Craig H Morse – Simple Health Tips

Craig H Morse - Simple health tips

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Craig H Morse – Simple Health Tips

Page 2: Craig H Morse - Simple health tips

Sip Oolong Tea

Research suggests that people with mild eczema who drink oolong tea three times a day may show improvement in itching and other symptoms.

Compounds in the tea called polyphenols appear to be responsible.

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Go Herbal

For varicose veins, try horse chestnut, an herbal extract that's been shown in studies to strengthen veins and reduce swelling. The herb is also

available in topical creams, though there's not as much evidence for these.

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Enjoy Ginger

The volatile oils in ginger have long made it a useful herbal remedy for nasal and chest congestion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a 1-inch piece of

peeled, grated ginger; steep for 10 minutes; and strain. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as needed.

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Go Fish

If you suffer from dry eyes, up your seafood intake. Salmon, sardines, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which the body uses to produce tears,

among other things. Research suggests that people who consume higher amounts of these fats are less likely to have dry eyes.

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Benefit From Bilberry

Studies are mixed, but some have found that bilberry, a relative of the blueberry, may improve night vision. During World War II, fighter pilots

reported better night vision after eating bilberry jam. Take 25 to 50 milligrams of bilberry extract; expect best results within the first few hours.

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Eat Bananas

People whose diets are rich in potassium may be less prone to high blood pressure. Besides reducing sodium and taking other heart-healthy steps, eat potassium-packed picks such as bananas, cantaloupe, and oranges.

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Love Lavender

To ease stress and prepare for bed, soak in a hot bath spiked with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Play soothing music while you bathe to

unwind further.

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Keep Capsaicin Cream on Hand

For sore muscles and joints, apply a cream or ointment that contains capsaicin, the active ingredient in chile peppers, two or three times a day.

The heat from the peppers has been shown to help relieve pain.

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Get a Massage

Certain trigger points -- spots of tension in musculoskeletal tissue -- can cause back pain. Ask a massage therapist or other bodyworker who

specializes in myofascial release or neuromuscular therapy to focus on these points during a massage.

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Try Tea Tree Oil

For athlete's foot, reach for tea tree oil, an extract of the leaves of an Australian tree. It appears to have antiseptic properties and may work as well as or better than over-the-counter antifungal products. Apply a light

coating of the oil to affected areas two to three times a day; continue for a week or two after symptoms disappear.

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Eat Avocados

For dry skin, incorporate more avocados into your diet. They're rich in monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, both of which promote healthy skin.

Try them on salads and sandwiches, and even in smoothies.

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Arm Yourself with Arnica

Homeopathic creams, gels, and ointments that contain arnica, a flower similar to the daisy, have long been used to relieve swelling and bruising.

Rub into the affected area, but stop using if you develop skin irritation.

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Watch Your Carbs

Trying to reduce belly fat? Pay attention to your carbohydrate intake and avoid artificial sweeteners. Sugary snacks and other refined carbs spike

blood sugar and cause pounds to settle in your midsection. Choose whole grains, beans, and vegetables instead.

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Use Licorice

Treat canker sores, painful spots on the inside of the mouth, with deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which appears to soothe mucous

membranes. Buy in powder form and mix with a little water to make a paste; apply it to the sore as needed.

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Drink Cranberry Juice

Cranberries contain a substance that appears to keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and has been shown to help prevent UTIs.

Because cranberry cocktail is high in sugar, drink unsweetened juice diluted with water or take capsules of powdered cranberry extract.

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Get Your Daily D

Get your vitamin D level checked with a simple blood test. D is at least as important as calcium for strong bones, and most Americans don't get

enough. Get a minimum of 1,000 IU a day through supplements and food.

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Chew Some Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are considered a carminative, a substance that helps relieve gas. Chew and then swallow about half a teaspoon of the seeds after meals.

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Have Some Honey

Research suggests that honey may be more effective than over-the-counter cough syrup at quelling nighttime coughing. Use a medicinal-grade variety

such as manuka honey and take up to 2 teaspoonfuls at bedtime.

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Eat Broccoli

For healthy gums, put this green vegetable on your grocery list. It's an excellent source of vitamin C and provides calcium as well, both of which

have been linked to lower rates of periodontal disease.

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Drink Green Tea

Hot or iced, green tea can help rev up your workout. Its catechins, antioxidants, and caffeine help increase the metabolic generation of heat.

Drink a cup about 10 minutes before exercising.