Technology & The Law Charles McCann, Jacob Sleiman & Max Tassell

Technology & The Law

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Technology & The Law

Technology & The LawCharles McCann, Jacob Sleiman & Max Tassell

ImpactsTechnologys impact has been immense, with advancements in communication, medicine, education and cyber warfare.

ImpactsIt has given people easy access to information, instant communication to another person across the globe, rapid media output and immediate feedback on projects such as videos, reports, games and so on.

ImpactsAmongst these advancements, many issues have arisen that have made policing said technologies a tiresome and expensive ordeal.

ImpactsThese include the loss of privacy, lack of territorial jurisdiction (making it especially difficult for the government to police cyber crimes), greater vulnerability to cyber crimes and anonymity.

Impact on the VictimFor the victim of a cyber crime, technologys impact is remarkable as the victim, in some cases, doesnt always receive a just form of compensation to them and a fair punishment to the perpetrator.

Because of technologys considerable breadth, finding the perpetrator in the first place is a tough job in and of itself.

Impact on the PerpetratorAs for the perpetrator, if theyre caught, their reputation is at stake of being permanently tarnished. Their actions in the digital world have real and concerning results in the real world.

If they arent caught however, their free, as a result of the accessibility of technology, to roam around causing havoc. The government will almost always be one step behind these people.

Enforcing the LawPolicing the internet is a tremendously tiresome task as factors including legal jurisdictions for governments, anonymity and the ethical and legal issues regarding surveillance.

Unlike real-life crimes and the subsequent evidence, the evidence in a cyber crime case can be much more easily tampered with as its all essentially a string of ones and zeros. Enforcing the LawAn investigator can contaminate the evidence simply by examining it, and sophisticated cyber criminals can set up their computers to automatically destroy the evidence when accessed by anyone other than themselves.

Enforcing the LawThe rights of the victim are particularly difficult to enforce as more times than not, they arent aware that the cyber crime has occurred to them, thus reports arent made. More times than not though, victims dont report cases of cyber crime as theyll be seen as embarrassing or commercially damaging.

Enforcing the LawThe rights of the perpetrator are, too, especially difficult to enforce as they may fall victim to unethical police tactics such as entrapment and unkown surveillance.

Case: Overview

In 2011, David Noel Cecil was charged on forty counts of hacking into systems owned by Platform Networks. He obtained the usernames and passwords of the managing director.

For this, David was sentenced to 6 months in jail on 18 charges and another 2 years on the remaining 22 charges.

Case: Overview

Case: Legal Implications

He pleaded guilty to 2 counts of, Unauthorised modification of data to cause impairment pursuant to Section 477.2 of the Criminal Code and 18 counts of, Unauthorised access to data pursuant to Section 478.1 of the Criminal Code.

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