HOME ALONE NIGHTMARES BULLYING Caring For Children Daniel-Home Alone Chris-Bullying Adam-Nightmares

Caring For Children Compiled

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Caring For Children

Daniel-Home Alone Chris-BullyingAdam-Nightmares

Page 2: Caring For Children Compiled


You’re Driving Home With Your 6 Year Old Child In The Back Seat And Realise You Forgot To Do The Shopping. You Think To Yourself, ‘It Will Only Take 5 Minutes’… Should You Leave Your Child In The Car And Quickly Buy The Essentials?

A. A. Do The Shopping Another Time, Just Take Your Child Home.

B. B. Leave The Keys In The Car, Put The Air-Con On And Turn On The Radio.

C. C. Take Your Child With You.

Home Alone Resources

Leaving Your Child At Home AloneAt What Age Is It Safe?

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Awesome Choice!

A Winner Is You!

You Own At Parenting!

Nice Choice, Even If It Meant You Had To Deal With The Inconvenience Of Dragging Your 6 Year Old Child Along With You Everywhere You Went, You Still Managed To Purchase Tonight’s Dinner.

You And Your Child Will Not Starve Tonight!


Tonight You Dine On Food Fit For A King!

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Decent Decision!

Still Acceptable!

Hmm… You Didn’t Think This One Out.

Even Though You Did Make A Wise Decision In Going Home With Your Child, Your Forgot That You Actually Needed The Groceries You Didn’t Buy As There Is Absolutely No Food At Home.

You And Your Child Will Starve Tonight.


Bread And Water, Man… Bread And Water…

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Very, Very Bad!

What The…


Leaving your child in a car unsupervised at any time is extremely dangerous and not recommended. It may also be an offence, depending on the circumstances.

In summer the temperature in a car is much hotter than outside and your child can quickly suffer heat exhaustion and become seriously ill.

Children get bored and will explore the car’s knobs and buttons which can lead to dangers.

Children can become distressed or may try to struggle free from their seatbelts and become injured.

Children may be in danger of someone trying to steal the car or they may be taken away by someone.

Go Back And Try Again!

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Little Bobby wakes up one night screaming and saying the boogie man is after me!! He cant sleep for a long time afterwards what do you do?

A) Mostly what your child needs is comfort and calm reassurance that everything is alright and they are safe.

B) Children can be told that dreams are not real but it takes years for them to fully understand this.

C) TV and video can be powerful triggers. Allow them to watch as much TV as they want


Click hear for More information on How to prevent your Childs Nightmares

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Reassuring that your child is calm as safe before going to bed is one of the best ways to stop the child from having nightmares, if the child feels safe and related they are more likely to sleep well.

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Telling your child that the nightmares are Not real and can not hurt them can be helpful and may prevent nightmares, but this will probably not help them break away from there nightmares faster than doing other things might. (For more information read the Information link on nightmares)

Pass, But there was a better answer

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TV can be one of the most harmful elements to what a child thinks about when sleeping, allowing your child to watch large amounts of TV can be harmful to there sleeping patterns, also what a child watches should be monitored carefully as something frightening or Scary will only increase the amount of nightmares your child has.

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ScenarioYou child is being bullied at school but you are not aware of this at the present time. You think that something is wrong because they are not wanting to go to school, and seem stressed at home. What should you do to help the child in communicating with you and what should you suggest to the child to help with the issue.


C) Listen to them briefly and tell them to harden up and stop being a pussy

A) Listen to the child carefully and possibly teach them how to ignore it.

B) Before listening to them, assume they are being bullied and teach them ways around not being effected by it

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Excellent – This is correct approach

If you see that your kid is stressed or not wanting to go to school, a common sign is bullying. But before you assume this, it is best to talk to the child and listen to them carefully to help them with the situation. A good outcome is to teach them how to ignore other people trying to bully them.


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Assuming they are being bullied isn't recommended if you haven't talked the child about their situation. However teaching the child how to deal with being bullied can help if they are being bullied. You shouldn’t assume what the issue is straight away.

Talking to them and letting them explain the situation is more recommended before jumping the gate.

OK, this approach is just acceptable


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Not Recommended

This is not what you should do. Telling them to be stronger can make them feel underpowered an weaker.

Letting them talk you through what really is their issue and going for a more calmer approach instead of telling them to be something else, is more recommended.


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The End