HCI’s Knowledge- & Information-Sharing Platform: A brief introduction & overview In partnership with:

Demo of KISP

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This demo shows the working of HCI's Knowledge and Information-sharing System.

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Page 1: Demo of KISP

HCI’s Knowledge- & Information-Sharing Platform:

A brief introduction & overview

In partnership with:

Page 2: Demo of KISP

Slide 2HCI’s KISP

Imagine: A Russian speaking doctor needs information on the right doses of a new medicine against HIV. He asks his question online in Russian, and within a few hours he receives the answer from a Dutch specialist, in Russian.

How? Through an innovative translation and communication system that allows personal, direct and fast contact.

This is how it works....

Photo courtesy of Adriaan Backer & AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)

Page 3: Demo of KISP

Slide 3Registered users

RiniSpecialist in HIV in



OlegMedical moderator

in Kyrgyzstan

MarinaDoctor in Kyrgyzstan

Page 4: Demo of KISP

Slide 4Meet Marina

- Physician at oblast AIDS centre (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

- Does not speak English

- She would like to interact with healthcare professionals in the

West to learn about the latest best-practices in HIV and TB

treatment, care and support.

- She cares for a pregnant HIV+ woman and wants to know if she

should treat her with anti-retroviral therapy.

Page 5: Demo of KISP

Slide 5My Health Connections English | Русский

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25 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum plo

fendum soaler exctratum?

23 Mar 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol?

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Scenario: Marina needs information about ART in pregnant women

Page 6: Demo of KISP

Slide 6

Scenario: Knowledge area browsing & posting a new question

My Health Connections Welcome Mrs. Marina Petrovna (log out) English | Русский

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Latest Q&AsDate issued Subject of question Key pop.

New 29 Mar 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital WomenNew 14 Mar 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem Injecting drug userNew 3 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum PrisonsNew 23 Feb 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol Sex workersNew 23 Feb 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital Sex workersNew 21 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem Injecting drug user

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Latest additions to the Documentation centre:

Date issued Title Type File type24 Feb 2009 Defiato corendu Journal pdf25 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem Essay doc26 Feb 2009 corendum Journal -28 Feb 2009 kadem ol News item -

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Page 7: Demo of KISP

Slide 7

Scenario: Posting a new questionWelcome Mrs. Marina Petrovna (log out) English | Русский

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Please provide a short, yet precise question. This will reduce the time spent translating, answering and re-translating your question. All of the fields below are required.


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My Health Connections

Page 8: Demo of KISP

Slide 8Meet Valery

- Valery is an Eng > Rus / Rus > Eng translator with

experience on medically-related texts

- He logs into KISP to check for new translations


- He translates directly in the system

Page 9: Demo of KISP

Slide 9

Scenario: Translations Work Load

My Health ConnectionsWelcome Mr. Valery Krsjtov (log out)

English | Русский

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Work Load: All Q&As awaiting translationFilterKeyword: Knowledge area: <all areas>

Date issued Subject of question Knowledge Area

24 Mar 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV & AIDS, Testing Check out

14 Mar 2009 ART for pregnant patient HIV & AIDS, Treatment Check out

3 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV & AIDS, Prevention Check out

3 Mar 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV & AIDS, Support Check out

1 Mar 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV & AIDS, Prevention Check out

28 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV & AIDS, Treatment Check out

28 Feb 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV & AIDS, Treatment Check out

27 Feb 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV & AIDS, Prevention Check out

26 Feb 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV & AIDS, Prevention Check out

25 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV & AIDS, Testing Check out

24 Feb 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV & AIDS, Policy Check out

23 Feb 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV & AIDS, Support Check out

22 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV & AIDS, Testing Check out

22 Feb 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV & AIDS, Treatment Check out

21 Feb 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV & AIDS, Policy Check out

20 Feb 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV & AIDS, Prevention Check out

19 Feb 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV & AIDS, Testing Check out

17 Feb 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV & AIDS, Support Check out

Tagged with: <any tag>


My Translations

Page 10: Demo of KISP

Slide 10

Scenario: Translating a new question

My Health Connections Welcome Valery Krsjtov (log out) English | Русский

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Translation of subject:

Translation of Question:

Question in Russian1


Section G

ART for pregnant patientI have an HIV-positive patient is 25 years old and 14 weeks pregnant. Her lowest CD4 count 700 and her viral load never exceeded 1000 copies / mL. Should this patient be treated with antiretroviral drugs. If so, should the regimen consist of 2 or 3 agents?

