Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan A RAVEN5 Case Study

2016 Strategic Marketing Plan - A Case Study

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Developing aStrategic Marketing Plan

A RAVEN5 Case Study

RAVEN5 is an Oakville based integrated marketing agency. We work with agencies, national brands and public relations firms to create experiences as unique as your customers.

What does RAVEN5 mean? Ravens are often viewed as symbolic messengers that tell a story while the 5 represents the maximum time in seconds that you have to captivate one’s attention.

Our mission is simple:Get consumers to engage with your brand.

About RAVEN5

Our approach to working with you

As an integrated marketing provider, we have experience working with brands & agencies of all sizes. RAVEN5 was approached by Basadur Applied Creativity to provide a strategic marketing plan to assist in current and future marketing efforts.

What was the problem?Solving problems in today’s complex business environment is complicated – marketing the ability to do so, and subsequently selling a consultative process and methodology is even more of a challenge for Basadur.

What did we provide?RAVEN5 completed a comprehensive integrated marketing plan, highlighting how to best position themselves to business and industry leaders using various channels.

What were the results?Basadur Applied Creativity was given a tactical plan to ensure their marketing efforts were focused on acquiring new customers, while retaining and engaging current or past ones.

Executive Summary

In order to put together a detailed and strategic integrated marketing plan, RAVEN5 provided Basadur with market analysis, customer profiles, marketing strategy, and recommendations:

1. SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats2. Target Profiles – Understand Your Customers & Prospects3. Strategies & Tactics

A. Obtain Customersi. Digital Marketing – SEO, SEM, etc.ii. Publicity & Public Relations – Press Releases, etc.iii. Advertising – Publications, Online Banners, etc.iv. Event Marketing & Sponsorship – Speaking, etc.

B. Retain Customersi. Digital Marketingii. Publicity & Public Relationsiii. Advertising

C. Benchmark & Measure – Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

4. Next Steps – Now What?

Introduction – Who is Basadur?

This is Basadur - Applied Creativity grounded in the quest to find simplicity in a complex environment. It is designed to teach, mentor and coach individuals and organizations to embrace the opportunity that lies on the other side of a problem. It provides a proven framework to solve problems that is sustainable

and reusable. The true advantage of this approach is the ability for the participants to become self-sufficient. The real business value of this approach is the ability to identify and resolve problems and the opportunity to pursue the innovative possibilities that now exist as a result of solving the problem.

Solving problems within complex organizations, burdened by protocols and corporate policy can often be counterproductive. It is designed to teach, mentor and coach individuals and organizations

to embrace the opportunity that lies on the other side of a problem.

Step One : SWOT Analysis

The purpose of a SWOT Analysis is to establish an unbiased, objective framework from which to make strategic decisions to take the business forward. The analysis is a surface level indicator of areas that may require further investigation and a deeper dive before they can be a fully understood.

These go forward strategies can be acquisition focused - new markets, new customers, new share - or they can be focused on the retention of existing customers and expanding, evolving and enhancing the organizations ability to service them, satisfy them and nurture them into advocates.

Overall, Basadur operates on a strong premise and addresses a very prominent and well-defined business need. Weaknesses and threats are minimal and given the overall state of the business, are unique in any way – they are to be expected.

Step Two : Target Profiles

In today’s business environment and in the opinions of our stakeholders, a problem is anything that gets in the way of them achieving the goals and objectives the organization has given them. This is their reality – it is subjective, personal and in many cases, a sensitive issue that is clouded by emotion,

behavior and preconceived conditions.

Understanding our targets is the first step to creating a connection with them – this needs to happen in advance of addressing their problems.

Three key strategies and associated tactics are recommended to deliver against the objectives of this marketing plan – to acquire more Basadur customers and nurture existing customers through increased and sustained support. The strategies will serve to generate and build awareness for

Basadur’s product and service offering among prospective customers, and further engage existing customers.

Key Strategies:

1. Acquire New Customers

2. Retain Customers

3. Benchmark & Measure

Step Three : Strategies & Tactics

Marketing efforts must be focused to adequately engage leaders in Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Operations, IT and C-Suite business executives by communicating the benefits of collaborating with Basadur and how Basadur can help them solve their problems.

Strategy 1: Acquire new customers through target and problem specific positioning

SEO - The key to optimized search is to be “found” when someone is looking for the products and services your provide. When individuals don’t know who they’re looking for yet, Basadur becomes one of the options presented to them based on their search criteria.

SEM - In order to take the search strategy to the next level, Google AdWords and pay-per click (PPC) campaigns are recommended. To optimize the effects of search marketing, it must be emphasized this tactic involves a commitment and process by Basadur to regularly add quality content relevant to business decision makers.

Email Deployment Campaigns - Email marketing campaigns are an effective way to communicate the features, benefits and incentives of engaging with Basadur directly to the inboxes of business leaders. Distribution lists should be built to meet certain criteria (e.g. targeted geographic region).

Email Building Program - The addition of an ongoing email list development program is an effective tactic to build Basadur’s profile.

Tactics: 1. Digital Marketing

Social Share, Contests & Incentives - There is an opportunity to connect at a deeper level with decision makers through more frequent dialogue about Basadur services, products and insights.People will talk about Basadur. They will tell others about how they feel about Basadur.

Webinars - Free or discounted Basadur-hosted webinars are an important way to engage prospective customers, while offering also an opportunity to market back to existing or old clients.

Microsite - When each target segment is able to identify with the profiles and problems listed on the

microsite, the experience will become more meaningful for the visitor. And when these individuals are confident that Basadur has solved problems for others like themselves, this will increase the likelihood Basadur’s services will be solicited.

