Value Now

Smart Social Summit 2017 | Value Now | Virginia Miracle

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Value Now

Flckr: technochick


How is your team spending their time?




TV2 Denmark responds to 1000 more comments a month

with the same staff

Booking.com more thandoubled the number

of items they responded to

Taco Bell uses rules to create great customer experiences in

marketing moments

“Spredfast automates labeling of inbound items, freeing up our teams to focus on our flyers.”

Asiana Ponciano, Specialist, Social Media at Hawaiian Airlines

Value of Social

Structured Labels



For Neiman Marcus, structured labels unlocks

consistent reporting & measurement for a more

holistic view

NFL now labels 100% of outbound content

Kellogg’s identifies trends such as product suggestions, requests

& complaints

“I never knew I needed structured labels, and now I cannot live

without them.”

Shelly Kastner, Director-Social Media, Fidelity

360º Customer View

“Beyond amazing. Made our jobs better–serving more customers and

that is incredible”

Kristi Willis, Associate Director, Global Customer Care, Whole Foods Market

Spredfast Help

Spredfast Help

Spredfast Help

Spredfast Help

Spredfast Help

Spredfast Help

I’m actually really excited about this. It’s a smart move, and will encourage

users to do their own learning and resolve their own problems!

Gregory Tan, Manager of Digital Governance, PepsiCo

Typical Audience Process Create Study

Validate Study

Iterate on StudyAnalyze Data

Conclusions/Develop additional Hypotheses

Trying out keywords + topic block structure

Refining for accuracy + removing unrelated content

Run additional studies with updated keywords + topic blocks

Do you have enough data to make an informed decision?

Create a new study to answer new questions

Strategic ServicesEnablement and Education

• Implementation• Training• Business Consulting

• Governance • Care• Hub and Spoke


• Content & Channel Strategy• Brand Love/Care Strategy• Analytics & Reporting• Paid Strategy• Creative Services• Custom Builds & Integrations• Community Management• FB Audience Services

Professional Service Teams Always-On Service Teams

Customer Success


Value Now