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Page 11: Demo of KISP

Slide 11Meet Rini

- Rini is a HIV specialist physician in Denver, Colorado, USA

- Has worked in Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries,

and is familiar with the local treatment setting

- Rini visits KISP a few times a week to answer questions

from her peers in Central Asia

Page 12: Demo of KISP

Slide 12

Scenario: Answering a question

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My Health Connections Welcome Dr. Rini Lawson (log out) English | Русский

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New questions in your areas of expertiseFilterKeyword: Knowledge area: HIV& AIDS Treatment

The list is filtered (clear all filters)

Date issued Subject of question Knowledge Area

25 Mar 2009 ART for pregnant patient HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

24 Mar 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

23 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

23 Mar 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

22 Mar 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

21 Mar 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

20 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

19 Mar 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

17 Mar 2009 Defiato corendum pelardo ital kolor dim atem HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

16 Mar 2009 Mergal si atem kolor dim atem kolor dim HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

15 Mar 2009 Lec arfum defiato corendum HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

14 Mar 2009 Oldario pestar ti kadem ol HIV/Aids, Prevention Check out

Your Areas of Expertise (edit)

HIV & AIDSTreatmentOut-patient CareOutreach / Peer EducationPolicy DevelopmentPrevention of Mother-to-Child

Transmission of HIV (PMTCT)

Palliative CareBuddy SystemPain ManagementPeer SupportPsychosocial Care & Support

Reproductive HealthGynaecologyFertility / SterilityObstetricsSexually Transmitted InfectionsSex EducationWomen’s Health

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Page 13: Demo of KISP

Slide 13Translate the answer

Valery (or one of his colleagues) translates

the answer provided by Rini into Russian.

Page 14: Demo of KISP

Slide 14Marina notified

- Marina logs in to KISP to receive the

answer to her question

Page 15: Demo of KISP

Slide 15

Scenario: Dashboard with new answer

My Health Connections Welcome Dr. Marina Petrovna (log out) English | Русский

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Welcome to ‘My Health Connections’

My QuestionsYou have 2 new answers.

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Guided tour

Issued Status Subject

25 Mar 2009 Ready ART for pregnant woman

24 Mar 2009 Awaiting Ans Defiato corendum pelardo ital

23 Mar 2009 Q in translation Mergal si atem kolor dim atem

22 Mar 2009 Ready Lec arfum defiato corendum

21 Mar 2009 Awaiting Ans Oldario pestar ti kadem ol

19 Mar 2009 Ans in trans Orgaler si ato firem di alortes

nextnext HIV & AIDS


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Tuberculosis (TB)


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Page 16: Demo of KISP

Slide 16

Scenario: Read a translated answerMy Health Connections English | Русский

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Section G

ART for pregnant patientI have an HIV-positive patient is 25 years old and 14 weeks pregnant. Her lowest CD4 count 700 and her viral load never exceeded 1000 copies / mL. Should this patient be treated with antiretroviral drugs. If so, should the regimen consist of 2 or 3 agents?

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Date posted: 24 Mar 2009

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Your question (and answer)

Answer Date answered: 25 Mar 2009

Absolutely. I would definitely treat this pregnant woman.

In the US, we’d use a three-drug regimen with the goal of attaining an undetectable HIV viral load prior to delivery. HIV drug resistance testing prior to beginning treatment is highly recommended, especially in pregnancy. Typically, as long as there is no resistance, we’ll use an AZT-based treatment (i.e., Combivir) with Kaletra. Know that it’s also recommended to evaluate Iopinavir levels during the third trimester, as the volume of distribution increases (and drug levels decrease).


Reference 1:

Answered by:

Title: Side Effects of Reyataz | Abstract | download | open in new window

Language: English

File-format: Pdf (do you want to download acrobat reader?)

Primary Classified under: HIV-Aids - Prevention

Rini Lawson (click to visit public profile)

Country of residence: USA

Languages: English

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Welcome Dr. Marina Petrovna (log out)

Page 17: Demo of KISP

Slide 17

Activity on HCI’s KISP

How it works: Part 1

1. Question by Marina (in Russian)

-2. Translated to English

3. Answered by Rini (in English)

-4. Translated back to Russian

5. Read by Marina

Marina uses KISP herself, posting in Russian

Page 18: Demo of KISP

Slide 18

Marina calls the Red Crescent and the Medical Moderator (Oleg) posts

How it works: Part 2 (when Marina can’t get to a PC)

1. Question by Marina3. Answered by Rini (in English)

4. Read by Oleg (in English or


2. Question (in English or Russian)

5. Answer to MarinaActivity on KISP

Activity via other channels

Page 19: Demo of KISP

Slide 19

Remember what it’s all about…

Photo courtesy of Adriaan Backer & AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)