclub GeoSpatial Oh Yeah, I Meant BRAND Issues

Query = 1940 but Pin at 1942

https://www.tomtom.com/mapshare/tools/  https://mapsconnect.apple.com/  http://www.openstreetmap.org/        

Non  U.S.?    Check  http://gspe21.ls.apple.com/html/attribution-­‐15.html  for  geospatial  &  business  listings  sources.  (Warning:  Updates  to  new  URL  every  few  months)  

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Patience, Grasshopper, Patience… BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Legacy Business Problems BRAND Issues

Moving Locations Changing Phone #s Rebranding Acquisitions Disasters Duplicate Listings

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

You Can’t Always Trust Google MapMaker BRAND Issues


#SMX #13C @localseoguide

Number of queries containing “near me” or “nearby” have doubled in the past year.

How Do You Rank “Near Me” When You Aren’t? Algorithm BRAND Issues

#SMX #13C @localseoguide

How Do You Rank “Near Me” When You Aren’t? Algorithm BRAND Issues


#SMX #13C @localseoguide

App Indexing Is Now A Thing Algorithm BRAND Issues

Android & iOS Results Based on Combination of Private & Public Indexes Rewards “Traditional” SEO & User Engagement

#SMX #13C @localseoguide


Keep Your Eyes On The Road & Your Hands Upon The Wheel…

Closing Slide That Subtly Reinforces Our BRAND Message

Further  Reading  

www.localseoguide.com    www.applemapsmarketing.com  http://searchengineland.com/author/andrew-­‐shotland      

#SMX #13C @localseoguide