Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet

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Page 1: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet
Page 2: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet

Some Background Info. About Me

Graduated From West Point Served in the 4th ID as a Tank Platoon Leader 1st regular job: Warehouse manager in Atlanta

for a company called Inbrand 2nd regular job: Technical Service Manager for

Coco-Cola Bottling Company in Charleston, SC 3 years traveling in South America and Europe Began helping out my sister in her wellness

center in Ithaca. Earned my Masters in Applied Clinical Nutrition in

December 2014. I am a Sugar addict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 3: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet
Page 5: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet

Why is Diet Improvement So Necessary???

U.S. health and health care consistently rates at the very bottom when compared to other industrial countries and even against some so-called 3rd-world countries.

Deaths from chronic health issues are accelerating at a furious pace and in the U.S. dwarf deaths from infectious diseases.

Page 6: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet

Why is Diet Improvement So Necessary???

47 million Americans have Metabolic Syndrome 100 million Americans are projected to be

diagnosed with diabetes by 2050 611,000 Americans die from heart disease each

year Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for

women in the U.S. About 1 in 4 women will die from this preventable disease.

75,000 Americans die from diabetes each year Medical expenses are the #1 reason for

bankruptcy in the U.S.

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The Problem is . . .

1. Our food choices are killing us and ruining the financial future of our kids.

2. Our food choices are causing an ever increasing burden on a health care system that is not equipped to handle the problems.

3. The newest generation of Americans is predicted to have a shorter average lifespan than the one before it.

4. We’re being drawn down this path by a mix of MYTH AND MARKETING and lies.

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How Much Sugar You Ask????? USDA estimates adult Americans consume 150

lbs of sugar/sweeteners per year

This translates into: 17,010 teaspoons of sugar per year 327 teaspoons of sugar per week 47 teaspoons of sugar per day

This does not take into account fruit sugar

The body only wants 2-3 teaspoons of sugar in the bloodstream at all times.

Page 14: Myth, Marketing and Your Health: Why Every American Should Take a Serious Look at Their Diet

Deaths Due to Disease of the Heart: 1900-2011.

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