Why “Business Cards” Are For Losers… AND LinkedIn SEO Presentation by: Hung Le

Why “Business Cards” Are For Losers… and LinkedIn SEO

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Why “Business Cards” Are For Losers… AND LinkedIn SEO

Presentation by: Hung Le

What YOU Will Learn:● How to stop killing trees.

● How to stop being a sprinkler at networking events.

● Why traditional ‘business cards’ are too static.

● Why your LinkedIn profile is The 21st century dynamic business card.

● The power of LinkedIn SEO (Instant Authority Positioning) and how to do it in 10mins or less.

Why LinkedIn? ● It’s time for a NEW approach.

● It’s time to focus on simultaneously expanding both your offline and online network.

● It’s the largest growing “professionals” search engine.

● >50% of LinkedIn users are the ACTUAL decision makers not “looky-loos” (LinkedIn, 2014).

So... where to start?

#1 for keyword ‘Strategy Coach’ out of 692,689 people :)

LinkedIn SEO - Step by step1. Determine what ‘keyword’ you want to be found for within LinkedIn. Think

of a commonly searched term/profession in which your ideal prospect would be seeking you out for.

2. Ensure that your profile includes the chosen ‘keyword’ in the “8” specific places.

3. Leverage this positioning for both your ‘digital business card’ and for when you attend your next strategic networking event.

BIG TIP: Treat your LinkedIn profile like it is a “SALES LETTER” not a boring resume BUT ensure it does not look spammy. Period.

8 Steps to LinkedIn SEO 1] Surname: Insert “keyword” into “surname area. sneaky? sure is...

2] Headline: Insert “keyword”/thought provoking question.

3] Current Company: Link to your URL.

4] #Connections: Fastest path to 500+ connections? Go to Fiverr.com and search “linkedin connections”.

5] LinkedIn vanity URL: can include keyword to leverage both LinkedIn and Google SEO.

8 Steps to LinkedIn SEO

6] Summary: include “keyword” at least twice here. Also, add relevant rich media to showcase your portfolio.

7] Experience/Current Position: include “keyword” in job title and at least once in job description.

8 Steps to LinkedIn SEO

8] Skills & Endorsements: insert “keyword” as a skill but ensure it makes sense.

What on Earth is the Point of LinkedIn SEO?

Here’s how:● The next time someone asks you: “Have you got a business card?”● Respond with :

“No I don’t. Reason being is: 1) I’m eco friendly and 2) I like keeping everything digital. Hence, go on LinkedIn and type in [keyword] and you will see my profile at the top. Let’s connect!

● This is powerful for the following reasons:○ Instant Authority Positioning.○ Leveraging off LinkedIn’s trust and brand equity.○ Expand both your offline and online network.○ Sometimes you may be asked to do this for them. Ensure you charge

a couple hundred dollars for doing it too!