How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Once and For All

How to get rid of varicose veins once

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How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Once and For All

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Standing and sitting for long periods of time.


High in junk carbs and fats and low in fiber diet.

Hormonal influences during pregnancy.

Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins

Exercise- it helps with varicose veins by pushing blood back into circulation.

A high fiber diet- varicose veins are rarely seen in parts of the world where high fiber diets are the norm.

The herb horse chestnut- contains escin which helps strengthen vein valves, walls

and capillaries.

Vitamins C and E- in combination with a bioflavonoid called hesperidin helps promote better circulation and

strengthens the walls of the veins.

Supplements for Varicose Veins

Clearly Fiber Powder by DaVinci Labs

Two teaspoons of this powder provides 5 grams of soluble fiber.

Grape Seed Supreme by Designs for Health

This contains resveratrol —which are all excellent for promoting circulation and balancing your inflammatory response.

C-Plex by Karuna

Contains flavonoids that stabilizes vascular permeability and capillary integrity.

Horse Chestnut Extract by Integrative Therapeutics

Herbal support for circulation of the legs and vascular system.

Contain a synergistic blend of vitamin C, and standardized extracts of horse chestnut for comprehensive vascular support.

Varitonin by Douglas Labs

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