Heroin By: Alex McCall

Unit 5 heroin project

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HeroinBy: Alex McCall


In the 1890’s heroin was believe to be the cure for

morphine addiction and tuberculosis. Heroine is

manufactured from refined morphine. Morphine was

created to cure opiate addiction. It is also manufactured

from refined opium. Heroine is incredibly addictive. Just

after one try a person can start to form a serious

addiction to heroine.


Heroin can be:

o Sniffed/ Snorted

o Smoked

o Injected

Street Names

● Thunder

● Big H

● Dope

● Brown Sugar

● Junk

● Horse

● Smack


The classification given by the federal government is

Schedule 1

According to the United States Drug Enforcement

Agency, “The drug or other substance has a high

potential for abuse. The drug or other substance has no

currently accepted medical treatment use in the U.S.”.

Common Chemicals● opium

● morphine

● sugar

● caffeine

● sometimes it’s “cut” with strychnine

o which is used for rat poison, and it induces violent

convulsions making it deadly

Harmful Effects- Physical: Heroin can be taken by injection, by needle. Because you shoot heroin into the veins you are clogging them. This can cause infection or the destruction of vital organs like your heart, liver, brain, kidneys. Because you can infect your blood vessels they can collapse. Heroin also breaks down a person’s immune system. This can leave a person sickly, thin and boney, greasy hair, dark circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks waxy complexion, and a blank expression. Withdrawal symptoms are extremely painful. Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, aches and pains in the bones, diarrhea, vomiting and severe discomfort; none of the symptoms sound at all pleasant.-Mental/emotional: Heroin gives the user a “rush”. If the user does not get their rush they won’t feel normal. Over time the user has to have more heroin to get that same rush and feel “normal”. Nothing will be more important to the user but getting a rush.-Social: Heroin is very addictive. When someone is done on one kick they will crave another right away. To pay for their heroin people will resort to crime for money. They will steal from family and friends. Getting the euphoric feeling will become the most important thing to that person. More important than their job, family, or friends. They will throw away their lives for heroin. -Legal consequences: Heroin is illegal. If found in a person’s possession they can be arrested.

Short-Term Effects● Nervous System:

o it binds to opioid receptors in the brain and body

o in the brain stem the opioid receptors are what controls automatic process for life like breathing and

heart beat

o they also control the perception pain and reward

o it is also a depressant

● Cardiovascular System:

o Slow cardiac system function

o irregular and or slowed heartbeat

● Digestive System:

o upset stomach can occur

● Respiratory System:

o breathing illness

○ slow breathing

Long-Term Effects● Nervous System:

o building up a tolerance to heroin so a larger dosage is needed- lead to overdose

o withdrawal symptoms affect the system

● Cardiovascular System:

o weakened immune system

● Digestive System:

o near-permanent constipation

o loss of appetite

● Respiratory System:

o suppressed urge to cough which clears debris from the lungs

o susceptible to lung diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis

o smoking heroin can irritate and scar the linings of your respiratory tract

Medical Uses

There are no medical uses for heroin

There was a time though that heroin

was used to cure morphine addiction

and tuberculosis

AlcoholMixing alcohol and heroine is a deadly combination. When mixing

these two depressant drugs bad things happen. Heroin is a street

drug which means that the buyer does not know the strength of the

particular package they are buying so there is always the chance of

overdose. Since these two drugs are depressants mixing them means

an increased chance of dying. Slowed or irregular heartbeat, loss of

concussions, slowed breathing, slipping into a coma, tremors,

damage to the brain are all consequences of mixing alcohol and


Family & Society

Heroin can ruin a family. The user could steal from

family and friends to get money to buy heroin. The

user will not care about anything else but heroin

and the rush they will get by using it.

Websites● http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/heroin/a-very-slippery-slo


● http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/heroin

● http://www.drugfree.org/drug-guide/heroin/

● http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/drug-facts/heroin

● http://drug.addictionblog.org/mixing-heroin-with-alcohol/

● http://luxury.rehabs.com/heroin-addiction/long-term-effects/

● http://b.passagesmalibu.com/physical-effects-of-heroin-abuse/


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This is a 5 question quiz

Question 1

In what year was heroin first manufactured?

A. 1990’sB. 1890’sC. 1980’sD. 1880’s

Answer A


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Answer B


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Answer C


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Answer D


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Question 2

How is heroin administered?

A. sniffed/snortedB. injectedC. smokedD. all the above

Answer A

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Answer B

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Answer C

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Answer D


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Question 3

Does heroin have any medical uses in the present?

A. YesB. No

Answer A


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Answer B


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Question 4

Heroin is refriend from morphine which is refriend from what?

A. OpiumB. MarijuanaC.EcstasyD.Alcohol

Answer A


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Answer D


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Question 5

What is not a common chemical found in heroin?

A. opiumB. caffeineC.hydrogen peroxide D.sugar

Answer A


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