Rowing machine reviews: Stamina 1205 Precision Rower By –Rowingmachinely.com

Stamina 1205 precision rower

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Rowing machine reviews: Stamina 1205 Precision Rower

By –Rowingmachinely.com

Design? Some Photos

Design Verdict

The design of Stamina 1205 Precision Rower is really beautiful.

Worth? I must say, yes!


Stamina 1205 Precision Rower is the compact, portable way to row yourself into shape. Limited space? Time? The Stamina 1205 Precision Rower is for you. Compact and portable with a footprint of 32 1/2" x 48", the arms fold down and the rower can be stored in a closet or in the corner of a room. Rowing is widely known to be one of the best all around activities for cardiovascular fitness and strength.


Do you have limited workout space but plenty of motivation? Turn to the Stamina 1205 precision rowing machine, which offers a compact footprint of only 32.5 inches wide by 48 inches long, but offers the same terrific workout as machines twice its size. The Stamina 1205 mimics the smooth motion of rowing on the water, with a padded seat that glides on a ball-bearing roller system, rowing arms whose resistance is adjusted by hydraulic cylinders

Detailed Specifications

Precision rowing machine with deluxe ball-bearing rolling system

Smooth hydraulic cylinder action with adjustable tension controls

Multifunction fitness monitor tracks speed, distance, strokes, and more

Thick padded seat and pivoting footplates for maximum comfort

The Positives

Heavy-duty frame backed by a solid warranty of 5 years

Small footprint makes the rower ideal for smaller rooms and can be stored underneath a bed or propped against a wall

Dual-handles have their own adjustable piston that allows user to customize resistance on each handle to help with unbalanced arm strength

Comfortable seat and handles

The Negatives

6% of users complained the shocks wore out within a few weeks/ months

No wheels makes moving rower more difficult for some people

Footrest size and feel can make rowing barefoot difficult

Could make a few squeaking noises after a fair amount of usage

Confusing instruction manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For those who you who have owned this rower for at least 6 mos and used it regularly during this time, do you find you still performs as you'd hoped?

Have had it for about four months, not quite six yet, but it still has the same resistance and works just like new. This rower gets used more than an hour every day, and the pistons get a workout.

What Customers Say About It?

I bought a used rower years ago and came to work it several times a week. I'm a busy person, so I don't have time for a sophisticated work out routine. I just want to work one machine for both strength and aerobic training. Rowing is great for this purpose. When I broke my rower, 

I had one of these similar many years ago and let it go at a garage sale. Dumb idea! As I get older, this Stamina machine has replaced it and is giving me all the exercise I need. Good to set in front of the tv and row for 30 minutes, I've gone from a size 40 to a size 36 waist. I like the hydraulic part of it and the adjustability.  

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