Poster layout and Photoshop

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Page 1: Poster layout and Photoshop


Page 2: Poster layout and Photoshop

The poster was created by Ruby, to start off the making of the poster Ruby first looked into real media texts. After conducting research into horror movie posters she took a lot of inspiration from the poster from the film ‘You’re Next’. She also looked at the common conventions within horror posters, she found that all of the production companies involved in the makeing of the film were written at the bottom of the page, this was in very small writing. In this paragraph the names of the main people such as directors and editors were also included.

She then started to create her own, specific to our company and group. She mentioned all of our group members as well as our own production company name ‘Asylum Productions’.

After typing it out on word she then opened Adobe Photoshop and create this text all as one layer.

Page 3: Poster layout and Photoshop

Ruby had then went on to make this piece of text look more professional. She did this by creating multiple layers in the side panel and began to resize certain individual words. By the end of this process she was able to make the text look as if it were part of a real poster.

Ruby then went on to added a layer which reads ‘The intrusion’. She did this as it helped her visualise the layout of the poster. In the bottom left hand corner ruby also added a 15 age rating.She continued by adding a web address underneath the mass text.

Page 4: Poster layout and Photoshop

Ruby then made the background of the page black, she did this by pressing ‘ALTS’ and ‘backspace’ on her keyboard. She also began adding the production company logos at the bottom of the page. Ruby also added the final movie title which I had made into the Photoshop file. As you can see Ruby also started to move the title nearer the top of the page, this was done as she didnt want the text and title to clash, resulting in the page being over crowded.

Ruby then selected an image for the poster. These images were taken by Aamina. Ruby placed the image to fit the page, she then placed the movie title at the top of the page while making sure the title does not interfere with the characters in the image.

She also added more production companies at the bottom of the page.

Page 5: Poster layout and Photoshop

To make the text clearer Ruby brought up the layer style window, from this panel Ruby selected the colour over lay option. From there she chose the colour white. This made the colour of the text change. This was done so the text could stand out against the darkness in the image.

Ruby then decided to put a satin overlay over the masthead. This was because the movie title was too bright and was a bit overpowering on the poster. By using the satin option it dimmed the layer down so t could correlate with the rest of the page.

Page 6: Poster layout and Photoshop

Ruby then used the grid option of Photoshop so she could aligne all of the text accordingly. This allowed for her to make the poster more professional and less messy.

Ruby then added more text to the poster. This text read the trailer was going to be released. Ruby again used the colour overlay option to make the text white so it is readable against the black background.

Page 7: Poster layout and Photoshop

Ruby then finished the poster off by adding the movie slogan underneath the movie title. This was also in white so it could stand out and easily be readable against the black background.