Presentatie Webshop Wednesday 30 september 2015

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The optimal customer journey

Team Conversion Optimization

§  Introduction

§  in the customer journey Conversion Rate Optimization §  The 4 A/B Testing areas

1.  Creative Testing

2.  Onsite Testing

3.  Segmentation

4.  Personalization



Who we are

We’re nerds with a scientific approach on digital marketing.

We work for a group of large

(international) advertisers, for which we manage the total digital media mix.

4% Affiliate visuals





4% Affiliate visuals



VeInteractive meets Blue Mango

Checkout After leaving e-mail address

SL: Kunnen we je ergens mee helpen? SL: Kunnen we je nog helpen?


§  User research §  Panel questions §  Client services §  Analyse My login

CRO in the customer journey

§  Exit surveys §  Heatmaps §  Analytics §  A/B testing

Conversion Rate Optimization

In online marketing it’s possible to apply the insights coming from such disciplines not in a lab, but in a real-life environment on a larger scale, thanks to the magnitude of available data.

Conversion Rate Optimization is all about making your online marketing more successful.

CRO can apply those insights to improve online performance in different areas.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Creative testing

Onsite A/B testing

Segmentation Personalization

How to optimize Conversion Rate

Set up test

Test live

Analysis & Report

Hypothesis based on Conversion Goal


Pre-research: •  Analytics •  Heatmaps •  Surveys •  Usability research •  Theoretical framework

Hypothesis Formulation & Prioritization

SEA, Display advertising, Social ads, Email marketing

1. Creative Testing

§  Offsite testing is focused on optimizing media such as SEA, Display advertising, Social advertising, Email marketing.

Theoretical framework

Creative Testing – In practice

Conversion Goal: Shopping Basket

Default: Scarcity Variant 1: Authority Variant 2: Social Proof

Theoretical framework: §  Authority: People follow credible knowledge

experts. They will then tend to obey authority or titled figure, even if asked to perform objectionable acts.

§  Social Proof: We tend to follow patterns of familiar people in new unfamiliar situations.

Default: Scarcity Variant 1: Authority Variant 2: Social Proof

Which variant won?

Default: Scarcity Variant 1: Authority Variant 2: Social Proof

+12% +71%

Hypotheses: §  Authority: People follow credible knowledge experts. They will then tend to obey authority

or titled figure, even if asked to perform objectionable acts.

§  Social Proof: We tend to follow patterns of familiar people in new unfamiliar situations.

2. Onsite testing

§  Onsite testing is focused on optimizing the user experience on the website in order to increase conversion rate.

Luke Wroblewski model, source: http://www.lukew.com

Theoretical Framework

Onsite testing – In practice


Conversion Goal: Shopping Basket

Default Variant 2 Variant 1

Default Variant 2 Variant 1

Which variant won?

Default Variant 2 Variant 1

+196% -6%

Variant 2


Theoretical framework

Onsite testing – In practice


Conversion Goal: Subscription for new players

Default Variant 1

Variant 2 Variant 3

Default Variant 1: System 1

Variant 2 : System 2 Variant 3: System 1 & 2



+6% -19%

Variant 1: System 1

Variant 2 : System 2 Variant 3: System 1 & 2

3. Segmentation

§  Segmentation focuses on optimizing user experience based on smart targeting. The intervention is aimed to satisfy different group which have different needs.

Theoretical framework

Theoretic Framework

Dynamic content makes advertising smarter. We have used smart ads based on business rules.

Segmentation – In practice

Default Static Proposition

Variant Dynamic Proposition

Segmentation – Samsung device

Default Static Proposition

Variant Dynamic Proposition

Conversion Goal: Clicks

Default Static Proposition

Variant Dynamic Proposition

Conversion Goal: Clicks -9%

Segmentation – iPhone device

Default Static Proposition

Variant Dynamic Proposition

Conversion Goal: Clicks

Segmentation – iPhone device

Default Static Proposition

Variant Dynamic Proposition

+21% Conversion Goal: Clicks

4. Personalization

§  Personalization is focusing on optimizing the online user experience and conversion rate, selecting relevant and unique content for the user.

Theoretical framework

MBTI Model







Logical Emotional

Theoretical Framework

Personalization – In practice

Based on analytics research we found out that users that spend less time on the site were less likely to convert : The Competitive and the Spontaneous

Conversion goal: Shopping Baskets

Default Variant: Last phone viewed

Conversion goal: Shopping Baskets


Default Variant: Last phone viewed

Conversion Goal: Shopping Baskets

Default Variant: Interest in Sim only

Conversion Goal: Shopping Baskets


Default Variant: Interest in Sim Only

Take Aways

1.  The ideal environment to research how the customer really feels is online.

2.  Start easy. 3.  Keep testing the insights coming from

psychology and usability research. 4.  Keep the balance with Testing between impact

(segments & technical) and traffic / volume. 5.  Always be testing.


•  Wat mensen denken..

•  Automatisch geld verdienen •  Niks is minder waar!

•  Niels Verwij – 3 jaar actief;

•  Shops:

•  Kantoor in Gouda, Magazijn in Molenaarsgraaf;

•  Actief in Nederland en België;

•  Tussen de 500-1.000 orders per dag.

In de eerste 6 maanden van 2014 zijn er 17% meer webshops failliet gegaan dan een jaar eerder.

Waar komt dit door?

•  Verschillende webshops opgezet;

•  Lange weg met uiteindelijk een overwinning;

•  Bleef uitbreiden met nieuwe shops;

•  Omzet vergroten lukte niet.

•  Klein assortiment;

•  Snelle groei/ dropshipment;

•  Geen grip meer op leveringen;

•  Investeren in eigen voorraad.

•  Snel leveren;

•  Goede indruk/ service gericht;

•  Innoveren;

•  Resultaat: terugkerende klanten!

•  Deed alles alleen;

•  Creatief zijn, zeker met geld;

•  Nu specialist per onderdeel;

•  Wil je iets goed of perfect doen? Zorg voor 200% focus!

•  Verzenden in eigen beheer, stress; •  Meer mensen nodig, bestellingen

groeiden tot 15.000 per maand na 6 maanden;

•  Veel beperkingen: pand, personeel etc.

•  6 maanden later….

•  Doel: schaalbare organisatie;

•  Deze keuze gaf ons vleugels!

•  Tip: blijf focussen!

•  Mijn focus vanaf dit moment: marketing;

•  Marketing = essentieel; •  Heel anders dan een winkel! •  Focus: grotere risico’s durven nemen;

•  Groeide weer hard door; •  Schaalbare organisatie leek te gaan



•  Groei is goed!

•  Heb een duidelijke visie voor je gaat groeien!

•  Schaalbaarheid was mijn doel; •  Groei beperkte de schaalbaarheid; •  Super inzet team trok ons er


•  Meer personeel, probleem opgelost;

•  Dat viel vies tegen;

•  Gebrek aan motivatie en toewijding;

•  Frustratie, weer geen focus!

•  Problemen blijven komen;

•  Draai je problemen om;

•  Leer ervan;

•  En ga snel door.

•  Net dat stapje extra doen;

•  Maak het verschil;

•  Scheelt marketing in de toekomst.

•  Je kunt je niet meteen meten met

grote shops; •  Reden: kosten!

•  Service groeit met je bedrijf mee.

•  Laat de techniek nooit een issue zijn voor je business idee;

•  Zorg voor beste service voor je klanten;

•  Durf te investeren maar houd je kosten in de gaten;

•  Ga 200% voor je onderneming!