How can companies be responsible social marketers

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Being socially responsible is Being socially responsible is Cool!!!Cool!!!

Legal behavior

Ethical behavior

Socially responsible


Every employee shouldEvery employee shouldknow and observe relevantknow and observe relevant


Companies must adopt Companies must adopt and disseminateand disseminate

Written code of ethics.Written code of ethics.

Individual marketers must exercise Individual marketers must exercise their their social consciencesocial conscience with customers and with customers and


Cause-related marketing is marketing that links the firm’s contributions to a designated

cause to customers engaging directly or indirectly in revenue-producing transactions

with the firm.

Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 22-16

Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 22-17

• Self-branded: Create Own Cause Program

• Co-branded: Link to Existing Cause Program

• Jointly branded: Link to Existing Cause Program

85%likely to switch to brand linked to a good cause

86%consider a company’s social commitments before making recommendations

84%consider a company’s social commitments before deciding where to shop

87%consider a company’s social commitments when deciding where to work





• Study the literature and previous campaigns• Chose target markets that are ready to respond• Promote a single, doable behavior in clear,

simple terms• Explain the benefits in compelling terms• Make it easy to adopt the behavior• Develop attention-grabbing messages• Consider an education-entertainment approach

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