TERRORISM & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman Lecturer of Law BSMRSTU Gopalganj 8100

Terrorism and International Relations

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TERRORISM & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Mohammad Rubaiyat RahmanLecturer of Law BSMRSTUGopalganj 8100


Terrorism is one of the most contested definitions in the field of international relations.

Discussions about what is defined as “terrorism” are not settled; states and individuals are still in disagreement about such a contested issue.

There are many definitions of terrorism, but it still becomes a challenge to agree upon what classifies a “terrorist” and “acts of terror.”

Definition of Terrorism•Scholars have attempted to streamline

the definition, aiming to agree on certain aspects of the terrorism definition. 

•Hoffman (2006):• “terrorism is violence … … used and directed in pursuit of, or in service of, a

political aim”

Definition of Terrorism•Viotti & Kauppi (2013) define terrorism


•“[p]olitically motivated directed against noncombatants and designed to instill fear in an audience”

Definition of Terrorism• Schmid writes: • Terrorism refers … … to a doctrine about the

presumed effectiveness of a special form or tactic of fear-generating, coercive political violence and, on the other hand, to a conspiratorial practice of calculated, demonstrative, direct violent action without legal or moral restraints, targeting mainly civilians and non-combatants, performed for its propagandistic and psychological effects on various audiences and conflict parties;


History•The word terrorism was first popularized

during the French Revolution. In contrast to its contemporary usage, at the time terrorism had a decidedly positive connotation.

•The system of regime de la terreur of 1793–94