Website Banner Ads - When executed well, integrating banners on websites is an effective way to

quickly capture the attention of new website visitors. Promotional banners may be included as part of the regular banner rotation on Basadur’s landing page.

Tactics: 1. Digital Marketing (Continued)

Press Releases - A commitment to distributing newsworthy press releases to targeted media is recommended. Distributing releases to appropriate media is a way Basadur will continue to build relationships with media and build its profile.

Mat Releases - Mat releases are formatted, consumer related articles that are often used by newspaper editors to supplement staff-written stories.

Press Kit - Press kits are effective tools for disseminating key facts and messages about Basadur to

targeted audiences and the media. Content should include, but not be limited to: background or history of the company, fact sheet, media releases/advisories, articles, white papers and contact information.

Tactics: 2. Publicity & Public relations

Publications - Placement in suitable print and e-magazines will increase Basadur’s exposure among

the target. Trade magazines, in particular, are ideal channels for Basadur since business leaders rely on

this medium for the latest information relating to their specific field.

Online Banners - A vast majority of reputable publications have an online component. It is

recommended that banner and box ads be created and placed on these websites.

Direct Mail - When executed well, delivering tangible promotional pieces

directly to the mailbox of targeted recipients is an effective tactic for

connecting with new prospects.

Including compelling incentives and call-to-actions that encourage

the desired response will further increase the likelihood of

acquiring new business opportunities.

Tactics: 3. Advertising

Speaking opportunities - People who hear Min Basadur speak want to learn more from him, and intrigued audiences represent ideal opportunities for business development. Continuing with this tactic is certainly a worthwhile effort.

Event Marketing - an effective way to build profile and brand awareness. Basadur leaders have attested to the fact that engaging with individuals on a personal level works. For example, when Basadur conducts pre-consults, new customers are almost always guaranteed to be secured. As such, Basadur should commit to participate in as many events as possible because this one-to-one interaction

has proven to generate immediate business leads and referrals. It is recommended Basadur invest in a 10’ x 10’ event booth that is easy to set-up, transport and update as required.

Sponsorships - Sponsoring a professional development organization is a great way to establish connections with business decision makers. Many of these organizations are non-profit and therefore

rely on sponsorships to prosper. These organizations are also event driven which means Basadur’s brand will not only be promoted at functions, but association with these groups opens the door for networking opportunities with members.

Tactics: 4. Event marketing & sponsorship

Securing new customer relationships is imperative to growing Basadur’s business. However, this is only one half of the equation. Equal effort must be committed to keeping customers by ensuring they are receiving the value needed to continually satisfy their needs. Ambasadur membership, Basadur

Certified, the debrief newsletter and e-workshops are all existing tactics that support this function.

Strategy 2: Retain Customers

SEO - Basadur’s search will be optimized to generate results for the company’s extended usage strategies, particularly Ambasadur membership and Basadur Certification. These programs are tactics Basadur utilizes to continually engage with customers and generate incremental revenue.

SEM - To further increase successful search for this content, paid AdWords and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are recommended.

Social Share - Promoting successful case studies and customer testimonials is a great way to elicit

customer comments across Basadur’s social media platforms. Nurturing connections with happy customers via social media and the blog presents an opportunity to grow the business.

Email Marketing Campaigns - An objective is to ensure the relationship doesn’t end once the customer’s initial needs are fulfilled. To successfully extend Basadur’s full line of services and product to

existing customers, they must be informed of these value-added services and product.

Webinars - Free or discounted Basadur-hosted webinar sessions exclusive to customers is not only a way to reconnect with existing and past customers, but a way to thank customers for their business.

Tactics: 1. Digital Marketing

Press Releases - A commitment to the distribution of newsworthy press releases will not only serve to acquire new business, but foster existing client relationships. There are many success stories of how Basadur is revolutionizing the way businesses conduct operations. This is newsworthy material,

particularly when results are significant. Press releases, articles, whitepapers and interview topics will communicate the notable stories of innovation made possible by Basadur.

Tactics: 2. Publicity & Public relations

Online Banners - Several distinct ad options may be developed to promote the benefits of each of the

following: Ambasadur membership, Basadur Certification, workshops and a customer success story.

Direct Mail - Another way to communicate the full line of services available to customers is delivering a

promotional piece to their personal mailing address. To increase the response rate, an incentive or

promotion is strongly recommended.

Tactics: 3. Advertising

It’s important that a commitment be made to evaluate the success of the marketing initiatives on a regular, ongoing basis given the level of investment made and results expected. To accomplish this, assessing the impact the marketing initiatives have on customer acquisition and retention must occur.

From there, ongoing continuous improvement must take place through the following procedures:• Regular tracking, monitoring, assessing and adjusting (when required)• Regular reporting and internal discussion• Quarterly reviews

“For each of the marketing tactics recommended in this plan, samples KPIs that require measurement are outlined in the following tables…”

Strategy 3: Benchmark & Measure

Next Steps

After providing each strategy, along with the necessary tactics to successfully approach each type of prospect, RAVEN5 recommended the following steps to monitor and improve our strategies:

1. Prioritize recommendations – strategic approaches and tactics.

2. Establish budgets and parameters to guide deployment, including:

• Initiate content development (per content strategy)• Initiate campaign creative development

3. Deploy a tactical plan, measure and adjust as required (establish benchmarks for future marketing campaigns).

4. For subsequent campaigns, evaluate initiatives against established benchmarks.

5. Initiate regular reporting and ongoing internal discussions to assess performance and adjust tactics as required.

6. Monthly or quarterly reviews to evaluate ongoing marketing initiatives.

RAVEN5 is ready to help your brand today. And now for something completely different, here’s Sean Ely.

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