PCOS MEDICATIONS IN AYURVEDA Are you aware that there is effective Ayurvedic Treatment available for endocrine disorders like PCOS? To know more about PCOS through the eyes of Ayurveda, see our presentation at:- http://www.slideshare.net/nirogam/ 2-pcos-and-ayurveda Find out what formulations can treat PCOS nowww!! Web: www.nirogam.com Help line: +91-9015525552 Email: [email protected]

PCOS Medications in Ayurveda

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PCOS MEDICATIONS IN AYURVEDAAre you aware that there is effective Ayurvedic Treatment available for endocrine disorders like PCOS? To know more about PCOS through the eyes of Ayurveda, see our presentation at:-http://www.slideshare.net/nirogam/2-pcos-and-ayurveda

Find out what formulations can treat PCOS nowww!!

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Page 2: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda


metabolism(correction of Agni)

Cleansing of the bowel Regulate artava dhatu Reducing circulating

androgen Optimising ovarian

function Supporting optimal

endocrine function

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Page 3: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda

IN OBESE WOMEN WITH INSULIN RESISTANCEThe herbs selected should have the

following properties: Digestive Carminative Mild laxative Must reduce body weight and

cholesterol Should be able to correct blood glucose

level Rejuvenative and fertility enhancer

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Page 4: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda

FOR LEAN WOMEN WITH PCOSThe herbs selected should have the

following properties:

Should correct the digestive fire Should facilitate downward movement

of vata Should correct apaana vata Should have digestive and carminative

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Page 5: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda


Main Ingredients Mode of

Action Punarnava(boerrhavia diffusa)

Bilwa(aegle marmelos)

Horse gram Castor

Punarnava-improves appetite, corrects digestive system, removes excess kapha, balances kapha and vata, is anti-oestrogenic, and corrects anaemia.

Bilwa- pacifies kapha and vata dosha,is a very good digestive restorative, it increases sugar tolerance and decreases insulin resistance. It helps to keep insulin and blood sugar levels under control.

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Page 6: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda


Mode of Action

Garlic Castor (Ricinus

communis) Punarnava

(Boerrhavia diffusa).

It helps in relieving intra-abdominal pressure and balances vata in the abdomen.

Garlic- reduces circulating androgens, optimises ovarian function, and supports optimal endocrine function.

Eranda (castor)-pacifies vata dosha, cleanses the female reproductive system (uterus), and acts carminative (expels gas).

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Page 7: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda


•Punarnava•Bilwa•Kashmarya (Gmelina arborea)•Dashamoola•Shatavari

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Page 8: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda

MORE FORMULATIONSVarunadi Kashayam Main Ingredients- varuna (Crataeva nurvala),sairyaka

(Strobilanthes ciliates),shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) and chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica)

Lakshmanarishtam It supports the female genito urinary system(urinary and

reproductive system) Main Ingredients- lakshmana,jaggery, bael tree, liquorice

and triphala

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Page 9: PCOS Medications in Ayurveda

FORMULATIONS CONTINUED:-Rajapravartini Vati Main Ingredients- Aloe vera, kaseesa (blue vitriole), borax

and hing Aloe vera purifies the blood and stimulates the female

reproductive system.Swarnamakshika Bhasmam It balances kapha and pitta dosha. Main Ingredients- copper pyrite, iron pyritePhala Ghrita Rejuvenative and fertility enhancer.Nervine tonics are also given to treat stress related


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