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My Great Recipes Presentation - Team The Toasters

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MyGreatRecipes.comSearch. Save. Share. It’s fun and easy!

The ToastersAleksandar Micev Research

Martin JovchevskiCoordinator

Monika MachkovskaCreative solutions

Irena BlagoevaQuality officer

The problems

How to gain new users?

How to engage the existing users?

Market The existing target group is elderly women’s between 45-55 years.

Our main focus is to expand this target group to younger population.

Market research This statistic gives information

on the age distribution of internet users worldwide.

This is why we choose our main target group to be users between 22-35 years of age.






Attraction and Engagement

Our main channel for engaging new users will be Instagram.

Why? We think that the instagram of MGR is not developed enough and it can grow a lot more.

How? Through holding weekly competitions, posting videos, more action on “my story” etc.

Solutions Improving Instagram

Weekly contest - The users will have to post creative food related pictures with the hashtags #MGRweekly, #foodporn, #instafood for a chance to win a prize. One man of the marketing team will choose the most creative photo every Friday at 8pm EST and will announce the winner at Saturday at 12 at noon. The prize will be from our partners.

Posting videos-According to a recent FB study, 64% of respondents had watched a user-generated video review, and more than three-quarters of that group said it helped them make a purchase decision.

Instagram research The statistics shows that most searched instagram hashtags are:

#food-162m #yummy-53m

#foodporn-49m Instafood-39m


Instagram videos

Also, we have contacted a freelancer that will make videos 2 times a week. Every video will cost 75$ to make including the ingredients.

On the right there’s a gif of how this video would look.

Cooperation with bloggers

Our other channel for engaging new users will be throught cooperation with blogger.We have already contacted more then 45 food blogger and we have some positive responses from people that want to cooperate with us.

Our blog will consist of exotic and thematic meals and nutrition value as u plus information.

Blog research

Why did we choose this channel? 67,2 % of the women that read blogs prefer food/cooking blogs.

Big precent of women who have purchased a product based on a favorable blog review.

Monetization strategy

Cooperation with supermarkets that

have an online shop for groceries

Selling branded merchandise to

raise brand awareness

Selling ad space on the platform

Our main income will come throught cooperation with supermarkets.This is how its gonna flow. Linking a button for our users that can go to the supermarkets and buy the ingredients they need.

We will cooperate with Wegmans because they have the simular user group as ours.

• Female

• Aged 25-64 years

• Household income of $70,000 or more

Cooperation with supermarkets

Possible business partnership We have managed to make

contact with one supermarket that we choosed. We leave the choice to you.

Branded merchandise Giveaway free merchandise as a reward after purchasing from the


• Why? • Engaging customers

• Good reputation for the business• Brand awareness and Customer


print $2.98+shipping $1

Total $3.98

• How?• Notify users that they get a reward for a

purchase above 49$• Allow them to pick between 2 designs.• Ask for address• Print in bulk and distribute in a way to

minimize costs.

Branded merchandise Creating an online shop on our platform to sell branded T-shirts

• Why?• Brand recognition• Market our business• Profit

• How?• Sell the product on our online

shop.• Outsource company to print

and ship the merchandise we sell on demand avoiding fixed costs and investment risks.



Selling ad space on the platform

Standard banner ads

Content WallInterstitial Ads – Full Screen

Financial analysis Average conversion rate: 3%

Monthly visitors of MGR: 90000

Average Online Spending per month in USA: 142$

Average spending online in the USA on food and groceries: 84$

Average spent money for groceries on site per month(prediction) - 40$

Profit for MGR - 10% of every order = 4$

2700 visitors that will buy x $4 profit of every purchase = 10800$