Audience Feedback- How audiences helped shape our product: Feedback from audiences on how they envision a perfect music video and what genre of music they listen to via questionnaires and surveys.

Audience research feedback - survey monkey research

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Audience Feedback- How audiences helped shape our product:Feedback from audiences on how they envision a perfect music video and what genre of music they listen to via questionnaires and surveys.

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The survey monkey questionnaire with the initial simple question of ‘Do you like pop music?’ showed us a rough background to our audience.

The results proved that pop is a generally popular genre; in our particular survey there were no responses that signified they dislike pop music; 66.67% replied that ‘Yes’ they do like Pop whereas 33.33% noted that ‘it’s okay’ suggesting that it may not be their favorite genre but is an ‘easy- listen’ matching the reputation of pop.

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Further audience feedback gave us insight to the preferred structure of a video; 100% of audience members answered that in a pop music video there should be some sort of parallel with lyrics through visuals; something that we had adhered to in our final product:

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In the opening scene we show our persona locked out; getting kicked out of his house by his partner which parallels with the line ‘when you kicked me to the curb’

The lyric- visual parallel is adherence to the preferences of our audience.

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Survey Monkey allowed us to access the answer choices of each member separately, allowing us to get a rounded view of the individual. This specific person commented on the energy and emotions of pop music or conveyed through pop music; ‘happy and upbeat’ this re-assured us that Jaywalk with its upbeat chorus, would be a song that would appeal to our audience.

Furthermore he commented on the conventions of a pop video that he likes, singling out the ‘bright colours’ which definitely shaped us help our video as we had ended up utilizing locations such as ‘Southbank Skatepark’ (PHOTO 2- next slide)with its multi-coloured graffiti, as well as pink, red and white neon lights at waterloo (PHOTO 2.1 and 2.2 next slide) which I think adhered to the conventions of the pop genre as well as the demands of our audience.

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The popularity of Pop was highlighted with more audience responses of the same sort; this female from the 18-21 demographic (matching that of our target audience) commented on pop being ‘catchy’ as the reason for which she enjoys it. This confirms pop as the ‘easy-listen’ genre as well as it’s universal acceptance giving it the well deserved name of ‘pop’ from ‘popular’.

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This answer was a bit more abstract seeing as the ‘atmosphere’ can be created in a variety of ways and both musically and visually; we did however try to create our desired ‘atmosphere’. When I asked my friends what they think when I say ‘pop songs’ part of them said ‘overly-cheery-upbeat’ and the other part ‘sad and soppy’ I guess that this general gist can be seen in ‘Jaywalk’ with the emotional and reflective atmosphere of looking back at the past, or rather trying to suppress these feelings, and the contrasting upbeat chorus with its almost triumphant sound; so these were the two key atmospheres we tried to create. We used generally darker overtones to show how this progressive period is laced with sadness. ( see photo 3.1 on the next slide for examples: )

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[3.1]If you were to analyse the ambience through the application of misce en scene you could comment on the fact that the light source is located behind/ to the side of him, putting half of his face in shadow which could be symbolic for the gradual progress he is making from full shadow into the light; moving on from the past but at the same time torn between it and moving forward which is what Brayton’s ‘Jaywalk’ is essentially about. Noting this we can see the direct impact of audience feedback as they had underlined the importance of atmosphere in music videos.

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Compared to a rock genre music fan and a Jazz fan, we can see that the factor that draws them to their preferred music genre is more the use of instruments and talent of the artists…whereas pop music fans are more about just enjoying themselves.

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We saw from our results that the majority of audience members were aged between 16-21 but also 15% who were over 25.This general pattern confirmed for us what our target audience should be so we opted for adolescents and young adults as pop is consumed mostly by young adults but due to Brayton’s interweavement of aspects of other genres, the latter would apply too….

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We thought that the aspect of blending different music genres would apply to, or be most interesting for audience members of 19+, young adults. Why? – Well, having researched psychographics and put a presentation together on it I saw that the ‘explorer’ demographic was generally a ‘younger demographic’ including mainly ‘students’