Decompression Sickness (DCS) Robert Bruck ETEC 661


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Page 1: DecompressionSickness

Decompression Sickness (DCS)

Robert BruckETEC 661

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Why Develop This Lesson Plan

• Decompression sickness can result in:

• Fatalities

• Paralysis

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What is Decompression Sickness

• Result of change in barometric pressure• Affects non-compressible parts of the body• Formation of gas bubbles during pressure changes

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Occurrences• Un-pressurized aircraft.• Spacecraft Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA).• Caisson works.• Diving

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• Staying at depths exceeding 1 atmosphere too long.

• Rapid ascent.

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How DCS Occurs

• Henrys Law basically states that gasses will dissolve into a fluid in proportion to the partial pressure exposed to.

• When breathing compressed air in higher pressure, the body absorbs many more molecules of nitrogen and oxygen than at sea level.

• During ascension, the human body must outgas all of the additional molecules stored in the body tissue.

• If this is not accomplished, DCS occurs

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If we ascend to the summit of a mountain that stands at 3.2 km above sea level…..

• Atmospheric pressure is only 30% of the 1.04 kg per cm² at sea level (14.7 lb per

inch²).• We are physiologically disadvantaged in

oxygen intake which may lead to hypoxia• At 19 km of altitude blood boils

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DCS Types• Bends• Neurological• Pulmonary• Skin Bends

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Bends Symptoms

• Localized deep pain.• Pain associated with joint activity.• Pain experienced with increases in altitude.

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Neurological Symptoms• Brain Amnesia-Headache -Vision -Nausea

• Spine Tingling in lower chest and back-Extreme weakness -Constriction in chest

• Peripheral Nerve System Incontinence -Parastethia -Twitching

• Inner Ear Vertigo -Loss of balance-Loss of hearing

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Pulmonary Symptoms

• Burning in chest• Respiration pain• Dyspnea• Dry cough

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Skin Bends Symptoms

• Formication, crawling skin sensation.• Pitting edema, swelling of the skin.• Itching. • Skin discoloration.

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If You Suspect DCS• Inform a dive physician• Keep the patient calm, quiet and flat • Administer 100% oxygen if available• Encourage oral fluid intake• Administer CPR if needed• Arrange for transfer to a decompression facility

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Thank YouI hope this was informative and may be of help

to anyone encountering DCS in the future.Some informative sites:http://www.medtogo.com/acute-decompression-bends.htmlhttp://www.diversalertnetwork.org/default.aspxhttp://www.thwoundcenter/faq.asp

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