An overview

Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

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Page 1: Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

An overview

Page 2: Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

IVF refers to In-vitro fertilization. This procedure is done on couples who cannot reproduce normally.

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) means ‘fertilisation in glass’ , which also means‘test tube baby’.

In IVF process, eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilised with sperm in the laboratory. The fertilised egg is later placed in the woman’s womb through a needle.

Page 3: Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

IVF cost in India is high but the good news is this procedure

increases the chance of having a baby.

A clinic may recommend IVF as treatment option if :

1. you have been diagnosed with infertility

2. If your fallopian tubes are blocked.

3. you have been unsuccessful with techniques like using fertility

drugs or intrauterine insemination (IUI)

There are many procedures involved in IVF like blood testing, semen

testing, sperm count, hormone tests etc

Page 4: Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

As a first step of the IVF process you may be given a drug to suppress your cycle.

Treatment is given either as a daily injection or a nasal spray. This continues for about two


Boosting egg supply

After the natural cycle is suppressed you are given a fertility hormone . This is usually taken as

a daily injection for 12 days.

Checking on progress

Throughout the drug treatment, the clinic will monitor your progress by vaginal ultrasound

scans and blood tests.

A hormone injection is given to help your eggs mature.

Collecting the eggs

In IVF process eggs are collected under sedation.

Fertilising the eggs

Your eggs are mixed with your partner’s sperm and cultured in the laboratory for 20 hours.

They are then checked to see if any have fertilised or not.

After egg collection, patient is given medication to help prepare the lining of the womb for

embryo transfer. This is given as injection or gel.

Page 5: Ivf Cost In India, Ivf Procedure, Infertility Treatment, Best Ivf Centre In Delhi

As said before, IVF treatment is costly. There are many

tests and procedures to be followed in IVF and they take a

lot finances.

An approximate cost of a IVF in India is about Rs 2-4


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It is always advisable to visit a clinic which has a good

track record and has qualified and experienced doctors.

There are many reputed clinics like Southend Fertility and

IVF, which have a good success rate of IVF’s.