Joel Schlessinger, MD FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO PREVENT ACNE SCARRING Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

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Dr. Joel Schlessinger answers frequently asked questions about how to prevent acne scarring.

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Page 1: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Joel Schlessinger, MD


Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 2: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Acne scars develop in areas where acne, particularly cystic acne, has once been present. Some acne scars are shallow and atrophic. Others vary in size and appearance, often described as being like a boxcar in shape or an enlarged pore. Still others are shaped like ice picks, deep and narrow. Sometimes acne leaves behind post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a temporary discoloration of the skin where the blemish once developed. Though often confused with scarring, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is not a true scar and will fade on its own over time.

What is acne scarring?

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Page 3: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Acne scars occur because of the severe skin inflammation and collagen damage associated with certain types of acne. When a blemish becomes inflamed and engorged with sebum and other impurities, the pore swells, causing a break in the follicle wall. If the break to the follicle wall is deep, healthy skin tissue can become permanently lost or damaged, resulting in a scar.

Why does acne scarring occur?


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Page 4: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Patients are more at risk to develop acne scarring if they:o Suffer from severe acne with painful

nodules and cysts.o Developed acne at a young age, such as

during the preteen years.o Have blood relatives with acne scarring,

leaving them genetically predisposed.o Noticed no results from over-the-

counter acne treatments.

Who is at risk for acne scarring?

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Page 5: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Most acne scarring is preventable, but it takes diligence and commitment. You’ll need an effective acne treatment program and you’ll need to take charge of controlling any bad habits like picking. Try these tips from Dr. Joel Schlessinger to greatly reduce the chances of developing acne scarring.

What can I do to prevent acne scarring?

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Page 6: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

The fewer blemishes and breakouts you have, the less likely you are to develop acne scars. The best thing you can do to prevent acne scarring is to treat the actual acne first. Consult with your dermatologist to pinpoint the cause of your acne and come up with the best treatment plan. While over-the-counter products can sometimes help acne, using the wrong regimen for your needs could result in more damage to your skin over time. An expert like Dr. Schlessinger will be able to prescribe an affordable, prescription-strength treatment regimen for your specific type of acne.

1. Treat acne first.


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Page 7: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

If you’ve consulted with a physician and obtained a prescription for your acne, you should begin to see excellent results within weeks of treatment. Once your skin has cleared, it is crucial to maintain a treatment plan so that acne doesn’t return. You can consult with a physician to create an acne maintenance plan.

2. Continue to treat acne even after breakouts have cleared.

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Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 8: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

When you pick, squeeze or pop a pimple, bacteria can filter deeper into the skin, resulting in more damage to healthy tissue and collagen. More bacteria can also enter the blemish and cause infection and even more inflammation, resulting in more severe scarring. Though it may be tempting, never pick at a blemish.

3. Do not pick, poke, pop or squeeze pimples.

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Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 9: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Never use harsh scrubbing motions to clean your skin, as this could further irritate acne. Acne treatments can be potent. Always use your products as directed to avoid stripping the skin of moisture and disrupting its healthy oil balance. Wear a sun protection product every day since sun exposure can worsen acne and cause more skin discoloration. Choose a sunscreen like EltaMD UV Clear SPF 46 Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen, Dr. Schlessinger’s favorite non-comedogenic, oil-free and fragrance-free formula for acne patients.

4. Be gentle with your skin.

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Page 10: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Being patient is key when it comes to successfully beating acne. Acne treatments are not designed to work overnight, but they will usually produce a noticeable improvement in a matter of weeks. In the meantime, use any products and medications exactly as directed and do not try to take matters into your own hands by picking and popping or trying to supplement with other treatments.

5. Be patient with your skin’s progress.

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Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 11: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Never self-treat for even moderate acne. It is far better in the long run to seek treatment from an expert. Dr. Joel Schlessinger, board-certified dermatologist at Skin Specialists of Omaha, can assess the type and cause of your acne and recommend affordable treatment options. His expertise and years of experience have yielded excellent results for his patients. The following photos from his clinic illustrate a marked improvement in those patients with mild to severe acne.

When it comes to clearing acne, it’s important to see the right dermatologist.


Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 12: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Acne treated with standard treatment options


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Page 13: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Acne treated with Accutane


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Page 14: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Before and after yeast acne treatment


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Page 15: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Acne treatment before and after


Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.

Page 16: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - How to Prevent Acne Scarring

Here’s how you can find outmore about Dr. Joel Schlessinger:- Facebook http://www.facebook.com/drjoelschlessinger- Twitter http://www.twitter.com/drschlessinger- Blogs http://drjoelschlessinger.com/


Interested in learning more or setting up an appointment? Call 402.334.7546 or visit http://www.LovelySkin.com/Acne to browse our full selection of products.