Consumer Behaviour Understanding Self Concept Rohan S Telang Navneet Ballal

Self Concept - Consumer Behavior

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Consumer BehaviourUnderstanding Self Concept

Rohan S Telang

Navneet Ballal

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Social Self Image

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Ideal Social Self Image

How everyone Should see me

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Product Symbolism

Products are assumed to have an image or personality determined by

physical appearance, packaging, advertising, price and users.

• Visibility or Conspicuousness

• Variability: Varied usability

• Personalizability: Symbolic


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Consumer Behaviour6

4 Approaches dealing with product image:

• Product image defined as a stereotypic image of its user

• Product image defined as a direct association with self-concept

• Sex-typed product image: Masculine, Feminine

• Differentiated product image: Self and others perception of us

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Self Concept: Terminologies

• Extended Self

• Self-Image Value: How important is a self image attribute

• Self-Image Belief: Degree of belief in a self image attribute

• Situational Self-Image: Consumption of a brand/product ideal in

one situation and not in another

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Self Concept Theories

• Self concept is of value to the individual, and behaviour will be

directed towards the protection and enhancement of self-concept.

• The purchase, display, and use of goods communicates symbolic

meaning to the individual and to others.

• The consuming behaviour of an individual will be directed to

enhancing self-concept through consumption of goods as


• Publicly consumed goods : influenced more by ideal self-image

• Privately consumed goods: influenced more by actual self-image

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Consumer Behaviour9

Self Concept/ Product Image Congruity

• Positive Self Congruity: Hair product

• Positive Self Incongruity: Gym ads

• Negative Self Congruity: Cigarettes

• Negative Self Incongruity: Medicines

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Consumer Behaviour10

Self Concept Research Findings

• There exists a relationship between self-image, ideal self-image/product-image

congruity and consumer choice.

• The existence of a relationship between social self-image/product-image

congruity and consumer choice is not strongly supported.

• The existence of a relationship between ideal social self-image/product-image

congruity and consumer choice is a debate.

• The existence of a relationship between sex-role self-image/sex-typed

product-image congruity and consumer choice is a debate.

• The role of product conspicuousness, between self-concept/product-image

congruity and consumer choice has been largely unsupported, however

the role of product conspicuousness and social class does effect consumer


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Consumer Behaviour11

Self Concept Research Findings

• The role of product personalisation(symbolic image), between self-concept

/product-image congruity and consumer choice has been suggested. Purchase

preference and intention is stronger for high personalising products.

• The role of personality, between self-concept/product-image congruity and

consumer choice has been suggested. Purchase intention are more closely

related to ideal self-concept than to actual self-concept.

• The ideal-self and ideal-social-self image concepts were more closely related

to product preference whereas,

The actual-self and social-self image concepts were more closely related to

purchase intention.

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Self Concept Research Findings

Product image as a function of consumer behaviour:

• It was found that product image is derived out of a strive to bridge gap between

self and ideal self.

• It was found that consumers rated products that they tend to use or places they

frequent to have a positive product image as compared to non-patronized ones.

Self-Image as a function of consumer behaviour:

• This may happen in situations where a product image is very strongly established

and consumers self-image are not strongly established.

Eg: Pre-owned products, someone gifts you a FastTrack and your self-image is

now “cool”

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